
Paper: SOC-HC-3016



Paper: SOC-HC-3026 



• Smelser, Neil. J. and Richard Swedberg. 1994. ―The Sociological Perspective on the 

Economy‖  in  N.J.  Smelser  and  Richard  Swedberg  (eds).1994.The Handbook of 

Economic Sociology 

• Velthius,  Olav.   ̳The  Changing  Relationship  between  Economic  Sociology and 

Institutional  Economics:  From  Parsons  to  Mark  Granovetter‘1999. American  Journal 

of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 58, No.4. pp. 629-649 

• Zelizer, Viviana A.  ̳Human Values and the Market: The Case of Life Insurance  and 

Death  in  19th  Century  America‘.1978. American  Journal  of  Sociology  Vol.84,  No.3. pp. 591-610 

• Zelizer, Viviana A.  ̳Payments and Social Ties‘.1996. Sociological Forum, Vol.11,No. 

3. Special Issue: Lumping and Splitting. Pp. 481-495. 

• Sahlins, M. 1974. Stone Age Economics. London, Tavistock. Ch. 4. Pp 149-183Hilton, 

Rodney.1973. Bond Men Made Free. London. Methern. Ch.1. pp. 25-40 

• Appadurai,  A.  1986.The  Social  Life  of  Things:  Commodities  in  Cultural  Perspective. 

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Pp. 3-63 

• Nancy,A.  Bodies,  Borders,  and  Sex  Tourism  in  a  Globalized  World:  A  Tale  of  Two 

Cities—Amsterdam and Havana.‘ 2001. Social Problems, Vol. 48. No. 4. Pp.545-571 

• Sassen, Saskia. 2007. A Sociology of Globalization. W.W. Norton & Co. NY. London 

• Hirst, Paul & G Thompson 1999. Globalization in Question. 2nd Edition. Polity Press. 

Cambridge, Oxford. 

• Wallerstein,  Immanuel.  2004.  World  Systems  Analysis:  An  Introduction.  USA:  Duke 

University Press.



Paper: SOC-HC-3036 



Paper: SOC-HG-3016



Unit 1. Karl Marx (5 Weeks) 

a. Materialist Conception of History 

b. Class and Class Struggle 

• Marx,  K.  and  Engels,  Friedrich.  (2002).  The  Communist  Manifesto.  Harmondsworth: Penguin. 

• Aron,  R.  (1967).  Main  Currents  in  Sociological  Thought.  London:  Weidenfield  and 

Nicholson. Vol. 1. (pp. 107-180). 

• Calhoun, J. Craig. (2007). Classical Sociological Theory (2nd Ed.).West Sussex: 

Blackwell.(pp. 73-130). 

• Jayapalan, N. (2001). Sociological Theories. New Delhi: Atlantic Publisher.( pp.35-69). 

Unit 2. Emile Durkheim (5 Weeks) 

a. Social Fact 

• Durkheim, E. (1958). The Rules of Sociological Method. Glencoe: Free Press. Chapters 1 and 3. 

• Jones,  R.A.  (1986).Emile  Durkheim:  An  Introduction  to  Four  Major  Works.  London: 

Sage. Chapters 3 and 4. 

b. Forms of Solidarity 

• Aron,  R.  (1967).  Main  Currents  in  Sociological  Thought  London:  Weidenfield  and 

Nicholson. Vol.2. (pp. 11-97). 

• Calhoun, J. Craig. (2007). Classical Sociological Theory (2nd Ed.).West Sussex: 


• Jayapalan, N. (2001). Sociological Theories. New Delhi: Atlantic Publisher.(pp.146-178). 

Unit 3. Max Weber (4 Weeks) 

a. Ideal Types and Social Action 

b. Types of Authority 

• Gerth, H.H. and Mills,C. Wright. (Eds.).(1948). From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. 

London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Introduction. 

• Aron,  R.  (1967).  Main  Currents  in  Sociological  Thought.  London:  Weidenfield  and 

Nicholson. Vol. 2.(pp.177-252). 

• Calhoun, J. Craig.(2007). Classical Sociological Theory (2nd Ed.). West Sussex: 

Blackwell. (pp.205-274). 

• Jayapalan,N. (2001). Sociological Theories. New Delhi: Atlantic Publisher.(pp.97-115).
