A Letter From Miss Leela
Class - V

1. Answer the Question:

a. Why did the students like Miss Leels?
   ছাত্ৰ সকলে কিয় মিছ লীলাক ভাল পাইছিল?

Ans:- The students liked Miss leela because she used to explain the lessons so well that no one had any difficulty in learning.

( ছাত্ৰ সকলে মিছ লীলাক ভাল পাইছিল কাৰণ তেওঁ পাঠ বোৰ অতি সুন্দৰ ভাবে বাখ্যা কৰিছিল যে ছাত্ৰসকলে জ্ঞান আহৰণ কৰাত কোনো ধৰণৰ অসুবিধা হোৱা নাছিল। )

b. Why did Miss Leela leave the town?
   মিছ লীলা কিয় চহৰ এৰি গৈছিল?

Ans:- Miss Leela had left the town because she had got married.
         ( মিছ লীলা চহৰ এৰি গৈছিল কাৰণ তেওঁৰ বিয়া হৈছিল। )

c. Why did Miss Leela buy a pair of shoe for Sunu?
    ( মিছ লীলায়ে কিয় চুনুৰ বাবে এযোৰ জোতা কিনিছিল? )

Ans:- Miss Leela had learnt that Subu's mother had no money to buy that.
        ( মিছ লীলায়ে চুনুৰ বাবে এযোৰ জোতা কিনি দিছিল কাৰণ তেওঁ গম পাইছিল যে চুনুৰ মাকৰ হাতত জোতা যোৰ কিনিবলৈ পইচা নাছিল। )

d. Why does Sunu feel sorry?
    ( চুনুৰ মন কিয় বেয়া হৈছিল? )

Ans:- Sunu felt sorry of not giving proper farwell gift to Miss Leela.
        ( মিছ লীলাক বিদায়ৰ উচিত উপহাৰ দিব নোপোৱাৰ বাবে চুনুৰ বেয়া লাগিছিল। )

e. Who is the new class teacher?
    ( নতুন শ্ৰেণী অধ্যাপীকা কোন?

Ans:- Miss Allen is the new class teacher.
        ( নতুন শ্ৰেণী অধ্যাপীকা মিছ এলেন হয়। )

f. Why does Sunu smile after reading the letter?
    ( চুনুয়ে চিঠি খন পঢ়াৰ পাছত কিয় মিছিকিয়া হাহিঁ মাৰিছিল?

Ans:- Sunu had smiled after reading the letter beacuse Miss Leela liked her gift.
        ( চুনুৱে চিঠি খন পঢ়াৰ পাছত মিছিকিয়া হাঁহি মাৰিছিল কাৰণ মিছ লীলায়ে তাইৰ উপহাৰ টো ভালে পাইছিল। )

2. Tick the Correct answer:
    শুদ্ধ উত্তৰটো বাছি উলিওৱাঃ
a. Miss Leela was very strict but she-
    মিছ লীলা বহুত কঠোৰ আছিল কিন্তু তেওঁ-
(i) Explained lessons well✓ 
( পাঠবোৰ সুন্দৰকৈ বৰ্ণনা কৰিছিল)
(ii) Loved all students 
(সকলো ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰীক ভাল পাইছিল)

b. Sunu was disturbed because -
    চুনুৰ মনটো অসান্ত হা আছিল কাৰণ -
(i) Miss Leela left ( মিছ লীলায়ে এৰি গৈছিল )
(ii) She could not gift her expensive thing✓
    ( তাই তেওঁক দামি উপহাৰ দিব পৰা নাছিল। )

c. Miss Leela bought Sunu a new pair of shoes because-
(i) Sunu's mother had no money✓
(ii) Miss Leela was rich

d. Miss Leela wrote the letter to -
    ( মিছ লীলায়ে চিঠি খন লিখিছিল -
(i) Say goodbye to Sunu
    ( চুনুক বিদায় বুলি ক'বলৈ )
(ii) To thank for her gift✓
    ( তাইক উপহাৰটিৰ বাবে ধন্যবাদ জনাবলৈ )


1. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs.

a. The ball _______ (fall) down when the button is pushed.
=> The ball had fallen down when the button is pushed.

b. The dog ________ (bark) at the strangers.
=> The dog was barking at the strangers.

c. The boys ____ (meet) here everyday.
=> The boys met here everyday.

d. We all ______ (like) the artist.
=> We all liked the artist.

e. You have ______ (draw) beautiful pictures.
=> You have drawn beautiful pictures.

f. The teacher _______ (ask) many questions in the class
=> The teacher has asked many questions in the class

2. Fill in the blanks with is/are

a. There __ some sugar in the jar.
Ans:- There is some sugar in the jar.

b. There ____ many stars in the sky.
Ans:- There are many stars in the sky.

c. There ____ many people on the street.
Ans:- There are many people on the street.

d. There ___ no hope that he will some.
Ans:- There is no hope that he will some.

e. There ___ an umbrella in the bag.
Ans:- There is an umbrella in the bag.

f. There ____ many books in the library.
Ans:- There are many books in the library.

3. Read these sentences. There are more than one action words in each sentence. Circle the verb that is doing some action in each sentence.

a. The lady Collected some used cloth.
b. The bird rebuilt its broken nest.
c. He picked up the cleaned utensil.
d. Madhu talked to the police about the attempted thief.
e. Her brother bought that torn jeans.
d. Then Grandma opened her hidden treasure.


2. Match the phrases and their  meaning.
Friends and family  - near and sear ones
Bread and butter  -  Source of income
Bag and baggage  -  All the belongings
cock and bull story  -  That can't ever happen
Hopes and aspirations  -  Desires


2. Fill words with correct form of verbs and reed aloud this conversation.

Minie   : Ma, where are you coming from?
Mother : I went out for shoping
Minie   : What did you buy there?
Mother : I have buyed many things. Here, this is a new dress for you.
Minie   : What is this?
Mother : This is a travel bag. Your father travels so often! He will need it.
Minie   : What did you buy for Rajesh?
Mother : I have buyed a toy car for him. But please don't tell him now. That is a surprise for him.


1. Write as many sentences as you can from this table using that correct form of the verbs.

a) Risha and Maya is dancing Bharatnatyam.
b) The Boys were playing football.
c) Ravi cooks tasty food.
d) Mrs Barua plays gustar for parties and weddings.
e) Mr. Mitra and Tiku have been danching in the theatre.
f) We will play Tennis tomorrow.

Post Id: DABP001221