
Public Administration:

Meaning, Dimension and Significance of Discipline 

objective type question 

A. Fill in the Blanks questions (one mark)

1. As an Activity public Administration is as oil as _________.

2. It was only in ________ that the birth of the discipline of public administration started taking shape. 

3. the credit for writing the first important Article on ________ was published by _________.

4. As a new new social science public administration got recognition only in _________.

5. Dictionary defines administration as the __________.

6. __________ defines administration as the organization and direction of human and and material resources to archives desired goal. 

7. public administration means activities undertaken by _________ to implement in practice public policies for securing their objectives and goal.

8. __________ writes public administration consist of all these operations having for their purpose the fulfillment of public policy directed by competent authority.

9. public administration covers all activities of civil servants who work for securing those objectives and goals which are defined by __________. 

10. the view that  that public Administration involves all activities of of civil service personnel for implementing public policies is called __________.

11. the view that public administration means the function and activities of the top administrator or manager of the government is celled _________.

12. Luther Gullick defines public Administration terms of __________.

13. the letter POSD in POSDCORD mean __________.

14. while __________ is a narrow view _________ is board view of public administration.

15. According to _________ public administration involves both managerial and integral _________ views.

16. The integral view public administration is strongly upheld by _________.  

17. the most ardent supporter of managerial view of public administration has been __________.

18. The integral view is also know as __________ of public administration.

19. The two main parts of the scope of public administration are __________ and __________    

 Question Type_Ratul Mahanta