পাঠ ১২
Leonardo da Vinci
(লিঅ'নাৰ্ডো দা ভিঞ্চি)
1) Answer the following questions in complete
১) তলত দিয়া প্ৰশ্নবোৰৰ উত্তৰ সম্পূৰ্ণ বাক্যৰে দিব।
a) When was Leonardo Da Vinci born?
ক) লিঅ’নাৰ্ডো ডা ভিঞ্চিৰ জন্ম কেতিয়া হৈছিল?
Answer: Leonardo Da Vinci born on 15 April 1452.
উত্তৰ : ১৪৫২ চনৰ ১৫ এপ্ৰিলত জন্মগ্ৰহণ কৰা লিঅ’নাৰ্ডো ডা ভিঞ্চিৰ জন্ম।
b) Where did Leonardo spend his early years?
খ) লিঅ’নাৰ্ডোৱে প্ৰথম বছৰবোৰ ক’ত কটায়?
Answer: Leonardo spend his early years with his grand-
উত্তৰ: লিঅ’নাৰ্ডোৱে প্ৰথম বছৰবোৰ ককা-আইতাকৰ লগত কটায়।
c) Under
whom did Leonardo’s father send him to apprentice?
গ) লিঅ’নাৰ্ডোৰ পিতৃয়ে কাৰ অধীনত এপ্ৰেণ্টিছলৈ পঠিয়াইছিল?
Answer: Leonardo’s father send him to apprentice
under. Andrea did Verrocchio.
উত্তৰ: লিঅ’নাৰ্ডোৰ দেউতাকে তেওঁক এপ্ৰেণ্টিছলৈ পঠিয়াই দিয়ে অধীনত। আন্দ্ৰেয়াই ভেৰ’কিঅ’ কৰিছিল।
d) Name the two masterpieces of Leonardo.
ঘ) লিঅ’নাৰ্ডোৰ দুটা মাষ্টাৰপিছৰ নাম লিখা।
Answer: The two masterpieces are- ‘The mona Lisa” and
‘The last Supper”.
উত্তৰঃ মাষ্টাৰপিছ দুটা হ’ল- ‘দ্য মোনালিছা” আৰু ‘দ্য লাষ্ট ছাপাৰ”।
e) What did Leonardo created on the shield?
ঙ) লিঅ’নাৰ্ডোৱে ঢালত কি সৃষ্টি কৰিছিল?
Answer: Leonardo created a terrifying image of a dragon
like monster on the shield.
f) Who was Mona Lisa?
চ) মোনালিছা কোন আছিল?
Answer: Mona Lisa was a rice Merchants wife.
উত্তৰ: মোনালিছা এগৰাকী ৰাইচ মাৰ্চেণ্টছৰ পত্নী আছিল।
g) Where is Mona Lisa preserved now?
ছ) এতিয়া মোনালিছা ক’ত সংৰক্ষিত হৈ আছে?
Answer: Mona is now preserved at Louvre museum Paris framce.
উত্তৰঃ মোনা এতিয়া লুভ্ৰ মিউজিয়াম পেৰিছ ফ্ৰান্সত সংৰক্ষিত হৈ আছে।
2) How do you know that Leonardo loved animals?
২) লিঅ’নাৰ্ডোৱে যে জীৱ-জন্তু ভাল পাইছিল সেই কথা আপুনি কেনেকৈ জানে?
Answer: Leonardo loved animals that’s why he never
ate- meat. He bought caged them free.
উত্তৰ: লিঅ’নাৰ্ডোৱে জীৱ-জন্তু ভাল পাইছিল সেইবাবেই তেওঁ কেতিয়াও নাখায়- মাংস। সি সিহঁতক বিনামূলীয়াকৈ পিঞ্জৰাবদ্ধ কৰি কিনিছিল।
3) What did Leonardo do as an anatomist?
৩) শৰীৰবিজ্ঞানী হিচাপে লিঅ’নাৰ্ডোৱে কি কৰিছিল?
Answer: As an anatomist Leonardo disserted animals and
humans cadavers to find their mechanism . his notes and drawing of his findings
have helped scientist to understand humans anatomy better
উত্তৰ: এজন শৰীৰবিজ্ঞানী হিচাপে লিঅ'নাৰ্ডোৱে জীৱ-জন্তু আৰু মানুহৰ মৃতদেহৰ বিষয়ে গৱেষণা কৰি ইয়াৰ ব্যৱস্থা বিচাৰি উলিয়াইছিল। তেওঁৰ টোকা আৰু তেওঁৰ তথ্যৰ অংকনে বিজ্ঞানীক মানুহৰ শৰীৰবিজ্ঞান ভালদৰে বুজিবলৈ সহায় কৰিছে
Build up your vocabulary
আপোনাৰ শব্দভাণ্ডাৰ গঢ়ি তোলক
( উপসৰ্গ)
(a letter or group letters added to the
beginning of a word to change its meaning)
(এটা শব্দৰ অৰ্থ সলনি কৰিবলৈ শব্দৰ আৰম্ভণিতে যোগ কৰা এটা আখৰ বা গোটৰ আখৰ)
i) anti+ national = anti-national ( বিৰোধী+ জাতীয় = বিৰোধী )
ii) anti+ social = antisocial ( সামাজিক বিৰোধী = সামাজিক বিৰোধী )
iii) auto+ biography = autobiography ( স্বয়ং+ জীৱনী = আত্মজীৱনী )
iv) co+ operation= co-operation ( সহযোগিতা+ কাৰ্য্য= সহযোগিতা )
v) un+ natural = unnatural ( আন+ প্ৰাকৃতিক = অপ্ৰাকৃতিক )
vi) un+ able= unable ( আন+ সক্ষম= অক্ষম )
vii) vice+ president = vice- president ( উপ+ সভাপতি = উপ- সভাপতি)
viii) vice+ principal= vice-principal ( ভাইচ+ প্ৰিন্সিপাল= ভাইচ-প্ৰিন্সিপাল )
ix) un+ willing= unwilling ( আন+ ইচ্ছুক= অনিচ্ছুক )
x) ultra+ modern= ultramodern ( অতি+ আধুনিক= অতি আধুনিক )
xi) ultra+ violet= ultraviolet ( অতি+ বেঙুনীয়া= অতিবেঙুনীয়া )
xii) to+ night= tonight ( ৰ পৰা+ নিশা= আজি ৰাতি )
xiv) post+mortem= postmortem ( মৰণোত্তৰ+মৰণোত্তৰ= মৰণোত্তৰ পৰীক্ষা)
xv) mis+ use= misuse ( ভুল+ ব্যৱহাৰ= অপব্যৱহাৰ )
xvii) fore+ father= forefather (পূৰ্ব+ পিতৃ= পূৰ্বপুৰুষ )
xviii) im+possible= impossible ( অসম্ভৱ+সম্ভৱ= অসম্ভৱ )
xix) ir+regular= irregular ( ইৰ+ৰেগুলাৰ= অনিয়মীয়া )
( প্ৰত্যয় )
(a letter or group of letters added to the end
of a world make another world)
(এখন পৃথিৱীৰ শেষত যোগ কৰা চিঠি বা আখৰৰ গোট এটাই আন এখন পৃথিৱী বনাই দিয়ে)
I) Hunt + er = Hunter ( হান্ট + এৰ = চিকাৰী )
ii) read+er=reader ( পঢ়া+এৰ=ৰিডাৰ )
iii) fight+ er= fighter ( যুঁজ+ এৰ= যুঁজাৰু )
iv) inform+ ation= information ( ইনফৰ্ম+ এচন= তথ্য )
v) kid+ ness= kindness ( শিশু+ নেছ= দয়া )
vi) work + er = worker ( কাম + এৰ = কৰ্মী )
vii) paint + er = painter ( ৰং + এৰ = চিত্ৰকৰ)
viii) speak + er = speaker. ( কোৱা + এৰ = বক্তা। )
ix) exam + ation= examination ( পৰীক্ষা + ইচন= পৰীক্ষা )
x) il + legal = illegal ( আইএল + আইনী = অবৈধ)
4) Match the following
Ans: anatomist – an expert in the scientific study of the structure of human oranimal bodies.
cartographer – one who draws or makes maps.
sculptor- one who creates things with clay, wood, stone etc.
engineer – one who designs buildings, bridges, monuments etc.
5) Look up the meaning of the following words in a dictionary and write them.
(astonished, fantasy, portrait, prodigious, diversity)
Ans: astonished – greatly surprised or impressed; amazed.
Fantasy – the activity of imagining impossible or improbable things.
Portrait – a painting, drawing, photograph, or engraving of a person, especially one depicting only the face or head and shoulders.
Prodigious – remarkably or impressively great in extent, size,
Diversity – he practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders.
Activity 1
Find out the phrases in the following sentences and write them.
i) I saw an elephant with very long tusks.
Ans: very long tusks.
ii) She is a girl of sweet voice.
Ans: sweet voice.
iii) He spoke in a brave manner.
Ans: brave manner.
iv) This book is not available at present.
Ans: at present.
v) To win a prize in the competition was not an easy task for me.
Ans: To win a prize
vi) Drawing an elephant is impossible for Rohan.
Ans: impossible for Rohan
vi) Instead of wearing the blue frock I chose the red one.
Ans: blue frock
vii) He opted for Sanskrit in lieu of Hindi.
Ans: Sanskrit in lieu of Hindi
Activity 2
Pick out the clauses from the following sentences and write them.
i) Please give me the book which is on the table.
Ans: Please give me the book
ii) They were talking when he came.
Ans: They were
ii) He told me that he did not know about the incident.
Ans: He told me
iv) I was absent because I was ill.
Ans: I was absent
v) I will not go out if it rains.
Ans: I will not go out
vi) He is tall but his brother is average.
Ans: He is tall
vii) I know the reason why he came here.
Ans: I know the reason
vii) You must hurry or you will miss the train.
Ans: You must hurry
ix) He is not only intelligent but also brave.
Ans: He is not only intelligent
x) I know the place where he lives.
Ans: I know the place
Activity 3
Correct the following sentences.
1) The cattle is grazing in the pasture.
Ans: The cattle are grazing in the pasture.
2) The folk is coming back home from the concert.
Ans: The folk are coming back home from the concert.
3) We bought home some new furnitures.
Ans: We bought home some new furniture.
4) My friends gave me all the relevant informations about the quiz competition.
Ans: My friends gave me all the relevant information about the quiz competition.
5) Rice are an important crop in our country.
Ans: Rice is an important crop in our country.
6) All my luggage are in that room.
Ans: All my luggage is in that room.
7) My spectacles is on the table.
Ans: My spectacles are on the table.
8) His shoes is costly.
Ans: His shoes are costly.
9) This pair of shoes need mending.
Ans: This pair of shoes needed mending.
10) Her socks is white.
Ans: Her socks are white.
11) This pair of socks are lovely.
Ans: This pair of socksis lovely.
12) His trousers needs ironing.
Ans: His trousers need ironing.
13) This pair of carry trousers were bought from that shop.
Ans: This pair of carry trousers was bought from that shop.
14) The news were not true.
Ans: The news was not true.
15) An epidemic of measles have broken out in the village.
Ans: An epidemic of measles has broken out in the village.
16) A species are a class of plants or animals.
Ans: A species is a class of plants or animals.
17) Some useful equipments for the kitchen was bought.
Ans: Some useful equipment for the kitchen was bought.
a) Write an article on the topic Water is precious, save water. You can take helpof the following points.
Water is a natural resource which is found in abundance on the planet Earth. The Earth is made up of 61% of water. It is the most important natural resource for survival of life. Life cannot be imagined without water as it is essential for the true existence of life. Over 3/4th of the Earth us covered with water. Water is used for drinking; washing clothes and utensils; agriculture to grow good quality crops; and to produce electricity. Basically, water is used for day-to-day activities.
Nowadays, quantity of clean water is declining day by day, and is becoming very low. And, if water is not saved today, it might lead to create major issues in future.
We must be careful and pay close attention when using water, so that water doesn’t get wasted. We should stop misuse of water. We must save water from getting polluted. While taking shower we should use a bucket of water instead of using showers, and join hands together in saving water and using it effectively.
Water is an essential component of life and must be conserved for future generations. Water is most important for survival of human beings and other species and plays a key role in preserving the biodiversity of a place.
b) Write an article on the topic Reduce the use of plastic. You can take help ofthe following points.
Plastic is a synthetic material which is low in cost. It is light weight and can be easily handled. Plastics serve many purposes. It is manufactured very easily and has replaced the use of wood, stone, leather and even glass.
On the other hand, plastic is very harmful for the environment. Almost every products used by people nowadays are made if plastic which triggers a serious environmental risk. It even affects our health by permanently harming the metabolism of every human coming in contact with it, directly or indirectly.
We must take care of the environment and ourselves too by eradicating use of plastic. We must use eco-friendly material in place of plastic like – wood, steel, cane, jute, paper. Plastic bags must be totally eradicated and should be replaced by paper bags or canvas bags for our everyday activities.