Paper: SOC-HC-3016     Semester: Third     Credits: 6     Marks: 100 marks 

Course Objective:

This course introduces the students to some major theoretical debates and concepts in Political Sociology, while situating these within contemporary political issues. A key thrust of the paper is towards developing a comparative understanding of political relationships through themes such as power, governance and state and society relationships.

Unit 1: Contextualising the study of Politics

Unit 2: Basic Concepts

a. Power and Authority

b. State, Governance and Citizenship

c. Elites and the Ruling Classes

Unit 3:Political Systems: Segmentary, Totalitarian and Democratic

Unit 4: Everyday State and Local Structures of Power


Unit 1: Contextualising the study of Politics (Weeks 1-2)

• Eisenstadt, S. N. ‘1971, ‘General Introduction: The Scope and Development of Political Sociology’ in Political Sociology: A Reader, Basic Books, New York Publication, pp 3-24.

• Lewellen, Ted. 2003, ‘The Development of Political Anthropology’ in Political Anthropology: An Introduction (Third Edition), Praeger, pp. 1- 14.

Unit 2: Basic Concepts (Weeks 3 – 8)

a. Power and Authority

• Weber, Max. 1978, Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretative Sociology, Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 53-54; 941-54; 212-30; 241-54.

• Lukes, Steven. 2005, Power: A Radical View, 2nd Ed., Hampshire: Palgrave, pp. 14-49.

b. State, Governance and Citizenship

• Mitchell, Timothy. ‘Society, Economy, and the State Effect’, in A.Sharma and A. Gupta (Ed.), The Anthropology of the State: A Reader, Oxford: Blackwell, 2006, pp. 169-85

• Burchell, Graham et al (Eds), 1991, The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality, The University of Chicago Press, Chapter 1, pp. 1-51

• Marshall, T.H. 1950, Citizenship and Social Class and Other Essays, Cambridge University Press, pp. 10-27

• Tilly, Charles. 1999, ‘Where Do Rights Come From?’ in Theda Skocpol (Ed) Democracy, Revolution and History, Cornell University Press, pp 55-72

c. Elites and the Ruling Classes

• Mills, C. Wright, 1956. The Power Elite, New Edition, OUP, pp.269-297.

• Bottomore, T.B. 1993, Elites and Society, 2nd Edition, Routledge,pp. 15-34

Unit 3: Political Systems: Segmentary, Totalitarian and Democratic(Weeks 9 – 11)

• Fortes, M. and E.E. Evans Pritchard (Eds), 1940. African Political Systems. London: Oxford University Press, Chapter 8.

• Tapper, Richard, 1990. ‘Anthropologists, Historians, and Tribespeople’ in Philip Shukry and Joseph Kostiner (Ed) Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East, University of California Press, pp. 48-71

• Schapiro, L. 1972. Totalitarianism, The Pall Mall Press, Chaps 2,3

• Macpherson, C. B. 1966. The Real World of Democracy, Oxford Clarendon Press, pp. 1-45

• Chomsky, N. 1999. Profit over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order. Severn Stories Press, pp. 7-18, 43-64

• Jodhka, Surinder and Jules Naudet (Eds), 2019. Mapping the Elite: Power, Privilegeand Elite, OUP.

Unit 4: Everyday State and Local Structures of Power: State and Politics in India (Weeks 12 -14)

• Fuller, C.J. and V. Benei (Eds.), 2000. The Everyday State and Society in Modern India. Social

Science Press, pp. 1-30

• 4.1.2 Tarlo, Emma, 2003 Unsettling Memories: Narratives of the Emergency in Delhi, University of California Press, pp. 62-93

• 4.1.3 Swartz, M.J (Ed), 1968. Local Level Politics: Social and Cultural Perspectives, University of London Press, pp. 281-94

• 4.1.4 Jayal, Niraja Gopal, 2013 Citizenship and its Discontents: An Indian History, Harvard University Press


Paper: SOC-HC-3026     Semester: Third     Credits: 6     Marks: 100marks


The course provides an understanding of the social and cultural bases of economic activity. It highlights the significance of sociological analysis for the study of economic processes in local and global contexts.


Unit 1. Perspectives in Economic Sociology

a. Formalism and Substantivism

b. New Economic Sociology

Unit 2. Forms of Exchange

a. Reciprocity and Gift

b. Exchange and Money

Unit 3. Systems of Production, Circulation and Consumption

a. Hunting and Gathering

b. Domestic Mode of Production

c. Peasant

d. Capitalism

e. Socialism

Unit 4. Some Contemporary Issues in Economic Sociology

a. Development

b. Globalisation


Unit 1: Perspectives in Economic Sociology (Weeks 1-4)

a. Formalism and Substantivism

• Hann, Chris. And Keith Hart. Economic Anthropology. Cambridge, UK:Polity Press, 2011.Chapter 5. ―After the Formalist-Substantivist Debate, pp. 72– 99; Chapter 2. Economy from the Ancient World to the Age of Internet.Pp.18 – 36.

• Karl, Polanyi. The Livelihood of Man. New York: Academic Press, 1977.Chapters 1 & 2, ―The Economistic Fallacy & Two meanings of Economics, Pp. 5-34

• Wilk, Richard R. Economies and Cultures. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press,1996. Ch. 1, Economic Anthropology: An Undisciplined Discipline‖, pp. 1-18.

b. New Economic Sociology (Weeks 3-6)

Granovetter, M., ―Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness, American Journal of Sociology, Vol.91, No.3 (Nov), 1985, pp.481 ‐ 507.

Swedberg,R., ―Major Traditions of Economic Sociology‖, in Annual Sociological Review, Vol.17, 1991, pp 251-276.

Unit 2. Forms of Exchange (Weeks 5-7)

a. Reciprocity and Gift

• Mauss, M., The Gift: Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies, London: Cohen and West, 1924, Introduction, Chapters.1 & 2, The Exchangeof Gifts and the Obligation to Reciprocate (Polynesia) &The Extension of this System: Liberality, Honour, Money. Pp. 1 – 46.

• Carrier, James G. Gifts and Commodities, London, Routledge, 1995. Ch. 1.Gifts and Commodities, People and Things. Pp. 19-39.

b. Exchange and Money

• Bohannan, P. and G. Dalton (eds.). 1962. Markets in Africa. Evanston, Illinois, Northwestern University. Pp. 1-26.

• Zelizer, Viviana A. 1989. ―The Social Meaning of Money: Special Monies‘―in American Journal of Sociology, Vol.95. (Sept.) pp. 342-377.

Unit 3: Systems of Production, Circulation and Consumption (Weeks 8-11)

a. Hunting and Gathering

• Sahlins, M. Stone Age Economics. London,Tavistock, 1974. Ch.1.

b. Domestic Mode of Production

• Sahlins, M. Stone Age Economics. London, Tavistock, 1974. Ch.2, 

c. Peasant

• Wolf, Eric R. Peasants. New Jersey, Prentice Hall. 1966 Ch. 1. Shanin, Teodor. Peasantry: Delineation of a Sociological Concept and a Field of Study in European Journal of Sociology, Cambridge University Press, 1971, pp. 289-300 (url:

d. Capitalism

• Wallerstein, Immanuel Maurice. Historical Capitalism. London: Verso,1983. 1. Commodification of Everything: Production of Capital. Pp. 13 – 43.

e. Socialism

• Verdery, Katherine. What Was Socialism, And What Comes Next? Princeton,N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1996. Chapter 1. Pp. 19 – 38.

Unit 4: Some Contemporary Issues in Economic Sociology (Weeks 12-14)

a. Development

• Hann, Chris. And Keith Hart. Economic Anthropology. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2011. Pp. 100-119

b. Globalisation

• Tonkins, Fran. Contemporary Economic Sociology. London: Routledge, 2006.Chapter 1, Capitalism and Globalization. Pp. 3-28.

• Howes, D. (ed), Cross-Cultural Consumption: Global Markets and Local Realities, Routledge, London, 1996, pp. 1-16.

• Petra, James and Henry Veltmeyer. Globalisation Unmasked: Imperialism in the 21stCentury, Fernwood Publishing, Halifax and Zed Books, NY. 2001


Paper: SOC-HC-3036     Semester: Third     Credits: 6     Marks: 100 marks

Course Objective:

• The course introduces gender as a critical sociological lens of enquiry in relation to various social fields. 

• It also interrogates the categories of gender, sex, and sexuality.

Course Outline:

Unit 1. Gendering Sociology

Unit 2. Gender as a Social Construct

    a. Gender, Sex, Sexuality

    b. Production of Masculinity and Femininity

Unit 3. Gender: Differences and Inequalities

    a. Class, Caste

    b. Family, Work

Unit 4. Gender, Power and Resistance

    a. Power and Subordination

    b. Resistance and Movements


Unit 1. Gendering Sociology: [Week 1]

• S. Jackson and S. Scott (eds.) 2002 Gender: A Sociological Reader,London: Routledge. Introduction, (pp. 1‐26).

• Liz Stanley. 2002.,Should Sex Really be Gender or Gender Really be Sex‟ in S. Jackson and S. Scott (eds.) Gender: A Sociological Reader, London: Routledge (pp. 31‐41)

• Strathern, Marilyn. 1987. “An Awkward Relationship: The Case of Feminism and Anthropology.” Signs 12(2):276‐292.

Unit 2: Gender as a Social Construct

a. Gender, Sex, Sexuality [Weeks 2‐3]

    Sherry Ortner. 1974. “Is male to female as nature is to culture?” M.Z. Rosaldo and L. Lamphere (eds.) Women, culture and society. Stanford: Stanford University Press (pp. 67‐ 87).

    Rubin, Gayle. 1984. “Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality” in Carole Vance, ed., Pleasure and Danger. London: Routledge (pp 143‐179).

  Newton, Esther. 2000. “Of Yams, Grinders and Gays: The Anthropology of Homosexuality” in Margaret Mead Made Me Gay: Personal Essays, Public Ideas. London: Duke University Press (pp229‐ 237).

b. Production of Masculinity and Femininity [Weeks 4‐6]

• Halberstam, Judith. 1998. “An Introduction to Female Masculinity: Masculinity without Men” in Female Masculinity. London: Duke University Press (Also Delhi: Zubaan 2012 Reprint) (pp 1‐43).

• Alter, Joseph. 1992. The Wrestler’s Body: Identity and Ideology in North India. California:University of California: California (pp 163‐194).

• Uberoi, Patricia “Feminine Identity and National Ethos in Indian Calendar Art” In 

Economic and Political Weekly Vol. 25, No. 17 (Apr. 28, 1990), (pp. WS41‐WS48).

Unit 3. Differences and Inequalities

a. Class, Caste [Weeks 7‐8]

• Walby, Sylvia. 2002. “Gender, Class and Stratification: Towards a new approach” in S. Jackson and S. Scott (eds.) Gender: A Sociological reader. London: Routledge (pp 93‐96).

• Leela Dube 1996 “Caste and Women” in M.N.Srinivas (ed.) Caste: Its twentieth century avatar, New Delhi: Penguin (pp 1‐27).

• Rege, S. 1998. “Dalit Women Talk Differently: A Critique of ‘Difference’ and Towards a Dalit Feminist Standpoint Position.” Economic and Political Weekly,Vol. 33, No. 44(Oct.31‐Nov. 6, 1998)(pp 39‐48)

b. Family, Work [Weeks 9‐10]

• Whitehead, A. 1981, “„I‟m Hungry Mum‟: The Politics of Domestic Budgeting” in K. Young et al. (eds.) Of Marriage and the Market: Women’s Subordination Internationally and its Lessons. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul (pp. 93‐116).

• Palriwala, Rajni. 1999. “Negotiating Patriliny: Intra‐household Consumption and Authority in Rajasthan (India)”, in Rajni Palriwala and Carla Risseeuw (eds.), Shifting Circles of Support: Contextualising kinship and gender relations in South Asia and Sub‐Saharan Africa. Delhi: Sage Publications [pp.190‐220]

Unit 4: Gender, Power and Resistance

a. Power and Subordination [Weeks 11‐12]

• Candace West and Don H. Zimmerman. 2002. “Doing Gender” in S. Jackson and S. Scott (eds.) Gender: A Sociological Reader. London: Routledge [pp 42‐47].

• Susie, Tharu and Tejaswini Niranjana. 1999. “Problems for a contemporary theory of gender” in Nivedita Menon (ed.) Gender and Politics in India, New Delhi: Oxford University Press [pp 494‐525].

• Abu‐Lughod, Lila. 2002. “Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? Anthropological Reflections on Cultural Relativism and its Others.” American Anthropologist 104 (3) [pp 783‐790].

b. Resistance and Movements (Weeks 13‐14)

• Kandiyoti, Deniz. 1991 “Bargaining with Patriarchy” in Judith Lorber and Susan A. Farrell (eds.) The Social Construction of Gender, New Delhi: Sage Publications [pp.104‐118].

• Hill‐Collins, Patricia. 2002. “Learning from the outsider within” in S. Jackson and S. Scott (eds.) Gender: A Sociological Reader. London: Routledge [pp 69‐78].

• Kumar, Radha. 1999. “From Chipko to Sati: The Contemporary Indian Women’sMovement” In Nivedita Menon (ed.) Gender and Politics in India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press [pp342‐369].

[Projects, feature films and documentaries screenings, field‐work oriented tasks will be 

the integral part of the course]


Paper: SOC-HG-3016     Semester: Third     Credits: 6     Marks: 100 marks

Course Objectives:

• To understand the contributions of classical sociological thinkers, whose work has shaped the discipline of Sociology.

• To acquire a broad overview on various issues, concerns since the development of Sociology as an academic discipline.

Course Outcomes:

• The course introduces the students to the classical sociological thinkers, whose work has shaped the discipline of Sociology.

• The course will enable students to acquire a broad overview on various issues, concerns since the time of its inception as an academic discipline.

Course Outline:

Unit 1: Karl Marx

a. Materialist Conception of History

b. Class and Class Struggle

Unit 2: Emile Durkheim

a. Social Fact

b. Forms of Solidarity

Unit 3: Max Weber

a. Ideal Types and Social Action

b. Types of Authority
