Gauhati University TDC 5th Semester  Political Science Notes
GU 5th Semester  Political Science Suggestion


POL HC 5016 Classical Political Philosophy

I. Text and Interpretation 
Essential Readings: 
T. Ball, (2004) ‘History and Interpretation’ in C. Kukathas and G. Gaus, (eds.) Handbook of 
Political Theory, London: Sage Publications Ltd. pp. 18-30. 
B. Constant, (1833) ‘The Liberty of the Ancients Compared with that of the Moderns’, in D. 
Boaz, (ed), (1997) The Libertarian Reader, New York: The Free Press. 
Additional Readings: 
J. Coleman, (2000) ‘Introduction’, in A History of Political Thought: From Ancient Greece to 
Early Christianity, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, pp. 1-20. 
Q. Skinner, (2010) ‘Preface’, in  The  Foundations  of  Modern  Political  Thought  Volume  I, 
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press pp. ix-xv. 
II. Antiquity: 
Essential Readings: 
A.  Skoble  and  T.  Machan,  (2007)  Political  Philosophy:  Essential  Selections.  New  Delhi: 
Pearson Education, pp. 9-32. 
R.  Kraut,  (1996)  ‘Introduction  to  the  study  of  Plato’,  in  R.  Kraut  (ed.)  The  Cambridge 
Companion to Plato. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-50. 
C. Reeve, (2009) ‘Plato’, in D. Boucher and P. Kelly, (eds) Political Thinkers: From Socrates 
to the Present, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 62-80 
Additional Readings: 
S.  Okin,  (1992)  ‘Philosopher  Queens  and  Private  Wives’,  in  S.  Okin  Women  in  Western 
Political Thought, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 28-50 
R.  Kraut,  (1996)  ‘The  Defence  of  Justice  in  Plato's  Republic’,  in  R.  Kraut  (ed.)  The 
Cambridge Companion to Plato.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 311-337 
T.  Saunders,  (1996)  ‘Plato's  Later  Political  Thought’,  in  R.  Kraut  (ed.)  The  Cambridge 
Companion to Plato.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 464-492. 
Essential Readings: 
A.  Skoble  and  T.  Machan,  (2007)  Political  Philosophy:  Essential  Selections.  New  Delhi: 
Pearson Education, pp. 53-64. 
T. Burns, (2009) ‘Aristotle’, in  D. Boucher, and P. Kelly, (eds)  Political  Thinkers:  From 
Socrates to the Present. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.81-99. 
C.  Taylor,  (1995)  ‘Politics’,  in  J.  Barnes  (ed.),  The  Cambridge  Companion  to  Aristotle. 
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 232-258 
Additional Readings: 
J. Coleman, (2000) ‘Aristotle’, in J. Coleman A  History  of  Political Thought:  From  Ancient 
Greece to Early Christianity, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, pp.120-186 
D. Hutchinson, (1995) ‘Ethics’, in J. Barnes, (ed.), The  Cambridge  Companion  to  Aristotle 
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 195-232. 
III. Interlude: 
Essential Readings: 
A.  Skoble  and  T.  Machan,  (2007)  Political  Philosophy:  Essential  Selections.  New  Delhi: 
Pearson Education, pp. 124-130 
Q.  Skinner,  (2000)  ‘The  Adviser  to  Princes’,inMachiavelli:  A  Very  Short  Introduction, 
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 23-53 
J. Femia, (2009) ‘Machiavelli’, in D. Boucher, and P. Kelly, (eds) Political  Thinkers:  From 
Socrates to the Present.Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 163-184 
Additional Reading: 
Q.  Skinner,  (2000)  ‘The  Theorist  of  Liberty’,  in  Machiavelli:  A  Very  Short  Introduction. 
Oxford:Oxford University Press, pp. 54-87. 
IV. Possessive Individualism 
Essential Readings: 
A.  Skoble  and  T.  Machan,  (2007)  Political  Philosophy:  Essential  Selections.  New  Delhi: 
Pearson Education pp. 131-157. 
D. Baumgold, (2009) ‘Hobbes’, in D. Boucher and P. Kelly (eds) Political  Thinkers:  From 
Socrates to the Present.Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 189-206. 
C.  Macpherson  (1962)  The  Political  Theory  of  Possessive  Individualism:  Hobbes  to  Locke. 
Oxford University Press, Ontario, pp. 17-29. 
Additional Readings: 
I.Hampsher-Monk,  (2001)  ‘Thomas  Hobbes’,  in  A  History  of  Modern  Political  Thought: 
Major Political Thinkers from Hobbes to Marx, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, pp. 1-67. 
A. Ryan, (1996) ‘Hobbes's political philosophy’, in T. Sorell, (ed.) Cambridge Companion to 
Hobbes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 208-245. 
Essential Readings: 
A.  Skoble  and  T.  Machan,  (2007)  Political  Philosophy:  Essential  Selections.  New  Delhi: 
Pearson Education, pp. 181-209. 
J. Waldron, (2009) ‘John Locke’, in D. Boucher and P. Kelly, (eds) Political Thinkers: From 
Socrates to the Present.Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 207-224 
C.  Macpherson,  (1962)  The  Political  Theory  of  Possessive  Individualism:  Hobbes  to  Locke. 
Oxford University Press, Ontario, pp. 194-214. 
Additional Readings: 
R.  Ashcraft,  (1999)  ‘Locke's  Political  Philosophy’,  in  V.  Chappell  (ed.)  The  Cambridge 
Companion to Locke, Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, pp. 226-251. 
I. Hampsher-Monk, (2001) A History of Modern Political Thought: Major Political Thinkers 
from Hobbes to Marx, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, pp. 69-116

POL HC 5026 Indian Political Thought-I 
I .Traditions of Pre-modern Indian Political Thought: 
Essential Readings: 
B.  Parekh,  (1986)  ‘Some  Reflections  on  the  Hindu  Tradition  of  Political  Thought’,  in  T. 
Pantham,  and  K.  Deutsch  (eds.),  Political  Thought  in  Modern  India,  New  Delhi:  Sage 
Publications, pp. 17- 31. 
A. Altekar, (1958) ‘The Kingship’, in State  and  Government  in  Ancient  India,  3rd  edition, 
Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, pp. 75-108. 
M. Shakir, (1986) ‘Dynamics of Muslim Political Thought’, in T. Pantham, and K. Deutsch 
(eds.), Political Thought in Modern India, New Delhi: Sage Publications, pp. 142- 160 
G.  Pandey,  (1978)  Sraman  Tradition:  Its  History  and  Contribution  to  Indian  Culture, 
Ahmedabad: L. D. Institute of Indology, pp. 52-73. 
S.  Saberwal,  (2008)  ‘Medieval  Legacy’,  in  Spirals  of  Contention,  New  Delhi:  Routledge, 
pp.1- 31 
II. Ved Vyasa (Shantiparva): Rajadharma 
Essential Readings: 
The  Mahabharata  (2004),  Vol.  7  (Book  XI  and  Book  XII,  Part  II),  Chicago  and  London: 
University of Chicago Press. 
V.  Varma,  (1974)  Studies  in  Hindu  Political  Thought  and  Its  Metaphysical  Foundations, 
Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, pp. 211- 230. 
B. Chaturvedi, (2006) ‘Dharma-The  Foundation  of  Raja-Dharma, Law and Governance’, in 
The Mahabharta: An Inquiry in the Human Condition, Delhi: Orient Longman, pp. 418- 464. 
IV. Manu: Social Laws 
Essential Readings: 
Manu, (2006) ‘Rules for Times of Adversity’, in P. Olivelle, (ed. &trans.) Manu’s Code of 
Law:  A  Critical  Edition  and  Translation  of  the  Manava-  Dharamsastra,  New  Delhi:  OUP, 
pp. 208-213. 
V. Mehta, (1992) ‘The Cosmic Vision: Manu’, in Foundations  of  Indian  Political  Thought, 
Delhi: Manohar, pp. 23- 39. 
R. Sharma, ( 1991) ‘Varna in Relation to Law and Politics (c 600 BC-AD 500)’, in Aspects of 
Political Ideas and Institutions in Ancient India, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, pp. 233- 251. 
P.  Olivelle,  (2006)  ‘Introduction’,  in  Manu’s  Code  of  Law:  A  Critical  Edition  and 
Translation of the Manava –Dharmasastra, Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 3- 50. 
V. Kautilya: Theory of State 
Essential Readings: 
Kautilya, (1997) ‘The Elements of Sovereignty’ in R. Kangle (ed. and trns.), Arthasastra  of 
Kautilya, New Delhi: Motilal Publishers, pp. 511- 514. 
V.Mehta,  (1992)  ‘The  Pragmatic  Vision:  Kautilya  and  His  Successor’,  in  Foundations  of 
Indian Political Thought, Delhi: Manohar, pp. 88- 109. 
R.  Kangle,  (1997)  Arthashastra  of  Kautilya-Part-III:  A  Study,  Delhi:  Motilal  Banarsidass, 
rpt., pp. 116- 142. 
Additional Reading: 
J. Spellman, (1964) ‘Principle of Statecraft’, in Political Theory of Ancient India: A Study of 
Kingship from the Earliest time to Ceirca AD 300, Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 132- 170. 
VI. Agganna Sutta (Digha Nikaya): Theory of Kingship 
Essential Readings: 
S.  Collins,  (ed),  (2001)  Agganna  Sutta:  An  Annotated  Translation,  New  Delhi:  Sahitya 
Academy, pp. 44-49. 
S.  Collins,  (2001)  ‘General  Introduction’,  in  Agganna  Sutta:  The  Discussion  on  What  is 
Primary (An Annotated Translation from Pali), Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, pp. 1- 26. 
B. Gokhale, (1966) ‘The Early Buddhist View of the State’, in The Journal of Asian Studies, 
Vol. XXVI, (1), pp. 15- 22. 
Additional Reading: 
L. Jayasurya, ‘Budhism, Politics and Statecraft’, Available at 
ftp.buddhism.org/Publications/.../Voll1_03_Laksiri%20Jayasuriya.pdf,Accessed: 19.04.2013. 
VII. Barani: Ideal Polity  
Essential Reading: 
I. Habib, (1998) ‘Ziya Barni’s Vision of the State’, in The Medieval History Journal, Vol. 2, 
(1), pp. 19- 36. 
Additional Reading: 
M. Alam, (2004) ‘Sharia Akhlaq’, in The Languages of Political Islam in India 1200- 1800, 
Delhi: Permanent Black, pp. 26- 43 
VIII. Abul Fazal: Monarchy 
Essential Readings: 
A.  Fazl,  (1873)  The  Ain-i  Akbari  (translated  by  H.  Blochmann),  Calcutta:  G.  H.  Rouse,  pp. 47-57. 
V. Mehta, (1992) ‘The Imperial Vision: Barni and Fazal’, in Foundations of Indian Political 
Thought, Delhi: Manohar, pp. 134- 156. 
Additional Readings: 
M. Alam, (2004) ‘Sharia in Naserean Akhlaq’, in Languages of Political Islam in India1200- 
1800, Delhi: Permanent Black, pp. 46- 69. 
I. Habib, (1998) ‘Two Indian Theorist of The State: Barani and Abul Fazal’, in Proceedings 
of the Indian History Congress. Patiala, pp. 15- 39. 
IX. Kabir: Syncreticism 
Essential Readings: 
Kabir.  (2002)  The  Bijak  of  Kabir,  (translated  by  L.  Hess  and  S.  Singh),  Delhi:  Oxford 
University Press, No. 30, 97, pp. 50- 51 & 69- 70. 
V.Mehta, (1992) Foundation of Indian Political Thought, Delhi: Manohar, pp. 157- 183. 
G. Omvedt, (2008) ‘Kabir and Ravidas, Envisioning Begumpura’, in Seeking  Begumpura: 
The Social Vision of Anti Caste Intellectual, Delhi: Navayana, pp. 91- 107. 
Additional Reading: 
L.  Hess  and  S.  Singh,  (2002)  ‘Introduction’,  in  The  Bijak  of  Kabir,  New  Delhi:  Oxford 
University Press, pp. 3- 35.

লেখকৰ সুবিধা অনুসৰি কিতাপখনৰ প্ৰশ্ন আৰু উত্তৰ দিয়া হোৱা নাই । যদি প্ৰশ্ন আৰু উত্তৰ লাগে আমাৰ MODEL BOOKS CILCK  কৰক MODEL BOOKS 


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জনমত আৰু জৰীপ গৱেষণা

GU BA 5th Sem Political Science Question and Answer


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