
public administration and private administration 

(difference and relationship) 

questions for Revision 


  A. Fill in the Blanks (One mark)

1. Administration has two major from : _________and________.

2. In each state of the world public administration and private administration work ________.

3. public administration run by ________ to serve the people. 

4. private administration is managed by privet manager and employees of each ________.

5. Two major supporters of the view that all administration whether public or private is one are ________ and _______.

6. _________ have observed that the elements of organization or process and attitude appear in both private Corporations and government bureaucracy.

7 Both private administration and public administration are characterised by _________.

8. both public and private administration use common _________.

9. As compared to privet administration, public administration has _______.

10. The aims of public administration is ________.

11. ________ is the most major aim of privet administration 

12. While private administration enjoy a high level of _________ public administration is subject to _________.

13. private administration practices _________ in administration but public administration has to bee _________.

14. both public administration and private administration are _________ burt have several important ________.

15.Realeshionships between public administration and private administration is most visible in the cotemporary era of _________.

type: Ratul Mahanta


Post ID : DABP004712