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Unit 2. Perspectives in Urban Sociology: (4 Weeks)
• Hannerz, Ulf 1980. Exploring the City: Toward an Urban Anthropology, NY: Columbia
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• Lewis, Wirth 1938 “Urbanism as a way of Life” in American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 44,
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• Simmel, George, 1903, Metropolis and the Mental Life in Gary Bridge and Sophie Watson,
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Unit 3. Movements and Settlements: (2 Weeks)
• Rao, M.S.A, 1981, Some aspects of the sociology of migration, Sociological Bulletin, Vol. 30,
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• Anand, Inbanathan. 2003, “Migration and Adaptation: Lower Caste Tamils in a Delhi
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• Benjamin S, 2004, “Urban Land Transformation for Pro‐Poor Economies”, Geoforum, Volume
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Unit 4. Politics of Urban Space (5 Weeks)
• Katznelson, Ira, 1981, City Trenches: Urban Politics and Patterning of Class in United States,
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• Ayyar, Varsha, 2013. “Caste and Gender in a Mumbai resettlement site”, Economic & Political
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• Manuel Castells, 1983, “Cultural Identity, Sexual Liberation and Urban Structure: The Gay
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• Crawford, Margaret. “The World is a Shopping Mall‟, From Malcolm Miles and Tim Hall
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• Redfield, Robert & Singer, Milton. (1954).The cultural role of cities. Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 3.
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• Weston, Kath. (1991). Families We Choose: Lesbians, Gays, Kinship. New York: Columbia
University Press, Ch.5.
Paper: SOC-HG-4016
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