
Course Name: Geographical Thought 

Paper Code: GGY - HC - 6016


 Reading List 

1. Arentsen M., Stam R. and Thuijis R., 2000: Post-modern Approaches to Space, ebook. 

2. Bhat, L.S. (2009) Geography in India (Selected Themes). Pearson 

3. Bonnett A., 2008: What is Geography? Sage. 

4. Dikshit R. D., 1997: Geographical Thought: A Contextual History of Ideas, Prentice– Hall 


5. Hartshone R., 1959: Perspectives of Nature of Geography, Rand MacNally and Co. 

6. Holt-Jensen A., 2011: Geography: History and Its Concepts: A Students Guide, SAGE. 

7. Johnston R. J., (Ed.): Dictionary of Human Geography, Routledge. 

8. Johnston R. J., 1997: Geography and Geographers, Anglo-American Human Geography 

since 1945, Arnold, London. 

9. Kapur A., 2001: Indian Geography Voice of Concern, Concept Publications. 

10. Martin Geoffrey J., 2005: All Possible Worlds: A History of Geographical Ideas, Oxford. 

11. Soja, Edward 1989. Post-modern Geographies, Verso, London. Reprinted 1997: Rawat 

Publ., Jaipur and New Delhi.



Course Name: Geography of Resources and Development 

Paper Code: GGY - HC - 6026 


Reading List 

1.  Cutter  S.  N.,  Renwich  H.  L.  and  Renwick  W.,  1991:  Exploitation,  Conservation, 

Preservation: A Geographical Perspective on Natural Resources Use, John Wiley and 

Sons, New York. 

2. Gadgil M. and Guha R., 2005: The Use and Abuse of Nature: Incorporating This Fissured 

Land: An Ecological History of India and Ecology and Equity, Oxford University Press. 


3. Holechek J. L. C., Richard A., Fisher J. T. and Valdez R., 2003: Natural  Resources: 

Ecology, Economics and Policy, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 

4. Jones G. and Hollier G., 1997: Resources, Society and Environmental Management, Paul 

Chapman, London. 

5. Klee G., 1991: Conservation of Natural Resources, Prentice Hall, Englewood. 

6. Mather A. S. and Chapman K., 1995: Environmental Resources, John Wiley and Sons, 

New York. 

7. Mitchell B., 1997: Resource and Environmental Management, Longman Harlow, England. 

8. Owen S. and Owen P. L., 1991: Environment, Resources and Conservation, Cambridge 

University Press, New York. 

9. Rees J., 1990: Natural Resources: Allocation, Economics and Policy, Routledge.London.



Course Name: Geography of Health and Wellbeing 

Paper Code: GGY - HE - 6016


Reading List: 

1. Akhtar Rais (Ed.), 1990 : Environment and Health Themes in Medical Geography, Ashish 

Publishing House, New Delhi. 

2.  Avon  Joan  L.  and  Jonathan  A  Patzed.2001  :  Ecosystem  Changes  and  Public 

Health,Baltimin, John Hopling Unit Press(ed). 

3. Bradley,D.,1977: Water, Wastes and Health in Hot Climates, John Wiley Chichesten. 

4.  Brown,  T.,  McLafferty,  S.,  Moon,  G.  (2010):  A  Companion  to  Health  and  Medical 

Geography, Wiley Blackwell, UK 

5. Christaler George and Hristopoles Dionissios, 1998: Spatio Temporal Environment Health 

Modelling , Boston Kluwer Academic Press. 

6. Cliff, A.D. and Peter,H., 1988  : Atlas  of Disease Distributions, Blackwell Publishers, 


7. Curtis, S. (2004): Health and Inequality: Geographical Perspectives, Sage Publications, 


8. Gatrell, A.,and Loytonen, 1998 : GIS and Health, Taylor and Francis Ltd, London. 

9.  Hardham  T.  and  Tannav  M.,(eds):  Urban  Health  in  Developing  Countries;  Progress, 

Projects, Earthgoan, London. 

10. Murray C. and A. Lopez, 1996 : The Global Burden of Disease, Harvard University 


11. Moeller Dade wed., 1993: Environmental Health, Cambridge, Harward Univ. Press. 

12. Phillips, D.and Verhasselt, Y., 1994: Health and Development, Routledge, London. 

13. Tromp, S., 1980: Biometeorology: The Impact of Weather and Climate on Humans and 

their Environment, Heydon and Son.



Course Name: Hydrology and Oceanography 

Paper Code: GGY - HE - 6026


Reading List 

1. Andrew. D. ward and Stanley, Trimble (2004): Environmental Hydrology, 2nd edition, 

Lewis  Publishers, CRC Press. 

2. Karanth, K.R., 1988 : Ground Water: Exploration, Assessment and Development, Tata- 

McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 

3. Ramaswamy, C. (1985): Review of floods in India during the past 75 years: A Perspective. 

Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi. 

4. Rao, K.L., 1982 : India's Water Wealth 2nd edition, Orient Longman, Delhi,. 

5. Singh, Vijay P. (1995): Environmental Hydrology. Kluwar Academic Publications, The 


6. Anikouchine W. A. and Sternberg R. W., 1973: The World Oceans: An Introduction to 

Oceanography, Prentice-Hall. 

7. Garrison T., 1998: Oceanography, Wordsworth Company, Belmont. 

8. Kershaw S., 2000: Oceanography: An Earth Science Perspective, Stanley Thornes, UK. 

9. Pinet P. R., 2008: Invitation to Oceanography (Fifth Edition), Jones and Barlett Publishers, 

USA, UK and Canada. 

10. Sharma R. C. and Vatal M., 1980: Oceanography for Geographers, Chaitanya Publishing 

House, Allahabad. 

11. Sverdrup K. A. and Armbrust, E. V., 2008: An Introduction to the World Ocean, McGraw 

Hill, Boston. 

12. Singh, M., Singh, R.B. and Hassan, M.I. (Eds.) (2014) Landscape ecology and water 

management.  Proceedings  of  IGU  Rohtak  Conference,  Volume  2.  Advances  in 

Geographical and Environmental Studies, Springer



Course Name: Sustainable Development

Paper Code: GGY - HE - 6036


Reading List 

1. Agyeman, Julian, Robert D. Bullard and Bob Evans (Eds.) (2003) Just Sustainabilities: 

Development in an Unequal World. London: Earthscan. (Introduction and conclusion.). 

2. Ayers, Jessica and David Dodman (2010) “Climate change adaptation and development I: 

the state of the debate”. Progress in Development Studies 10 (2): 161-168. 

3. Baker, Susan (2006) Sustainable Development. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, 

N.Y.: Routledge. (Chapter 2, “The concept of sustainable development”). 

4.  Brosius,  Peter  (1997)  “Endangered  forest,  endangered  people:  Environmentalist 

representations of indigenous knowledge”, Human Ecology 25: 47-69. 

5. Lohman, Larry (2003) “Re-imagining the population debate”. Corner House Briefing 28. 

6. Martínez-Alier, Joan et al (2010) “Sustainable de-growth: Mapping the context, criticisms 

and future prospects of an emergent paradigm” Ecological Economics 69: 1741-1747. 

7.  Merchant,  Carolyn  (Ed.)  (1994)  Ecology.  Atlantic  Highlands,  N.J:  Humanities  Press. 

(Introduction, pp 1-25.) 

8. Osorio, Leonardo et al (2005) “Debates on sustainable development: towards a holistic 

view of reality”. Environment, Development and Sustainability 7: 501-518. 

9. Robbins, Paul (2004) Political Ecology: A Critical Introduction. Blackwell Publishing. 

10. Singh, R.B. (Eds.) (2001) Urban Sustainability in the Context of Global Change, Science 

Pub., Inc., Enfield (NH), USA and Oxford & IBH Pub., New Delhi. 



Course Name: Research Methods and Project Work 

Paper Code: GGY - HE - 6044


Reading List 

1. Government of India. (1997) Vulnerability Atlas of India. New Delhi, Building Materials 

&  Technology  Promotion  Council,  Ministry  of  Urban  Development,  Government  of 


2. Kapur, A. (2010) Vulnerable India: A Geographical Study of Disasters, Sage Publication, 

New Delhi. 

3.  Modh,  S.  (2010)  Managing  Natural  Disaster:  Hydrological,  Marine  and  Geological 

Disasters, Macmillan, Delhi. 

4. Singh, R.B. (2005) Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Analysis, IGNOU, New Delhi. 

Chapter 1, 2 and 3 

5. Singh, R. B. (ed.), (2006) Natural Hazards and Disaster Management: Vulnerability and 

Mitigation, Rawat Publications, New Delhi. 

6. Sinha, A. (2001). Disaster Management: Lessons Drawn and Strategies for Future, New 

United Press, New Delhi. 

7.  Stoltman,  J.P.  et  al.  (2004)  International  Perspectives  on  Natural  Disasters,  Kluwer 

Academic Publications. Dordrecht. 

8. Singh Jagbir (2007) “Disaster Management Future Challenges and Oppurtunities”, 2007. 

Publisher-  I.K.  International  Pvt.  Ltd.  S-25,  Green  Park  Extension,  Uphaar  Cinema 

Market, New Delhi, India (www.ikbooks.com). 

1.  Creswell  J.,  1994:  Research  Design:  Qualitative  and  Quantitative  Approaches  Sage 


2. Dikshit, R. D. 2003. The Art and Science of Geography: Integrated Readings. Prentice-

Hall of India, New Delhi. 

3.  Evans  M.,  1988:  “Participant  Observation:  The  Researcher  as  Research  Tool”  in 

Qualitative Methods in Human Geography, eds. J. Eyles and D. Smith, Polity. 

4. Misra, R.P. (2002) Research Methodology, Concept Publications, New Delhi. 

5.  Mukherjee,  Neela  1993.  Participatory  Rural  Appraisal:  Methodology  and  Application. 

Concept Publs. Co., New Delhi. 

6.  Mukherjee,  Neela  2002.  Participatory  Learning  and  Action:  with  100  Field  Methods. 

Concept Publs. Co., New Delhi 

7.  Robinson  A.,  1998:  "Thinking  Straight  and  Writing  That  Way",  in  Writing  Empirical 

Research Reports: A Basic Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioural Sciences, 

eds. by F. Pryczak and R. Bruce Pryczak, Publishing: Los Angeles. 

8. Special Issue on “Doing Fieldwork” The Geographical Review 91:1-2 (2001). 

9.  Stoddard  R.  H.,  1982:  Field  Techniques  and  Research  Methods  in  Geography, 


11. Wolcott, H. 1995. The Art of Fieldwork. Alta Mira Press, Walnut Creek, CA. 

12. Yadav, H. (2013) Shodh Pravidhi Evam Matratamak Bhugol, Raja Publications, Delhi.
