

Human Population Genetics

Credit 6 (Theory: 4; Practical: 2)


Suggested Readings 

1. Brooker R.J.(2012). Genetics: analysis & principles. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc 4th ed. 

2. Cavalli-Sforza, L.L. and Bodmer, W.F (1971). The Genetics of Human Population. San 

Francisco: Freeman 

3. Cooper DN and Kehrer-Sawatzki H. (2008). Handbook of Human Molecular Evolution. John 

Wiley & Sons, volume-2. 

4. Crawford MH (2007). Anthropological Genetics Theory, Methods and Applications. Cambridge

University Press 

5. Cummings M.R. (2011). Human Heredity: Principles and Issues. Ninth Edition. Brooks/Cole, 

Cengage Learning 

6. Jobling, M.A. Hurls M. and Tyler-Smith C. (2004). Human Evolutionary Genetics: Origins, 

Peoples & Disease.GS. NY 

7. Lew Kristi (2019). Understanding the Human Genome. Enslow Publishing, New York., 

8. Lewis R. (2009). Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications 9th Edition. The McGraw−Hill 

Companies, Inc. 

9. Mcelheny K. Victor (2010). Drawing the Map of Life: Inside the Human Genome Project. 

Merloyd Lawrence Book., USA 

10. Patch C. (2005). Applied Genetics in Healthcare. Taylor & Francis Group 

11. Relethford J.H. (2012). Human Population Genetics. Wiley-Blackwell, USA 

12. Snustad .D.P. and Simmons M.J. (2006). Principles of Genetics, Fourth Edition, John Wiley & Sons USA, Hoboken NJ

13. Strachan T, Read A.P. (2004). Human Molecular Genetics. Garland Science/Taylor & Francis Group. 

14. Vogel F. and Motulsky A.G. (1996). Human Genetics. Springer, 3rd revised edition. USA..




Anthropology in Practice

Credit 6 (Theory: 4; Practical: 2)


Suggested Readings 

1. Arya A and Kapoor AK. (2012). Gender and Health Management in Afro-Indians. Global 

Vision Publishing House, New Delhi. 

2. Kertzer DI and Fricke T. (1997). Anthropological Demography. University of Chicago Press. 

3. Basu, A. and P. Aaby (1998). The Methods and the Uses of Anthropological Demography. 329 

pp. Oxford, Clarendon Press 

4. Carter A. (1998). Cultural Models and Demographic Behavior. In The Methods and the Uses of 

Anthropological Demography edited by Basu A and Aaby P. Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp 246- 268.

5. Census of India (2001, 2011) and National Family Health Survey (2006,2010). 

6. Ervic, Alxander M., (2000). Applied Anthropology: Tools and Prespectives for Contemporary 

Practice, Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. 

7. Erwin A. (2004). Applied Anthropology Tools and Practice, Allyn and Bacon. 

8. Gupta S and Kapoor AK. (2009). Human Rights among Indian Populations: Knowledge, 

Awareness and Practice. Gyan Publishing House, New Delhi. 

9. Willen SS. (2012). Anthropology and Human Rights: Theoretical Reconsiderations and 

Phenomenological Explorations. Journal of Human Rights. 11:150–159. 

10. Goodale M. (2009). Human Rights: An Anthropological Reader. Wiley Blackwell. 

11. Gupta S and Kapoor AK. (2007). Human Rights, Development and Tribe.In : Genes, 

Environment and Health – Anthropological Prespectives. K. Sharma, R.K. Pathak, S. Mehra and Talwar

 I (eds.). Serials Publications, New Delhi. 

12. Margaret AG. (2003). Applied Anthropology: A Career-Oriented Approach, Boston, MA: 

Allyn and Bacon. 

13. Halbar BG and Khan CGH. (1991). Relevance of Anthropology – The Indian Scenario. Rawat 

Publications, Jaipur. 

14. Kapoor AK (1998). Role of NGO’s in Human Development : A Domain of Anthropology. J 

Ind Anthrop Soc; 33:283-300. 

15. Kapoor AK and Singh D. (1997). Rural Development through NGO’s.Rawat Publ, Jaipur. 

16. Klepinger LL (2006). Fundamentals of Forensic Anthropology. Wiley-Liss Publications 

17. Kumar RK and Kapoor AK. (2009). Management of a Primitive Tribe: Role of Development 

Dynamics. Academic Excellence, Delhi. 

18. Mehrotra N and Patnaik SM. (2008). Culture versus Coercion: The Other Side of Nirmal 

Gram Yojna, Economic and Political weekly.pp 25-27. 

19. Mishra RC (2005). Human Rights in a Developing Society, Mittal Publications, Delhi. 

20. Noaln RW. (2002). Anthropology in Practice: Building a Career outside the Academy. 

Publishing Lynne Reinner. 

21. Patnaik SM (1996). Displacement, Rehabilitation & Social Change. Inter India Publications, 

New Delhi. 

22. Patnaik SM (2007). Anthropology of Tourism: Insights from Nagaland. The Easter 

Anthropologist. 60 (3&4):455-470 

23. Srivastav OS (1996). Demographic and Population Studies.Vikas Publishing House, India 

24. Vidyarthi LP and BN Sahay (2001). Applied Anthropology and Development in India, 

National Publishing House, New Delhi. 

25. Vidyarthi LP. (1990). Applied Anthropology in India – Principles, Problems and Case Studies. 

Kitab Mahal, U.P. 

26. Vidyarthi V (1981). Tribal Development and its Administration. Concept Publishing 

Company, New Delhi.




Indian Archaeology 

Credit 6 (Theory: 4; Practical: 2)




Anthropology of Religion, Politics and Economy 

Credit:6  (Theory: 4; Practical:2)


Suggested Readings 

1. Durkheim E. (1986). The elementary forms of the religious life, a 

study in religious sociology. New York: Macmillan. 

2. Benedict  A.  (2006).  Imagined  Communities:  Reflections  on  the 

Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Verso 

3. Gledhill J. (2000). Power and Its Disguises: Anthropological 

Perspectives on Politics. 2nd ed. London: Pluto Press. 

4. Ellis  F.  (2000).  A  framework  for  livelihood  analysis.  In  Rural 

Livelihoods and Diversity in Developing Countries . Oxford: 

Oxford University Press. 

5. Henrich  J,  Boyd  R,  Bowles  S,  Camerer  C,  Fehr  E,  Gintis  H, 

McElreath R, Alvard M et al. (2005). ‘Economic Man’ in cross- 

cultural  perspective:  Behavioral  experiments  in  15  small-scale 

societies. Behavior and Brain Science. 28(6):795-815; 

6. Henrich  J.  (2002).  Decision-making,  cultural  transmission,  and 

adaptation  in  economic anthropology. In:  J.  Ensminger  (Ed.), 

Theory  in  Economic  Anthropology  (pp.  251-295).  Walnut  Creek, 

CA: Altamira Press. 

7. Eller JD. (2007). Introducing Anthropology of Religion. New York: 


8. Glazier SD. (1997). Anthropology of Religion: A Handbook. 

Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 

9. Frick GD and Langer R. (2010). Transfer and Spaces. Harrassowitz 


10. Evans-Pritchard EE. (1937). Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic 

among the Azande, Oxford: Clarendon Press. 

11. Frazer JG. (1978). The Illustrated Golden Bough, London: Macmillan. 

12. Barbara M. (2011). Cultural Anthropology. New Jersey: Pearson Education. 

13. Ember CR. (2011). Anthropology. New Delhi: Dorling Kinderslay. 

14. Herskovits MJ. (1952). Economic Anthropology: A Study in 

Comparative Economics. New York: Alfred A Knopf Inc. 

15. Malinowski B. (1922) Argonauts of the Western Pacific. London: Routledge. 


Credit: 4 
Suggested readings 