Gauhati University TDC 4th Semester Philosophy Notes
GU 4th Sem History Major Suggestion, Question and Answer, Notes, Solution Assamese Medium
Semester IV
Contemporary Indian Philosophy
Books Recommended:
Complete works of Swami Vivekananda (relevant chapters)
S. Radhakrishnan: An idealist view of Life
S. K. Maitra : An introduction to Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo
D. M. Datta : The Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi
N. K. Bose : Selections from Gandhi
Nilima Sharma : Twentieth Century Indian Philosophy
D. M. Datta : Chief Currents of Contemporary Philosophy
Semester IV
Philosophy of Religion
Books Recommended:
John Hick : Philosophy of Religion
Miall Edwards : Philosophy of Religion
B. Mitchell : Philosophy of Religion
John Hick : Classical and contemporary readings in the philosophy of Religion
Nilima Sharma : Philosophy of Sankardeva: An appraisal
Y. Masih: Introduction to Religious Philosophy
Peterson and others (OUP): Reason and Religious Belief: An Introduction to the Philosophy of
Peterson and others: Philosophy of Religion. Selected Readings
Maheswar Neog: Sankardeva and His Times
Semester IV
Political & Social Philosophy
Books Recommended:
Benjamin, M. (ed): Science and Sensibility, Gender and Scientific Enquiry, 1780-1945
Durkheim, E.: Sociology and Philosophy
Joshi, N. V.: Social and Political Philosophy
Mackenzie, J.S.: Outlines of Social Philosophy
Raphael, D. D.: Problems of Political Philosophy
Rout, B. C.: Political Theory and Ideology
Roy & Bhattacharya.: Political Theory
Sinhha, A. K.: Outlines of Social Philosophy
Semester IV
Books recommended:
Basson and O’Connor: Introduction to Symbolic Logic
Chakraborti, Chhanda: Logic: Informal, Symbolic and Inductive
Copi, I.M. Introduction to Logic, 14th Edition
Hurley, Patrick. Introduction to Logic
Roy, B.N. Deductive Logic
Suppes, P. Introduction to Logic
Stebbing, L.S. A Modern Introduction to Logic
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Post ID : DABP006591