
Course Name: Regional Development and Planning 

Paper Code: GGY - HC - 5016


Reading List 

1. Blij H. J. De, 1971: Geography: Regions and Concepts, John Wiley and Sons. 

2. Claval P.l, 1998: An Introduction to Regional Geography, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford 

and Massachusetts. 

3.  Friedmann  J.  and  Alonso  W.  (1975):  Regional  Policy  -  Readings  in  Theory  and 

Applications, MIT Press, Massachusetts. 

4. Gore C. G., 1984: Regions in Question: Space, Development Theory and Regional Policy, 

Methuen, London. 

5. Gore C. G., Köhler G., Reich U-P. and Ziesemer T., 1996: Questioning Development; 

Essays on the Theory, Policies and Practice of Development Intervention, Metropolis- 

Verlag, Marburg. 

6. Haynes J., 2008: Development Studies, Polity Short Introduction Series. 

7. Johnson E. A. J., 1970: The Organization of Space in Developing Countries, MIT Press, Massachusetts. 

8. Peet R., 1999: Theories of Development, The Guilford Press, New York. 

9. UNDP 2001-04: Human Development Report, Oxford University Press. 

10. World Bank 2001-05: World Development Report, Oxford University Press, New 



Course Name: Field Techniques in Geography  

Paper Code: GGY - HC - 5026 


Reading List 

1.  Creswell  J.,  1994:  Research  Design:  Qualitative  and  Quantitative  Approaches  Sage 


2. Dikshit, R. D. 2003. The Art and Science of Geography: Integrated Readings. Prentice-

Hall of India, New Delhi. 

3.  Evans  M.,  1988:  “Participant  Observation:  The  Researcher  as  Research  Tool”  in 

Qualitative Methods in Human Geography, eds. J. Eyles and D. Smith, Polity. 

4.  Mukherjee,  Neela  1993.  Participatory  Rural  Appraisal:  Methodology  and  Application. 

Concept Publs. Co., New Delhi. 

5.  Mukherjee,  Neela  2002.  Participatory  Learning  and  Action:  with  100  Field  Methods. 

Concept Publs. Co., New Delhi 

6.  Robinson  A.,  1998:  "Thinking  Straight  and  Writing  That  Way",  in  Writing  Empirical 

Research Reports: A Basic Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioural Sciences, eds. 

by F. Pryczak and R. Bruce Pryczak, Publishing: Los Angeles. 

7. Special Issue on “Doing Fieldwork” The Geographical Review 91:1-2 (2001). 

8.  Stoddard  R.  H.,  1982:  Field  Techniques  and  Research  Methods  in  Geography, 


10. Wolcott, H. 1995. The Art of Fieldwork. Alta Mira Press, Walnut Creek, CA. 



Course Name: Climate Change: Vulnerability and Adaptation 

Paper Code: GGY-HE-5016 


Further Readings 

1. IPCC. (2007) Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution 

of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on 

Climate Change. 

2.  IPCC  (2014)  Climate  Change  2014:  Impacts,  Adaptation,  and  Vulnerability.  Part  A: 

Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment 

Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Cambridge University Press, 

Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. 

3.  IPCC  (2014)  Climate  Change  2014:  Impacts,  Adaptation,  and  Vulnerability.  Part  B: 

Regional Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the 

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 

United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. 

4. Palutikof, J. P., van der Linden, P. J. and Hanson, C. E. (eds.), Cambridge University 

Press, Cambridge, UK. 

5. OECD. (2008) Climate Change Mitigation: What Do we Do? Organisation and Economic 

Cooperation and Development. 

6.  UNEP.  (2007)  Global  Environment  Outlook:  GEO4:  Environment  for  Development, 

United Nations Environment Programme. 

7. Singh, M., Singh, R.B. and Hassan, M.I. (Eds.) (2014) Climate change and biodiversity: 

Proceedings  of  IGU  Rohtak  Conference,  Volume  1.  Advances  in  Geographical  and 

Environmental Studies, Springer 

8. Sen Roy, S. and Singh, R.B. (2002) Climate Variability, Extreme Events and Agricultural 

Productivity in Mountain Regions, Oxford & IBH Pub., New Delhi.



Course Name: Social and Political Geography  

Paper Code: GGY-HG-5026


Reading List 

Ahmed A., 1999: Social Geography, Rawat Publications. 

Casino V. J. D., Jr., 2009) Social Geography: A Critical Introduction, Wiley Blackwell. 

Cater J. and Jones T., 2000: Social Geography: An Introduction to Contemporary Issues, 

Hodder Arnold. 

Holt L., 2011: Geographies of Children, Youth and Families: An International Perspective, 

Taylor & Francis. 

Panelli R., 2004: Social Geographies: From Difference to Action, Sage. 

Rachel P., Burke M., Fuller D., Gough J., Macfarlane R. and Mowl G., 2001: Introducing  

Social Geographies, Oxford University Press. 

Smith D. M., 1977: Human geography: A Welfare Approach, Edward Arnold, London. 

Smith D. M., 1994: Geography and Social Justice, Blackwell, Oxford. 

Smith  S.  J.,  Pain  R.,  Marston  S.  A.,  Jones  J.  P.,  2009:  The  SAGE  Handbook  of  Social 

Geographies, Sage Publications. 

Sopher, David (1980): An Exploration of India, Cornell University Press, Ithasa 

Valentine G., 2001: Social Geographies: Space and Society, Prentice Hall. 

Agnew J., 2002: Making Political Geography, Arnold. 

Agnew J., Mitchell K. and Toal G., 2003: A Companion to Political Geography, Blackwell. 

Cox K. R., Low M. and Robinson J., 2008: The Sage Handbook of Political Geography, Sage 


Cox K., 2002: Political Geography: Territory, State and Society, Wiley-Blackwell 

Gallaher C., et al, 2009: Key Concepts in Political Geography, Sage Publications. 

Glassner M., 1993: Political Geography, Wiley. 

Jones M., 2004: An Introduction to Political Geography: Space, Place and Politics, Routledg .

Mathur H M and M M Cernea (eds.) Development, Displacement and Resettlement – Focus 

on Asian Experience, Vikas, Delhi 

Painter J. and Jeffrey A., 2009: Political Geography, Sage Publications. 

Taylor P. and Flint C., 2000: Political Geography, Pearson Education. 

Verma  M  K  (2004):  Development,  Displacement  and  Resettlement,  Rawat  Publications, 


Hodder Dick, Sarah J Llyod and Keith S McLachlan (1998), Land Locked States of Africa 

and Asia (vo.2), Frank Cass



Course Name: Urban Geography 

Paper Code: GGY - HE - 5056


Reading List 

1. Fyfe N. R. and Kenny J. T., 2005: The Urban Geography Reader, Routledge. 

2.  Graham  S.  and  Marvin  S.,  2001:  Splintering  Urbanism:  Networked 

Infrastructures,Technological Mobilities and the Urban Condition, Routledge. 

3. Hall T., 2006: Urban Geography, Taylor and Francis. 

4. Kaplan D. H., Wheeler J. O. and Holloway S. R., 2008: Urban Geography, John Wiley. 

5. Knox P. L. and McCarthy L., 2005: Urbanization: An Introduction to Urban Geography, 

Pearson Prentice Hall New York. 

6. Knox P. L. and Pinch S., 2006: Urban Social Geography: An Introduction, Prentice-Hall. 

7. Pacione M., 2009: Urban Geography: A Global Perspective, Taylor and Francis.  

8. Sassen S., 2001: The Global City: New York, London and Tokyo, Princeton University 


9. Ramachandran R (1989): Urbanisation and Urban Systems of India, Oxford University 

Press, New Delhi 

10. Ramachandran, R., 1992: The Study of Urbanisation, Oxford University Press, Delhi 

11. Singh, R.B. (Eds.) (2001) Urban Sustainability in the Context of Global Change, Science 

Pub., Inc., Enfield (NH), USA and Oxford & IBH Pub., New Delhi. 

12. Singh, R.B. (Ed.) (2015) Urban development, challenges, risks andresilience in Asian 

megacities Advances in Geographical and Environmental Studies, Springer



Course Name: Agricultural Geography 

Paper Code: GGY - HE - 5066


Reading List 

1. Basu, D.N., and Guha, G.S., 1996: Agro-Climatic Regional Planning in India, Vol.I & II, 

Concept Publication, New Delhi. 

2. Bryant, C.R., Johnston, T.R, 1992: Agriculture in the City Countryside, Belhaven Press, 


3. Burger, A., 1994: Agriculture of the World, Aldershot, Avebury. 

4. Grigg, D.B., 1984: Introduction to Agricultural Geography, Hutchinson, London. 

5. Ilbery B. W., 1985: Agricultural Geography: A Social and Economic Analysis, Oxford 

University Press. 

6. Mohammad, N., 1992: New Dimension in Agriculture Geography, Vol. I to VIII, Concept 

Pub., New Delhi. 

7. Roling, N.G., and Wageruters, M.A.E.,(ed.) 1998: Facilitating Sustainable Agriculture, 

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 

8. Shafi, M., 2006: Agricultural Geography, Doring Kindersley India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 

9. Singh, J., and Dhillon, S.S., 1984: Agricultural Geography, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 

10. Tarrant J. R., 1973: Agricultural Geography, David and Charles, Devon. 
