Chapter – II



A.   Very short answer questions.

Q1. What do you understand by physical development of a child?

Ans :  Changes in height and weight along  with changes in size and shape  of a child is known as physical development.

Q2. What is the average weight and height of a child at birth?

Ans : the average weight of a child should be 2.5kg and height  should be around 50cm at birth.

Q3. What are the two factors which controls the body size of a new born child?

Ans – body size of a new born infant is controlled by two factors. They are-

a)     Hereditary

b)    Environment

Q4. Name two aspects of motor development.

Ans : The two aspects of motor development  are-

       a)     Opportunities to learn

       b)    Opportunities to practice

Q5. At what age a child is able to sit and stand without help?

Ans : At the age of 1-2 years the child is able to sit and stand without taking       others  help.


Q6. Define cognitive development

Ans : Cognitive development means how children think, explore and figure things out. It is the development of knowledge, skills, problem solving and dispositions, which help children to think about and understand the world around them.

Q7. What is socialization?

Ans :  Socialization is the process by which children acquire the values, standards of behavior, attitudes, and skills that are viewed as appropriate to the culture in which the child resides. In short , socialization means behaving well in a group.

Q8. Name two emotions of a one year child.

Ans : Crying and anger are the two signs of emotions of a one year child




B.   Short answer questions

Q1. Write in brief about the changes in weight of a child from birth to three years.

Ans : From birth to about age 1 or 2 years, children grow rapidly. After this time, growth slows. As growth slows, children need fewer calories and parents may notice a decrease in appetite. 2 year-old children can have very erratic eating habits. During the preschool and school years, growth in height and weight is steady. By 3 years of age, muscle tone increases and the proportion of body fat decreases, so the body begins to look leaner and more muscular. Most children are physically able to control their bowels and bladder at this time.


Q2. Explain any two important skills of childhood

Ans : Two  important skills of childhood are as follow-

         a) Teamwork - teamwork is an essential skill for every young child to learn. It comes into play in everyday situations like during playtime with a friend or when helping parents or siblings with chores. Teamwork will help the child to build relationships and interact with others.

          b) Adaptability – for children, adaptability means learning how to react to new information and how to do the task easily.  For example-in order to successfully play together one must adapt to the action of their friends.

Q3. At what age does a child can crawl and can hold a toy or a small object properly?

Ans: At 5 months a child can crawl and hold a toy or a small object properly.


Q.4 How nine months old children express his fear to an unfamiliar object or sound?

Ans: A nine months old children can express his fear to an unfamiliar object or sound by showing with his specific fingers.


Q5. How a seven months old child express his love and affection.

Ans :  A seven months old child express his love and affection by hugging, and cuddling  to the person with whom he is  much attached and comfortable specially to mother.


Q6. How cognitive development affects in behavior changes of children between 7-12 months.

Ans : Cognitive development has some effect on changing the behavior on children. Children of this age understand and adapt certain behavior from their own experience. For example, if a child touches a hot cup of tea and hurt himself than  next time when he see the cup will not touch it because he associate the burning feeling with the cup.


Q7. Write about the physical development of a child from four to six months old children.

Ans:  Chidren at 4 months gain control over different tissues in neck, chest and waist region. Therefore they are able to sit for some time with the help of pillow, cushion or any holding object. At 5 months they have completed control over head and can grasp small objects like toys etc.  6 months old child can grasp mobile or any hanging object and also can sit independently in a chair.


Q8.  Explain about the language development of one year old child.

Ans: 1-year-old should be able to understand quite a few words by now.  This means that if we mention a familiar object or person, the child will point to it or look at it. Around 12 months of age is typically when we hear children saying their first word. Children are typically able to use sign language to communicate a single word earlier than they can speak it. The child is putting together different sounds like “buh duh  gah”. Uses a variety of vowels and consonants while babbling. Children have been known to use simple signs as early as 9-months of age.


C. Long answer questions
Q1. Discuss briefly about physical development of one year old child.

Ans: Physical developments of one year old child are -

  • Standing -Around 1 year, babies are able to pull themselves up to a standing position with support. After this, they will be able to move their hands and body without support and stand alone by around 14 months. By the 15th month, babies should be able to bend down from a standing position to pick up an object.
  • Kneeling and Climbing - At around one year, babies will kneel and creep up the stairs. They try to climb stairs with the support of a railing, and would run around much more than they used to. Climbing on and off furniture is also something they would do at this age.
  • Hand and Finger Coordination - One-year-olds exhibit improved hand and finger coordination.They are also able to use their hands much more, sometimes using one more than the other. They are able to push and pull objects and pick up toys. Toddlers will also be able to catch and throw things. At this stage, toddlers will show a greater preference for push and pull toys like toy trains and cars.
  • Walking and Running - Between the ages of 1-2, children learn to walk, run, hop, and even jump. Children from crawling to walking and running by the age of 20 months. Typically, babies will move from one place to another while standing and holding onto a support. As they reach two years of age they are able to move around independently. They begin to walk on their own and are also able to walk backwards.
  •  Feeding Themselves - As they grow from 1-year-olds to 2 year, toddlers exhibit the ability to feed themselves. Now they are able to sit in the table and take their meals independently. When seated at the table, if we fill up a bowl with cereal we might see the baby empty it on the table and eat off the surface.


Q2. Explain any two motor skills of small children.

Ans : Motor skills are used everyday throughout our lives. Motor skills and         motor control begin developing after birth, and will progress as children grow. The two motor skills of small children are-

  • Opportunities to learn – the child should be given opportunity to learn different skills of motor development. Many parents nowadays don't allow their child to crawl or much needed opportunities as they might feel that their child will get hurt and met accident. If the child is alone he can master these skills very easily for which help from other is essential.
  • Opportunities to practice – the children should be given opportunities to practice the skills. They should leave freely when walking, crawling or doing any kind of skills because practice makes it easy to any kind of skills. If we allow the child to practice, someday he will able to walk properly.


Q3. What are the different play skills? Explain

Ans : the different play skills are-

a) Hand skills- Fine motor skills are those that involve use of the small muscles which control the hand, fingers and thumb. With the development of these skills, a child is able to complete important tasks such as writing, feeding oneself, buttoning and zippering. After the age of 3, the child can draw straight, vertical and horizontal line. Two to three years old child are capable of helping their mothers  by shelding peas, putting waste in dustbin etc. These abilities gradually develop through experience and exposure to a variety of toys, materials and even foods.


b) Leg skills – children about 2-3 years of age can walk forward, backward and sideways. At 3 year old the child can ride a tricycle. They can also dance well at this age. Climbing on small, safe furniture or play equipment. Pushing, pulling, lifting and carrying to build your child’s strength. This are some kind of activities that we  see in a toddler during their  physical and cognitive development.


Q4. Define social development? At what age do the children become possessive of belongings? Discuss briefly about socialization.

Ans : Social development is the ability of a child to behave in a manner acceptable to the  society in which he lives. Social development is about improving the well-being of every individual in society so they can reach their full potential.

                   Around 10-18 months of age the child becomes angry if someone takes the things belongings to his own or his parents. The child become antisocial at this period and doesn’t want to share his paly items with others. Children at this stage indulge in individual play and become possessive of their belongings.

                   Socialization is a process through which the child learns to behave well in a society. Although the process continues throughout life, socialization plays a significant role in psychological development during childhood. Children who are completely deprived of social contact in their early years may, in some cases, be unable to develop culturally accepted social skills as adults.


Q5. What is emotional development? What are the types of emotions?How children express their emotions?

Ans: Emotional development means the ability to control emotions and express them in socially accepted ways.

          There are of two types of emotions – constructive emotion and destructive emotions. Love, affection, joy, pleasure etc are constructive emotions. Fear, depression, jealousy, strums etc are destructive emotions.

          Emotions begin in infancy in ways that look familiar. During the first six months of life, it is not necessarily the case that babies are 'experiencing' emotions. During this period, there is development of bonds between parents, siblings and grandparents. They express their emotions by hugging or cuddling to the person he is attached to especially to mother.


Q6. What is known as cognitive development? Mention the cognitive characteristics of two to three year old child.

Ans : Cognitive development is the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood.

The cognitive characteristics of two to three year old child are-

  • name and identifies objects in pictures
  • enjoys simple stories and songs
  • points to body parts when asked
  • relates what they are doing to others
  • observe and imitate adult actions, for example pretending to drive a car
  • interested in looking through books
  • enjoys playing with sand, water, dough; explores what these materials can do more than making things with them
  • uses symbolic play, e.g. use a block as a car
  • identifies picture as a boy or girl
  • engages in making believe and pretend play and enjoys drawing pictures.



Q.7 How does the language develops in children from seven months to twelve months of age? Explain
Ans : During 7 -9 months of age the child can pronounce double sounds like mama,  dada,  baba,  papa, tata etc. They use to speak some words which have no meaning.. Gradually the child can produce some words which have associated meaning with any object. Children at the age of ten to twelve months start speaking in simple and short sentences. Thus children learn to use specific sentences by using one or two words. The language develops well with repeated words. Children try to imitate elders while using different words. This is how the children use to develop language skills among themselves.



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