Paper: SOC-HC-5016
Unit 1. Karl Marx (5 Weeks)
• Marx, Karl and Engels, Friedrich. (1969). Selected Works (Vol. 1). Moscow: Progress
Publishers. (pp. 13‐15, 16‐80, 98‐106, 142‐174, 502‐506).
• McLellan, David. (1975). Marx. London: Fontana Press. Introduction, (pp. 7-23).
Unit 2. Max Weber (3 Weeks)
• Poggi, Gianfranco. (2006). Weber. Cambridge, UK: Polity. (pp. 1-16)
• Weber, Max. (1947). The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. New York: The Free
Press. (pp. 87‐123).
• Weber, Max. (2002). The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (translated by Stephen
Kalberg). London: Blackwell Publishers. Chapters I, II, III, IV & V, (pp. 3‐54, 103‐126).
Unit 3.Emile Durkheim (4 Weeks)
• Durkheim, Emile. (1958). The Rules of Sociological Method. New York: The FreePress. (pp.
48‐107, 119‐144).
• Durkheim, Emile. (1951). Suicide: A Study in Sociology. New York: The Free Press. (pp.
41‐56, 145‐276).
• Gane, Mike. (1992). The Radical Sociology of Durkheim and Mauss. London: Routledge.
Suggested Readings:
• Giddens, Anthony. (1971). Capitalism and Modern Social Theory: An Analysis of the Writings
of Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
• Ritzer, George. (1996). Sociological Theory. New York: McGraw Hill Companies.
Paper: SOC-HC-5026
Unit 1.The Logic of Social Research (2 Weeks)
a. What is Sociological Research?
• Gluckman, M. (1978). Introduction. In A. L. Epstein (Ed.).The Craft of Social
Anthropology. Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation. (pp. xv‐xxiv).
• Mills, C. W. (1959).The Sociological Imagination. London: Oxford University Press.
Chapter 1, (pp. 3‐24).
b. Objectivity in the Social Sciences (4 Weeks)
• Durkheim, Emile. (1958).The Rules of Sociological Method .New York: The Free
Press. Chapter 1, 2 & 6,(pp. 1‐46, 125‐140).
• Weber, Max. (1949).The Methodology of the Social Sciences. New York: The Free
Press. Foreward and Chapter 2,(pp. 49‐112).
c. Reflexivity
• Gouldner, Alvin. (1970).The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology .New York: Basic
Books. Chapter 13,(pp. 481‐511).
Unit 2. Methodological Perspectives (3 Weeks)
a. Comparative Method
• Beiteille, A. (2002). Sociology: Essays on Approach and Method. New Delhi:
Oxford University Press. Chapter 4,(pp. 72‐94).
• Radcliffe‐Brown, A.R. (1958).Methods in Social Anthropology. Delhi: Asia
Publishing Corporation. Chapter 5,(pp. 91‐108).
b. Feminist Method
• Harding, Sandra. (1987). Introduction: Is there a Feminist Method? InSandra
Harding (Ed.) Feminism and Methodology: Social Science Issues. Bloomington:
Indiana University Press.(pp. 1‐14).
Unit 3. Modes of Enquiry (2 Weeks)
a. Theory and Research
• Merton, R.K. (1972).Social Theory & Social Structure. Delhi: Arvind Publishing
House. Chapters 4 & 5, (pp. 139‐171).
b. Analyzing Data: Quantitative and Qualitative
• Bryman, Alan. (2004).Quantity and Quality in Social Research. New York:
Routledge. Chapter 2 & 3,(pp. 11‐70).
Paper: SOC-HE-5016
Unit 1. Introduction (3 Weeks)
a. Tribe- Indigenous debates
• Haimendorf, C.V.F. (1967). The Position of Tribal Population in India. In Philip Mason
(Ed.). India and Ceylon: Unity and Diversity. New York: Oxford University Press.
Chapter 9.
• Hasnain, Nadeem. (1983). Tribal India Today. New Delhi: Harnam Publications.
Chapter Problems with Concept and Definition of Tribe.
• Singh, K.S. (1997). The Emerging Tribal Scenario. India International Centre
Quarterly,24 (1), pp. 85-91.
• Xaxa, Virginius. (1999). Tribes as Indigenous People of India. Economic & Political
Weekly, 34(51), pp. 3589-3595.
b. Tribe, Caste and Nation
• Xaxa, Virginius.(1999). Transformation of Tribes in India: Terms of Discourse.
Economic and Political Weekly, 34 (24), pp. 1519-1524.
• Béteille, André. (1986). The concept of tribe with special reference to India. European
Journal of Sociology, 27(2), pp. 297-318.
c. Distribution and concentration of tribal people, Tribal Zones
• Desai, A.R. (1969). Tribes in Transition. In A.R. Desai. Rural Sociology in India (5th
Ed.). Bombay: Popular Prakashan. (pp.221-231).
• Haimendorf, Christoph von Fürer. (1982). Tribes of India: The Struggle for Survival.
Berkley: University of California Press. Introduction.
Unit 2. Colonial/Post-Colonial Policies and Tribes (3 Weeks)
a. Impact of colonial rule on tribal society
• K.S. Singh. (1978). Colonial Transformation of Tribal Society in Middle India.
Economic & Political Weekly, 13(30), pp. 1221+1223+1225-1232.
• Das Gupta, Sanjukta. (2019). Imagining the ‘Tribe’ in Colonial and Post-Independence
India. Politeja,2(59), pp. 107-121.
b. Post-Independence scenario: state policies towards tribal development
• Munshi, Indra. (2004). Verrier Elwin and Tribal Development. In T.B. Subba and Sujit
Som (Ed.).Between Ethnography and Fiction: Verrier Elwin and the Tribal Question in
India. New Delhi: Orient Longman. Chapter 3, (pp.27-40).
• Xaxa, Virginuis. (2011). Tribes and Social Exclusion. Delhi: University of Delhi.
• Das Gupta, Sanjukta. (2019). Imagining the ‘Tribe’ in Colonial and Post-Independence
India. Politeja,2(59), pp. 107-121.
c. Tribes in India- Development versus Displacement
• Haimendorf, Christoph von Fürer. (1982). Tribes of India: The Struggle for Survival.
Berkley: University of California Press. Chapter 1, 2 & 3.
• Singh, K.S. (1995). The Scheduled Tribes. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Unit 3. Problems of Tribal People (2 Weeks)
a. Poverty
• Das, Maitreyi Bordia & Mehta, Soumya Kapoor. (2011). Poverty and Social Exclusion
in India: Adivasis.
• Pal, Gobinda C. (2015).Poverty Among Tribals in India: Variations and
Vulnerabilities. Journal of Social Inclusion Studies, 1(2), pp.91-107.
b. Land Alienation
• Haimendorf, Christoph von Fürer. (1982). Tribes of India: The Struggle for Survival.
Berkley: University of California Press. Chapter 1, 2 & 9.
• Rupavath, Ramdas. (2019). Tribal Alienation and Conflict in India: A Perspective
from Below. Contemporary Voice of Dalit, 11, pp. 194 - 209.
c. Indebtedness
• Chaudhuri, Kalyan. (1975). Indebtedness among Tribals. Economic and Political
Weekly, 10(47), p. 1795
Unit 4. Issues of Integration and Autonomy (4 Weeks)
a. Social Mobility, Change and integration in Nationalist Discourse
• Desai, A.R. (1969). Tribes in Transition. In A.R.Desai. Rural Sociology in India (5th
Ed.). Bombay: Popular Prakashan. (pp.221-231).
• Haimendorf, Christoph von Fürer. (1982). Tribes of India: The Struggle for
Survival. Berkley: University of California Press. Chapter 6 & 7.
• Guha, Abhijit. (2018). Scrutinising the Hindu Method of Tribal Absorption.
Economic & Political Weekly, 53(17).
b. Formation of tribal states
• Mishra, Kamal K. &Jayaprakashan, G. (Ed.). (2012). Tribal Movements in India:
Visions of Dr. K.S. Singh. New Delhi: Manohar. Chapter 8.
• Sema, H John. (2012). Naga Politics: Issues and Problems. The Indian Journal of
Political Science, 73(2), pp. 331-346.
c. Tribal Movements in India: Colonial and Post-Independence periods
• Desai, A. R. (1979). Peasant Struggles in India. Bombay: Oxford University Press.
Chapter 1, 2 & 7.
• Rao, M.S.A. (1979). Social Movements in India. Delhi: Manohar. Section V.
• Singh, K.S. (1982). Tribal Movements in India (Vol.I& II). New Delhi: Manohar.
• Shah, Ghansham. (2004). Social Movements in India: A Review of Literature. New
Delhi: Sage. Chapter 3, (pp.92-117).
Paper: SOC-HE-5026
Unit 1. Introduction (2 Weeks)
a. Meaning, Scope and Nature
• Kerr, C. et al. (1973). Industrialism and Industrial Man. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books,
Introduction& Chapter 1.
• Pascal, Gisbert. (1972). Fundamentals of Industrial Sociology. Bombay: Tata McGraw
b. Basic Concepts: Industrialisation, Urbanization, Industrial Society and Post- Industrial
• Aron, R. (1972). Eighteen Lectures on Industrial Society. London: Weidenfeld and
Nicolson. Chapter 5, 6 & 7.
• Bell, D. (1976). The Coming of Post-Industrial Society. London: Heineman, Introduction,
Chapter 1, pp.112-119.
• Kumar, K. (1973). Prophecy and Progress: The Sociology of Industrial and Post-
Industrial. London: Allen Lane, Section 4, pp.112-165.
Unit 2. Structure of Industrial Society (2 Weeks)
a. Industrial Bureaucracy
• Gouldner, A.W. (1954). Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy. New York: The Free Press.
• Kumar, K. (1973). Prophecy and Progress: The Sociology of Industrial and Post-
Industrial. London: Allen Lane. Section 3, Chapter6, pp. 95-111.
b. Labour Relations
• Child, J. (Ed.). (1973). Man and Organization. London: Allen and Unwin. Chapter 7.
• Kumar, K. (1973). Prophecy and Progress: The Sociology of Industrial and Post-
Industrial. London: Allen Lane. Section 3, Chapter4, pp. 83-87.
Unit 3. Industrial Conflict and its resolution (3 Weeks)
a. Industrial Conflict
• Child, J. (Ed.). (1973). Man and Organization. London: Allen and Unwin. Chapter 6.
• Dahrendorf, Ralph. (1959). Class and Class Conflict in an Industrial Society. Stanford:
Stanford University Press. Part 1, II & Part 2, VII.
• Hyman, R. (1975). Industrial Relations: A Marxist Introduction. London: Macmillan.
Chapter 7.
b. Conciliation, Collective Bargaining and Adjudication
• Cole, R.E. (1973). Japanese Blue Collar. Berkeley: University of California Press.
c. Trade Union and its functions, Role of Trade Unions in the industry
• Eldridge, J.E.T. (1971). Sociology and Industrial Life. London: Thomas Nelson. Part III,
Chapter 4.
• Kennedy, V. D. (1996). Unions, Employers and Government. Bombay: Maniktalas. Chapter 2.
• Ramaswamy, E. R. (1977). The Worker and his Union. New Delhi: Allied.
Unit 4.Industrialisation in India (3 Weeks)
a. History of Industrialization
• Hambrock, Jana and Hauptmann – Socrates, Sebastian. (1999). Industrialisation In India.
b. Labour Policy
• Punekar, S.D. (1966). Labour Policy in the Fourth Plan. Economic and Political Weekly,
1(7), pp. 277-280.
• Singh, Seema. (1993). New Economic Policy in India: Some Implications for Employment
and Labour Market. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 28(4), pp. 311-326.
c. Informal Sector
• Breman, Jan. (1996). Footloose Labour: Working in India’s Informal Economy.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Chapter 3.
d. Impact of Globalization
• Mamkoottam, K. (2003). Labour and Change: Essays on Globalization, Technological
Change and Labour in India. New Delhi: Response Books. Chapter 2, 3 & 4.
Paper: SOC-HE-5036
Unit 1. Introducing Stratification (2 weeks)
• Béteille, André. (1977). Inequality among Men. London: Blackwell. Chapter 1, (pp. 1-22).
• Tawney, R. H. (1964). Equality. London: Unwin Books. Chapter 1, (pp. 33-56).
• Worsley, Peter. (1970).Introducing Sociology (2nd Ed.). Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
Chapter 8, (pp. 395 – 408).
Unit 2. Theories of Stratification (5 Weeks)
a. Marx, Weber and Class
• Bendix, Reinhard. (1974). Inequality and Social Structure: A Comparison of Marx and
Weber American Sociological Review, 39(2), pp. 149-161.
• Bottomore, T. B. (1966). Classes in Modern Society. New York: Pantheon Books. Chapters.
2 & 3, (pp.9-75).
• McLellan, David. (1995). The Thought of Karl Marx. London: Papermac. Part 2, Chapter 6,
(pp. 182-194).
• Weber, Max, Gerth, Hans Heinrich and Mills, C. Wright. (1946). From Max Weber. New
York: Oxford University Press. Chapter VII, (pp. 180-195).
b. Functionalism
• Davis, Kingsley, and Moore, Wilbert E. (1945). Some Principles of Stratification.
American Sociological Review,10(2), pp. 242-249.
• Davis, Kingsley & Moore, Wilbert E. (1953). Some Principles of Stratification: Critical
Analysis: Reply. American Sociological Review,18(4),pp. 394-397.
• Stinchcombe, Arthur L. (1963). Some Empirical Consequences of the Davis-Moore
Theory of Stratification. American Sociological Review,28(5), pp. 805-808.
• Tumin, Melvin M. (1953). Some Principles of Stratification: A Critical Analysis.
American Sociological Review, 18(4), pp. 387-394.
• Wrong, Dennis H. (1959). The Functional Theory of Stratification: Some Neglected
Considerations. American Sociological Review,24(6), pp. 772-782.
Unit 3. Identities and Inequalities (5 Weeks)
a. Caste, Race and Ethnicity
• Bailey, F.G. (1963). Closed Social Stratification in India. European Journal of
Sociology,4(1), pp. 107-124.
• Jain, Ravindra K. (1996). Hierarchy, Hegemony and Dominance: Politics of Ethnicity in
Uttar Pradesh. Economic and Political Weekly,31(4), pp. 215-223.
• Omi, Michael& Winant, Howard. (1986).Racial Formation in the United States. New
York: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Chapters 1 & 4, (pp. 14-24, 57-69).
• Pitt-Rivers Julian Alfred. (1967). Race Color and Class in Central America and the Andes.
Daedalus, 96(2), pp. 542-559.
b. Feminism and Gendered Stratification (2 Weeks)
• Acker, Joan. (1973). Women and Social Stratification: A Case of Intellectual Sexism.
American Journal of Sociology,78(4), pp. 936-944.
• Collins, Patricia Hill. (1993). Toward a New Vision: Race, Class, and Gender as
Categories of Analysis and Connection. Race, Sex & Class,1(1),pp. 25-45.
• Mitchell, Juliet. (1971). Woman's Estate. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Chapter 5, (pp. 99-
Unit 4. Mobility and Reproduction (2 Weeks)
• Bottero,Wendy. (2005). Stratification. London: Routledge. Chapters 12 & 14,(pp. 205-223
& 246-258).
• Bourdieu Pierre. (1973). Cultural Reproduction and Social Reproduction.
Paper: SOC-HE-5046
Unit 1. Social and Religious (5 Weeks)
a. Formulating Religious
• Emile Durkheim. (1995). The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (Translated by Karen E.
Fields). New York: The Free Press. Book one and Conclusion, (pp. 21-39, 418-440).
b. Asceticism and Accumulation
• Max Weber. (2001). The Protestant Ethic and The Spirit Of Capitalism (Translated by
Stephen Kalberg). England: Roxbury Publishing Press.(pp. 103-126).
c. Theodicy and Eschatology
• Max Weber. (1978). Economy and Society (Vol.2). Edited by Guenther Roth and Claus
Wittich. California: University of California Press. (pp.518-521).
d. State, Religion and Emancipation
• Marx, Karl. (2008/9 [1843]). On the Jewish Question.
e. Religious and Solitude
• Malinowski, Bronislaw. (1948). Magic, Science and Religion and Other Essays. Boston:
The Free Press.(pp.37-50).
Unit 2. Elements of religious (5 Weeks)
a. Sacred, Myth, Ritual
• Emile Durkheim. (1995). The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (Translated byKaren E.
Fields). New York: The Free Press.(Book one, pp. 27-33, Book three, pp. 303-412).
• Malinowski, Bronislaw. (1948). Magic, Science and Religion And Other Essays. Boston:
The Free Press.(pp.119-124).
• Srinivas, M. N. (1952). Religion and Society among the Coorgs of South India.Clarendon:
Oxford.(pp. 100-122).
b. Time-Space
• E. E. Evans-Pritchard. (1963 [1940]). The Nuer. Oxford: Clarendon Press.(pp. 94-98, 100-108).
c. Rationality
• Tambiah, Stanley Jeyaraja. (1990). Magic, Science, Religion and the Scope of
Rationality.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.(pp. 1-41).
Unit 3. Techniques of religious (3 Weeks)
a. Prayer
• Mauss, Marcel.(2008 [2003]). On prayer. USA: Berghahn Books.(pp. 19-58).
b. Craft
• Ginzburg, Carlo. (1991). Ecstasies (Translated by Raymond Rosenthal). New York: Pantheon
Press.(pp. 1-32).
c. Body
• Robert, Hertz. (1973 [1909]).The Pre-eminence of the Right Hand. In Rodney Needham
(Ed.).Right and Left: Essays on Dual Symbolic Classification. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press.(pp. 3-10, 13-14, 16-17, 19-21).