Ritzer, G. 1996. Sociological Theory. New York: McGraw Hill Companies.
Unit 1. Introducing Population Studies [Weeks 1-3]
a. Sociology and Demography
• Durkheim, Emile. 1982 (1895). The Rules of Sociological Method. (trans. W. D.
Halls). New York: The Free Press, pp. 136-137; 188, 203.
• Cox, Peter Richmond. 1950. Demography. University of California Press, pp. 01-08.
• Davis, Kingsley. 1951. ‘Caste and Demography’, Population of India and Pakistan,
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, pp. 52-60.
• Guilmoto, Christophe Z. 2011. ‘Demography for Anthropologists: Populations,
Castes, and Classes’. In Isabelle Clark-Decès (ed.). A Companion to the Anthropology
of India, Blackwell Publishing Ltd. pp. 25-41.
b. Concepts and approach
• Malthus, Thomas Robert. 1986. An Essay on the Principle of Population. London:
William Pickering, Chapters 1-2, pp. 01-11.
• Dudley, Kirk. 1996. ‘Demographic Transition Theory’, Population Studies, 50(3):
Unit 2. Population, Social Structure and Processes [Weeks 4-6]
a. Age and Sex Structure, Population Size and Growth
• Premi, Mahendra K. 2006. ‘Population Composition (Age and Sex)’, Population of
India: In the New Millennium. New Delhi: National Book Trust, pp.103-127.
• Visaria, Pravin and Visaria, Leela. 2006. ‘India’s Population: Its Growth and Key
Characteristics’. In Veena Das (ed.). Handbook of Indian Sociology, New Delhi:
Oxford University Press, pp. 61-77.
b. Fertility, Reproduction and Mortality
• Heer, David M. and Grigsby, Jill S. 1992. ‘Fertility’, Society and Population. New
Delhi: Prentice-Hall, pp. 46-61.
• Haq, Ehsanul. 2007. ‘Sociology of Infant Mortality in India’, Think India Quarterly,
July-September, 10(3): 14-57.
Unit 3. Population, Gender and Migration [Weeks 7-10]
a. Population and Gender
• Jeffrey, Roger and Jeffrey, Patricia. 1997. Population, Gender and Politics:
Demographic Change in Rural North India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
• Patel, Tulsi. 2007. ‘Female Foeticide: Family Planning and StateSociety Intersection
in India’. In T. Patel (ed.). Sex-selective Abortion in India: Gender, Society and New
Reproductive Technologies. New Delhi: Sage Publications, pp. 316-356.
b. Politics of Migration
• Kaur, Ravinder. 2004. ‘Across Region Marriages: Poverty, Female Migration and the
Sex Ratio’, Economic & Political Weekly, XXXIX (25): 2595-2603.
• Xaxa, Virginius. 2004. ‘Women and Gender in the Study of Tribes in India’, Indian
Journal of Gender Studies, 11(3): 345-367. 3.2.3 Chopra, Radhika. 2011. Militant and
Migrant: The Politics and Social History of Punjab. Routledge Publications, pp. 88-134.
Unit 4. Population Dynamics and Development: [Weeks 11-13]
• Furedi, Frank. 1997. Population and Development: A Critical Introduction. Oxford: Polity
Press, Chapters 4&5, pp. 40-55. 4.2.1 Visaria, P. 1976. ‘Recent Trends in Indian
Population Policy’, Economic and Political Weekly, August, 2: 31-34.
• Government of India. 2000. National Population Policy. New Delhi
[Projects, presentations, feature films and documentary screenings and field visits will be an
integral part of the coursework]
• Mukherjee, Radhakamal. 1934. ‘On the Criterion of Optimum Population’, American Journal
of Sociology, 40(3): 344-348.
• Sen, Amartya, 2003. ‘Population: Delusion and Reality’, Asian Affairs Caldwell, John C.
2001. ‘Demographers and the Study of Mortality: Scope, Perspectives and Theory’, Annals of
the New York Academy of Sciences, 954: 19-34.
• Castles, Stephen. 2003. ‘The International Politics of Forced Migration’, Development, 46(3):
• Dyson, Tim and Moore, Michael. 1983. ‘On Kinship Structure: Female Autonomy and
Demographic Behaviour in India’, Population and Development Review, 9(1): 35-60.
• Bose, Ashish. (ed.). 1974. Population in India’s Development (1947-2000). Delhi: Vikas
Publishing House.
Paper: SOC-HE-6026
Paper: SOC-HE-6036
Further Readings:
• Dhanagare, D.N (1999), Themes and Perspectives in Indian Sociology, Delhi: Rawat
Publications. Chp 7
• Mukerjee, Radhakamal 1951, The Dynamics of Morals, London: Macmillan & Co Mukerji
D.P. (1942 republished 2002), Modern Indian Culture: A Sociological Study, New Delhi:
Rupa & Co.
• Elwin, Verrier 1952, Bondo Highlander, Bombay: OUP
• Madan T N 2011, Sociological Traditions: Methods and Perspectives in the Sociology of
India, New Delhi: Sage
• Uberoi, Patricia Despande Satish and Sundar Nandini (ed) 2010, Anthropology in the East:
Founders of Indian Sociology and Anthropology, New Delhi: Permanent Black
• Karve, Irawati (1969 reprinted 1991), Yuganta: The end of an epoch, Hyderabad: Disha
• Karve, Irawati 1961, Hindu Society — an interpretation, Pune: Deshmukh Prakashan.
Paper: SOC-HE-6046