Course Name: Environmental Geography and Disaster management
Paper Code: GGY - HC - 4016
Reading List
1. Chandna R. C., 2002: Environmental Geography, Kalyani, Ludhiana.
2. Cunninghum W. P. and Cunninghum M. A., 2004: Principals of EnvironmentalScience:
Inquiry and Applications, Tata Macgraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Goudie A., 2001: The Nature of the Environment, Blackwell, Oxford.
4. Singh, R.B. (Eds.) (2009) Biogeography and Biodiversity. Rawat Publication, Jaipur
B.A./B.Sc. (Honours) Geography - CBCS
5. Miller G. T., 2004: Environmental Science: Working with the Earth, Thomson
6. MoEF, 2006: National Environmental Policy-2006, Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Government of India.
7. Singh, R.B. and Hietala, R. (Eds.) (2014) Livelihood security in Northwestern Himalaya:
Case studies from changing socio-economic environments in Himachal Pradesh, India.
Advances in Geographical and Environmental Studies, Springer
8. Odum, E. P. et al, 2005: Fundamentals of Ecology, Ceneage Learning India.
9. Singh S., 1997: Environmental Geography, Prayag Pustak Bhawan. Allahabad.
10. UNEP, 2007: Global Environment Outlook: GEO4: Environment For Development,
United Nations Environment Programme.
11. Singh, M., Singh, R.B. and Hassan, M.I. (Eds.) (2014) Climate change and biodiversity:
Proceedings of IGU Rohtak Conference, Volume 1. Advances in Geographical and
Environmental Studies, Springer
12. Singh, R.B. (1998) Ecological Techniques and Approaches to Vulnerable Environment,
13. Singh, Savindra 2001. Paryavaran Bhugol, Prayag Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad. (in Hindi)
Course Name: Population and Settlement Geography
Paper Code: GGY - HC - 4026
Reading List
1. Barrett H. R., 1995: Population Geography, Oliver and Boyd.
2. Bhende A. and Kanitkar T., 2000: Principles of Population Studies, Himalaya Publishing House.
3. Chandna R. C. and Sidhu M. S., 1980: An Introduction to Population Geography, Kalyani Publishers.
4. Clarke J. I., 1965: Population Geography, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
5. Jones, H. R., 2000: Population Geography, 3rd ed. Paul Chapman, London.
6. Lutz W., Warren C. S. and Scherbov S., 2004: The End of the World Population Growth in
7. Newbold K. B., 2009: Population Geography: Tools and Issues, Rowman and Littlefield
8. Pacione M., 1986: Population Geography: Progress and Prospect, Taylor and Francis.
9. Wilson M. G. A., 1968: Population Geography, Nelson.
10. Panda B P (1988): Janasankya Bhugol, M P Hindi Granth Academy,Bhopal
11. Maurya S D (2009) Jansankya Bhugol, Sharda Putak Bhawan, Allahabad
12. Chandna, R C (2006), Jansankhya Bhugol, Kalyani Publishers, Delhi
Course Name: Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS
Paper Code: GGY - HC - 4036
Reading List
1. Campbell J. B., 2007: Introduction to Remote Sensing, Guildford Press.
2. Jensen J. R., 2004: Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective,
3. Joseph, G. 2005: Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, United Press India.
4. Lillesand T. M., Kiefer R. W. and Chipman J. W., 2004: Remote Sensing and Image
Interpretation, Wiley. (Wiley Student Edition).
5. Nag P. and Kudra, M., 1998: Digital Remote Sensing, Concept, New Delhi.
6. Rees W. G., 2001: Physical Principles of Remote Sensing, Cambridge University Press.
7. Singh R. B. and Murai S., 1998: Space-informatics for Sustainable Development, Oxford
8. Wolf P. R. and Dewitt B. A., 2000: Elements of Photogrammetry: With Applications in
9. Sarkar, A. (2015) Practical geography: A systematic approach. Orient Black Swan Private
10. Chauniyal, D.D. (2010) Sudur Samvedan evam Bhogolik Suchana Pranali, Sharda Pustak
Course Name: Advanced Statistical Techniques for Spatial Analysis
Paper Code: GGY - SE - 4014
Reading List
1. Bart James E and Gerld M.Barber, 1996: Elementary Statistics for Geographers, The
Guieford Press, London.
2. Eldon, D., 1983: Statistics in Geography: A Practical Approach, Blackwell, London.
3. Cressie, N.A.C., 1991: Statistics for Spatial Analysis, Wiley, New York.
4. Gregory, S., 1978: Statistical Methods and the Geographer (4th Edition), Longman,
5. Haining, R.P., 1990: Spatial Data Analysis in the Social and Environmental Science,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
6. Mc Grew, Jr. and Cahrles, B. M., 1993: An Introduction to Statistical Problem Solving in
Geography, W.C. Brocan Publishers, New Jersey.
7. Mathews, J.A., 1987: Quantitative and Statistical Approaches to Geography: A Practical
8. S.K., 1998: Statistics for Geoscientists : Techniques and Applications, Concept Publishing
9. Wei, W.S.,1990: Time Series Analysis: Variate and Multivariate Methods , Addison
10. Yeates, Mauris, 1974: An Introduction to Quantitative Analysis in Human Geography,
Course Name: Surveying Techniques
Paper Code: GGY – SE-4024
Reading List:
1. Campbell, J., 1984: Introductory Cartography, Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliff
2. Misra, R.P. and Ramesh, A., 1995: Fundamentals of Cartography, Concept Publishing
3. Robinson, A.H., et al: Elements of Cartography, John Wiley & Sons, New York
4. Raisz, E. : Principles of Cartography, McGraw Hills, London
5. Kenetkar, T.P. and Kulkarni, S.U.: Surveying and Levelling, Vol. I & II,
VidyarthiGrithaPrakashan, Pune
Course Name: Geography of India and N.E. India
(Generic Elective Course)
Paper Code: GGY-HG-4016
Reading List:
21. Deshpande C. D., 1992: India: A Regional Interpretation, ICSSR, New Delhi.
22. Johnson, B. L. C., ed. 2001. Geographical Dictionary of India. Vision Books, New Delhi.
23. Mandal R. B. (ed.), 1990: Patterns of Regional Geography – An Intenational Perspective.
24. Sdyasuk Galina and P Sengupta (1967): Economic Regionalisation of India, Census of India
25. Sharma, T. C. 2003: India - Economic and Commercial Geography. Vikas Publ., New Delhi.
26. Singh R. L., 1971: India: A Regional Geography, National Geographical Society of India.
28. Spate O. H. K. and Learmonth A. T. A., 1967: India and Pakistan: A General and
29. Tirtha, Ranjit 2002: Geography of India, Rawat Publs., Jaipur & New Delhi.
30. Pathak, C. R. 2003: Spatial Structure and Processes of Development in India. Regional
Science Assoc., Kolkata.
31. Tiwari, R.C. (2007) Geography of India. Prayag Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad
32. Sharma, T.C. (2013) Economic Geography of India. Rawat Publication, Jaipur
B.A./B.Sc. (Honours) Geography - CBCS
33. Bhagabati, A.K., Bora, A. K. and Kar, B.K.: Geography of Assam, Rajesh Publications, New Delhi.
34. Taher, M and Ahmed, P.: Geography of North East India, Mani Manik Prakash, Guwahati.
35. Das, M..M.: Peasant Agriculture in Assam, Inter – India Publications, New Delhi.
36. Gopal Krishnan, R : Geography of North East India
37. Bhattacharya, P.2006 : Trend in Tourism Potentiality, Bani Mandir, Guwahati
38. Bhagabati, A.K. (ed) : Biodiversity of Assam, Eastern Book House, Guwahati
39. Bhattacharyya, N.N. : North East India, Rajesh Publication, New Delhi
40. Srivastava, S.C., : Demographic Profile of N.E. India, Mittal Publications
Course Name: Population and Settlement Geography
(Generic Elective Course)
Paper Code: GGY-HG-4026
Reading List
1. Barrett H. R., 1995: Population Geography, Oliver and Boyd.
2. Bhende A. and Kanitkar T., 2000: Principles of Population Studies, Himalaya Publishing House.
3. Chandna R. C. and Sidhu M. S., 1980: An Introduction to Population Geography, Kalyani Publishers.
4. Clarke J. I., 1965: Population Geography, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
5. Jones, H. R., 2000: Population Geography, 3rd ed. Paul Chapman, London.
6. Lutz W., Warren C. S. and Scherbov S., 2004: The End of the World Population Growth in
7. Newbold K. B., 2009: Population Geography: Tools and Issues, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers.
8. Pacione M., 1986: Population Geography: Progress and Prospect, Taylor and Francis.
9. Wilson M. G. A., 1968: Population Geography, Nelson.
10. Panda B P (1988): Janasankya Bhugol, M P Hindi Granth Academy,Bhopal
11. Maurya S D (2009) Jansankya Bhugol, Sharda Putak Bhawan, Allahabad
12. Chandna, R C (2006), Jansankhya Bhugol, Kalyani Publishers, Delhi
Paper Code: GGY - HC - 4016