
Chapter: 2

Population Growth and Distribution

A. Very Short Type Questions: Mark : 1

2.  Name the organization according to whose declaration  the population has now reached 7 billion mark in 2011.

3.  About what percent of population is confined to different parts of the northern hemisphere?

4.  How was the size of population until the end of long homeless jungle life of the human history?

5.  When was the permanency in agriculture began?

6.  When did the world population reach 200 million mark?

7.   When did the world population reach 1 billion mark? 

8. Which is the world’s most populous con-tinent?

9.  Which is the world’s least populous con-tinent

10.  What is the reason behind Asia’s growth of population?

11.  What is the reason behind Africa’s growth of population? 

12. Name the continent which has the highest population density. 

13.  Name the continent which has the lowest population density.

14.  Name two developed countries of the world. 

15.  Name the most populous country in the world. 

16.  Which is the second highest populated country of the world? 

17.  Give the name of few deserts. 

18.  What is Anthropology?

19.  In which world India is included?

B.   Short Type Question: Marks : 2/3 

1.  What are the main reasons of population growth?

2.  Which is a population explosion? 

3.  Why in the rate of growth of population high in the backward countries? 

4.  Why is the rate of growth of population low in the advanced countries?

5.  What are the problems experienced by a large part of Asia and some parts of Africa?

6.  What is the impact of climate towards population distribution?

 7.  What is the effect of power and mineral resources towards population distribution?

8. What is human migration? 

9.  What are the three types of impact due to human migration? 

10.  What is International migration?

11.  What is emigration?

12.  What is immigration? 

 13.  Name the factors of migration.

14.  What is push factors?

15. What is pull factor?

16.  State two differences between between push factors and pull factors.

17.  Write short notes:

       (a) Population explosion 

       (b) Human migration 

       (c)  Density of Population

     (d) Internal migration 

     (e)  International migration

     (f)   Pull factors of human migration

     (g)  Push factors of human migration

     (h)  Bangladesh-India Population migration

     (i)   India-Bangladesh migration 

18.  What is called migration?  What are the different types of migration?

19.  How many villages and how many towns are there in India, according to the cen-sus of 2001?

20.  How is density of population calculated?

 21.  What is migration? Mention the main two types of migration. 

C.  Essay Type Questions : marks :4/5 

1.  Write about the trend of population growth in the world.  Why and during which period the population growth rate was high?

2.  What is the estimate of world population?  State the major reasons of spatial variation in population growth. 

3.  Give a picture of regional variation in population growth in population growth in present time in the world.

4.  Write about population distribution in the world and state the major factors of unevenness in the distribution.

5.  Discuss with examples about the role of topography and climate in population distribution.

 6.  Stating the major densely populated regions of the world briefly discuss their geographical characteristics. 

7.  What are the major thinly populated regions of the world?  What are the main reasons behind thin population in those areas?

8.  What do you mean by “human migration”?  What are its major types?

9.  Write briefly why ‘human migration’ takes place.

10.  State the push and pull factors of human migration.

11.  What do you mean by international migration?  Write briefly about the causes and consequences of the two international migrations with examples. 

12.  From where the people settled in upper Assam came?

13.  State the reasons behind variation in population density in your locality. 

14.  Explain the various cause of population growth.

15.  Why density of population is very low in the equatorial region?