
Paper: SOC-HC-2016



Unit 1: On the Plurality of Sociological Perspective (1-2Weeks) 

• Bottomore,  T.  B.  (1971).  Sociology:  A  Guide  to  Problems  and  Literature.  London: 

Allen and Unwin. Chapter 2, (pp.29-47).

• Gouldner, Alvin. (1977). Sociology’s Basic Assumptions. In Kenneth Thompson and 

Jeremy  Tunstall  (Eds.).  Sociological  Perspectives  (pp.13-17).  New  York:  Penguin 

Books Ltd. 

Unit 2: Functionalism (3-4Weeks) 

• Durkheim,  Emile.  (1984).  The  Division  of Labour  in  Society.  Basingstoke:  Macmillan. 


• Radcliffe Brown, A.R. (1976). Structure and Function in Primitive Society.  Free Press 

Chapter 9 & 10. (pp.178-204). 

Unit 3: Interpretive Sociology (5-6Weeks) 

• Weber, Max. (1978). Economy & Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology,Vol. 1    

California: University of California Press. Basic Concepts. (pp. 4-26). 

Unit 4 Conflict Perspective (7-8Weeks) 

• Marx,  Karl.  (1990).  Selected  Writings  in  Sociology  and  Social  Philosophy.  Penguin 

Books Limited. (pp.88-101). 

• Dahrendorf, Ralf. (1968). Essays in the Theory of Society. Stanford: Stanford 

University Press. Chapters 4 & 5. (pp.107-150). 

Unit 5: Structuralism (9-10Weeks) 

• Robey,  David.  (1973).  Structuralism:  An  Introduction  (1st  ed.).  Oxford:  Clarendon Press.(pp.1-19). 

Unit  6: Interactionism (11-12Weeks) 

• Magill, Frank N. (1996). International Encyclopaedia of Sociology, Volume 1, 

Routledge. (pp.690-693). 

• Giddens, Anthony. (2010). Sociology (6th ed.). Polity. Chapter 7, ‘Social Interaction in 

Everyday Life’. (pp.247-280). 

Unit 7: Feminist Perspective (13-14Weeks) 

• Jackson,  S.  and  S.  Scott  (Eds.).  (2002).  Gender:  A  Sociological  Reader.  London: 

Routledge. Introduction. (pp.1-26).



Paper: SOC-HC-2026 



Unit 1. Ideas of India 

a. Gandhi and Ambedkar (Weeks1-2) 

• Ambedkar, B. R. (1936). Annihilation of Caste. Jullunder: Bheem Patrika 

 b. Indological and Ethnographic Approaches (Weeks3-4) 

• Uberoi, P. et al. (2008). Introduction: The Professionalization of Indian 

Anthropology and Sociology: Peoples, Places and Institutions. In Patricia Uberoi, 

Nandini Sundar and Satish Deshpande (Eds.) Anthropology in the East: Founders 

of Indian Sociology and Anthropology. New Delhi: Permanent Black. (pp.1-63). 

• Dumont,  L.  and  Pocock,  D.  (1957).  For  a  Sociology  of  India.  Contributions  to 

Indian Sociology. Vol.1,pp.7-22. 

Unit 2: Resistance, Mobilization, Change 

a. Dalit Politics (Week5) 

• Shah, G. (2001). Dalit Identity and Politics. New Delhi: Sage Publications.(pp.17-43). 

b. Mobility and Change (Week6) 

• Srinivas,  M.N.  (1956).  A  Note  on  Sanskritization  and  Westernization.  The  Far 

Eastern Quarterly, 15(4), pp.481-496. 

c. Women’s Movement (Week7) 

• Menon,  N.  (Ed.).  (1999).  Gender  and  Politics  in  India.  Delhi:  Oxford  University 

Press. (pp.342-369). 

d. Peasant Movements (Week8) 

• Pouchepadass, J. (1980). Peasant Classes in Twentieth Century Agrarian 

Movements  in  India.  In  E.  Hobsbawm  (Ed.)  Peasants  in  History.  Delhi:  Oxford 

University Press.(pp.136-155). 

e. Ethnic Movements (Week9) 

• Baruah, S. (2010). The Assam Movement. In T.K. Oommen(Ed.) Social 

Movements I: Issues of Identity. Delhi: Oxford University Press.(pp.191-208). 

f. Middle Class Phenomenon (Week10) 

• Deshpande,  S.  (2003).  Contemporary  India:  A  Sociological  View.  New  Delhi: 

Penguin Books.(pp.125-150). 

Unit 3: Challenges to Civilization, State and Society 

a. Communalism (Week11) 

• Dumont, L. (1997). Religion, Politics and History in India. Paris: Mouton.(pp.89-110). 

b. Secularism (Weeks12-13) 

• Kumar,  R.  (1986).  Essays  in  the  Social  History  of  Modern  India.  Calcutta:  Oxford 

University Press.(pp.31-46). 

• Madan, T.N. (1997). Modern Myths, Locked Minds. Delhi: Oxford University Press. 

(pp.233- 265). 

c. Nationalism (Week14) 

• Oommen, T. K. (1997). Citizenship and National Identity: From Colonialism to 

Globalism. New Delhi: Sage Publications.(pp.143-172). 

Additional Instruction: 

The students are required to explore the contemporary sources on social institutions. With 

the  aid  of  visual,  oral  and  other  kinds  of  narratives/representations  students,  advised  and 

guided  by  teachers  are  expected  to  arrange  discussion  sessions,  work  on  assignments, 

undertake projects and fieldwork and make presentations week-wise from the onset to the 

end of the semester. 

Additional Reading: 

Ray,  N.  R.  (1973).  Nationalism  in  India:  A  Historical  Analysis  of  its  Stresses  and 

Strains. Aligarh: Aligarh Muslim University Press.



Paper: SOC-HG-2016 



Unit 1:  India as a Plural Society (2Weeks) 

• Mason,  Philip.  (1967).  Unity  and  Diversity:  An  Introductory  Review.  In  Philip  Mason 

(Ed.).India and Ceylon: Unity and Diversity. London: Oxford University Press. 


• Stern,  Robert  W.  (2003).  Changing  India.  Cambridge:  CUP.  Introduction:  Change, 

Societies of India and Indian Society. (pp. 1 –31). 

Unit 2 Social Institutions and Practices (8Weeks) 

a. Caste 

• Srinivas,  M.N.(1969).  The  Caste  System  in  India.  In  Andre  Béteille(Ed.)  Social 

Inequality: Selected Readings. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.(pp.265-272). 

• Srinivas, M.N.(1956).A Note on Sanskritization and Westernization. The Far 

Eastern Quarterly, 15(4), pp.481-496. 

• Harriss,  John.  (1989).  The  Formation  of  Indian  Society:  Ideology  and  Power.  In 

Hamaza  Alavi  and  John  Harriss  (Eds.).  Sociology  of ‘Developing Societies’: South 

Asia. London: Macmillan. (pp. 126–133). 

b. Tribe 

•  Haimendorf,  C.V.F.(1967).The  Position  of  Tribal  Population  in  India.  In  Philip 

Mason (Ed.).India and Ceylon: Unity and Diversity. New York: Oxford 

University Press. Chapter 9. 

c. Class 

• Thorner,  Daniel.  (1992).  Agrarian  Structure.  In  Dipankar  Gupta  (Ed.).  Social 

Stratification in India (pp.261-270). New Delhi: Oxford University Press. 

• Deshpande, Satish. (2003).Contemporary India: A Sociological View. New Delhi: 


d. Village 

• Srinivas,  M.N.  (1987).The  Dominant  Caste  and  Other  Essays.  Delhi: 

Oxford University Press.(pp.20-59). 

e. Family and Kinship 

• Shah,  A.  M.  (1998).The  Family  in  India:  Critical  Essays.  New  Delhi: 

Orient Longman.(pp.52-63). 

• Karve,  Iravati.  (1994).  The  Kinship  map  of  India.  In  Patricia  Uberoi(Ed.) 

Family, Kinship and Marriage in India (pp.50-73). Delhi: Oxford 

University Press. 

Unit 3: Identities and Change (2Weeks) 

• Shah, Ghanshyam. (2001).Dalit Identity and Politics. Delhi: Sage 

Publications. Chapter 1 and7. 

• Kumar, Radha. (1999). From Chipko to Sati: The Contemporary 

Women’s Movement. In Nivedita  Menon  (Ed.)  Gender  and  Politics  in 

India (pp. 342- 369).Delhi: Oxford University Press. 

Unit 4: Challenges to State and Society (2Weeks) 

• Madan,  T.N.  (1997).  Modern  Myths  and  Locked  Minds.  Delhi:  Oxford 

University Press. Chapter8. 

• Dumont, L. (1997).Religion, Politics and History in India. Paris: Mouton. 
