Paper:SOC-HC-6016     Semester: Six     Credits: 6     Marks:100marks 

Course Objective: 

To introduce students to post-classical sociological thinking through some original texts. 

Course Outline: 

Unit1. Talcott Parsons 

• Action Systems 

Unit 2. Claude Levi‐Strauss 

• Structuralism 

Unit 3. G. H. Mead and Erving Goffman 

• Interactional Self 

Unit 4. Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann

• Social Construction of Reality 

Unit 5. Max Horkheimar, T.W. Adorno and Herbert Marcuse 

• Critical Social Theory 

Unit 6. Pierre Bourdieu 

• A Theory of Practice 


Orientation to Post-Classical Theories/ Schools in Sociology (Week I)

Unit 1 Talcott Parsons (Weeks 2-3)

• Parsons, T. and E. Shils (eds). 1951. Towards a General Theory of Action. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, pp. 3‐29 2. 

Unit 2: Levi‐Strauss (Week 4)

• Levi‐Strauss, C. 1993. “Structure and Dialectics”, in Structural Anthropology Volume I. Harmondsworth: Penguin, pp. 232‐242 3. 

Unit 3: G. H. Mead and Erving Goffman (Weeks 5-7) 

• Mead, G.H. 1934 (Fourteenth Impression 1967) Mind Self and Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Part III, pp 135-226 

• Goffman, E. 1956. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh (Monograph No. 2), pp. 1‐9, 132‐151, 152‐162 4. 

Unit 4: Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann (Week 8) 

• Berger, P. L. and T. Luckmann. 1991. The Social Construction of Reality. London: Penguin Books, pp. 31‐62 

Unit 5: Max Horkheimar, T.W. Adorno and Herbert Marcuse (Weeks 9-12)

• Horkheimar. M and Adorno. T.W. The Dialectic of Enlightenment. 2002. Stanford University Press. Stanford: California. pp 1-34. Chapter 1, The Concept of Enlightenment 

• Marcuse, H. 1964. One Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society. Boston: Boston Press, pp. 7‐92 

Unit 6: Pierre Bourdieu (Weeks 13‐14) 

a. Bourdieu, P. 1977. Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 72‐95 

[Projects, feature films and documentary screenings will be an integral part of the 



Paper:SOC-HC-6026     Semester: Six     Credits: 6     Marks:100 marks

Course Objective:

• The course intends to introduce research methods to the students.

• The course will emphasize on the process of social research, formulating research design, methods of data collection and analysis.

Course Outcome:

• The course will help students understand the basic concept and importance of research.

• The course will provide students with the elementary knowledge and understanding on how to conduct both quantitative and qualitative research.

Course Outline:

Unit 1: Doing Social Research

a. The Process of Social Research

b. Concepts and Hypothesis 

c. Field ( Issues and Context)

Unit 2: Methods of Data Collection 

a. Survey Methods : Sampling ,Questionnaire and Interview Method 

b. Observation: Participant and non-participant

Unit 3: Statistical Methods 

a. Graphical and Diagrammatic Presentation of Data

(Bar diagrams, Pie-diagram, Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Smoothed frequency curve and Ogives).

b. Measures of Central Tendency

(Simple Arithmetic Mean, Median and Mode). 

c. Measures of Dispersion

(Standard Deviation, Variance and Covariance).

Unit 4: Research Projects 


Unit 1: Doing Social Research

a. Process of Social Research (Weeks 1-4)

• Bailey, K. (1994). The Research Process in Methods of social research. Simon and Schuster, 4th ed. The Free Press, New York NY 10020. Pp.3-19.

b. Concepts and Hypothesis 

• Goode, W. E. and P. K. Hatt. 1952. Methods in Social Research. New York: McGraw Hill. Chapters 5 and 6. Pp. 41-73. 

a. Field (Issues and Contexts) 

• Gupta, Akhil and James Ferguson. 1997. Anthropological Locations. Berkeley: University of California Press. Pp.1-46. 

• Srinivas, M.N. et al 2002(reprint), The Fieldworker and the Field: Problems and Challenges in Sociological Investigation, New Delhi: OUP, Introduction Pp. 1‐ 14. 

Unit 2.Methods of Data Collection (Weeks 5-9)

a. Survey Methods of Data Collection 

• Bailey, K. (1994). Survey Sampling in Methods of social research. Simon andSchuster, 4th ed. The Free Press, New York NY 10020. Ch-5. Pp. 81- 104. 

• Bailey, K. (1994).Questionnaire Construction and The Mailed Questionnaire in Methods of social research. Simon and Schuster, 4th ed. The Free Press, New York NY 10020. Chs-6 and 7. Pp. 105-172. 

• Bailey, K.(1994). Interview Studies in Methods of social research. Simon and Schuster, 4thed .The Free Press, New York NY 10020. Ch-8. pp 173-213.

b. Observation : Participant and non-Participant

• Bailey, K. (1994).Observation in Methods of social research. Simon and Schuster, 4thedn. The Free Press, New York NY10020. Ch 10. Pp.241-273. 

• 2Whyte, W. F. 1955. Street Corner Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Appendix. 

Unit 3. Statistical Methods (Weeks 10-13) 

a. Graphical and Diagrammatic presentation of data 

• Gupta, S. P. (2007). Elementary Statistical Methods. Sultan Chand & Sons. Pp.101-108, 115-118, 131-137. 

b. Measures of Central Tendency 

• Gupta, S. P. (2007). Elementary Statistical Methods. Sultan Chand Sons. Pp. 155-168, 173-180, 187-197. 

c. Measures of Dispersion 

• Gupta, S. P. (2007). Elementary Statistical Methods. Sultan Chand & Sons. Pp. 263-277. 

Unit 4. Research Projects (Week 14)

No Specific readings for this section. Research Projects at the discretion of the teacher. 

Note: Numerical to be taught for individual, discrete and continuous series for the topics 

mentioned above. No specific method for calculating the same be specified.


Paper: SOC-HE-6016     Semester: Six     Credits: 6     Marks:100 marks

Course Objectives:

• This course provides a critical understanding of the interface between population and society. 

• It analyses the role of fertility, mortality and migration on the composition, size, and structure of population. The course addresses the issue of domestic and international population movements and their economic, political and social implications. 

Course Outcome:

• The course will enable students to achieve broader knowledge about the population dynamics.

• The course will enable students to enquire the trends of population and its relationships with the different aspects of social organization and institutions in the area. 


Unit 1. Introducing Population Studies 

    a. Sociology and Demography 

    b. Concepts and Approaches 

Unit 2. Population, Social Structure and Processes 

    a. Age and Sex Structure, Population Size and Growth 

    b. Fertility, Reproduction and Mortality 

Unit 3. Population, Gender and Migration 

    a. Population and Gender 

    b. Politics of Migration 

Unit 4. Population Dynamics and Development

    a. Population as Constraints and Resources for Development 

    b. Population Programmes and Policies 


Unit 1. Introducing Population Studies [Weeks 1-3]

    a. Sociology and Demography

  • Durkheim, Emile. 1982 (1895). The Rules of Sociological Method. (trans. W.                D. Halls). New York: The Free Press, pp. 136-137; 188, 203. 

• Cox, Peter Richmond. 1950. Demography. University of California Press, pp. 01-08. 

• Davis, Kingsley. 1951. ‘Caste and Demography’, Population of India and Pakistan, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, pp. 52-60. 

• Guilmoto, Christophe Z. 2011. ‘Demography for Anthropologists: Populations, Castes, and Classes’. In Isabelle Clark-Decès (ed.). A Companion to the Anthropology of India, Blackwell Publishing Ltd. pp. 25-41. 

b. Concepts and approach

• Malthus, Thomas Robert. 1986. An Essay on the Principle of Population. London: William Pickering, Chapters 1-2, pp. 01-11. 

• Dudley, Kirk. 1996. ‘Demographic Transition Theory’, Population Studies, 50(3): 361-387. 

Unit 2. Population, Social Structure and Processes [Weeks 4-6] 

a. Age and Sex Structure, Population Size and Growth 

• Premi, Mahendra K. 2006. ‘Population Composition (Age and Sex)’, Population of India: In the New Millennium. New Delhi: National Book Trust, pp.103-127. 

• Visaria, Pravin and Visaria, Leela. 2006. ‘India’s Population: Its Growth and Key Characteristics’. In Veena Das (ed.). Handbook of Indian Sociology, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 61-77. 

b. Fertility, Reproduction and Mortality 

• Heer, David M. and Grigsby, Jill S. 1992. ‘Fertility’, Society and Population. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall, pp. 46-61.

• Haq, Ehsanul. 2007. ‘Sociology of Infant Mortality in India’, Think India Quarterly, July-September, 10(3): 14-57.

Unit 3. Population, Gender and Migration [Weeks 7-10] 

a. Population and Gender 

• Jeffrey, Roger and Jeffrey, Patricia. 1997. Population, Gender and Politics: Demographic Change in Rural North India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.117-164. 

• Patel, Tulsi. 2007. ‘Female Foeticide: Family Planning and StateSociety Intersection in India’. In T. Patel (ed.). Sex-selective Abortion in India: Gender, Society and New Reproductive Technologies. New Delhi: Sage Publications, pp. 316-356. 

b. Politics of Migration

• Kaur, Ravinder. 2004. ‘Across Region Marriages: Poverty, Female Migration and the Sex Ratio’, Economic & Political Weekly, XXXIX (25): 2595-2603. 

• Xaxa, Virginius. 2004. ‘Women and Gender in the Study of Tribes in India’, Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 11(3): 345-367. 3.2.3 Chopra, Radhika. 2011. Militant and Migrant: The Politics and Social History of Punjab. Routledge Publications, pp. 88-134. 

Unit 4. Population Dynamics and Development: [Weeks 11-13] 

• Furedi, Frank. 1997. Population and Development: A Critical Introduction. Oxford: Polity Press, Chapters 4&5, pp. 40-55. 4.2.1 Visaria, P. 1976. ‘Recent Trends in Indian Population Policy’, Economic and Political Weekly, August, 2: 31-34. 

• Government of India. 2000. National Population Policy. New Delhi( 

[Projects, presentations, feature films and documentary screenings and field visits will be an integral part of the coursework]


Paper: SOC-HE-6026     Semester: Six     Credits: 6     Marks: 100 marks

Course Objectives: 

This course looks at social movements from a sociological perspective. It introduces the contexts and concepts of social movements and attempts to theoretically locate them through concrete case studies.

Course Outline:

Unit 1. Contextualizing Social Movements

    • Definition, Nature and Scope

    • Key Factors of Social Movement

    • New Social Movement

Unit 2. Theories of Social Movements

    • Collective Mobilization theory

    • Structural Strain Theory

    • Resource Mobilization Theory

    • Rational Actor Theory

Unit 3. Ideology, Participation and Mobilization: Case Studies.

    • Peasant Movement

    • Dalit Movement

    • Civil Society Movement

    • Big Dam Movement

Unit 4. Contemporary Social Movements


Unit 1. Contextualizing Social Movements [Weeks 1‐2]

• David Snow, Sarah A. Soule and Hanspeter Kriesi, ed. 2008. Blackwell Companion to Social Movements. ‘Mapping the Terrain’ New York:Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 3‐16.

• Della Porta, Donatella and Mario Diani, 2006. Social Movements: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. pp. 1-29.

Unit 2. Theories of Social Movements [Weeks 3‐8]

• Le Bon, Gustave. 2007. “The Minds of Crowds”. In Jeff Goodwin and James, M. Jasper, eds, Social Movements: Critical Concepts in Sociology ,Vol I. London: Routledge, pp.7‐17

• Crossley, Nick. 2009. Making Sense of Social Movements. Jaipur: Rawat Publication, pp.17‐55.

• Nilsen, Gunvald Alf.2009. “The Author and the Actors of their own Drama: Notes towards a Marxist Theory of Social Movements”, Capita land Class, 33:3, pp. 109‐139.

• McCarthy, John. D and Mayer, N. Zald. 1977. “Resource Mobilization and Social Movements: A Partial Theory”, American Journal of Sociology, 82 (6), pp. 1212‐1241.

• Sidney Tarrow. 1996. “States and Opportunities: the Political Structuring of Social Movements”. In Doug McAdam, John D. McCarthy and Mayer N. Zald, eds, Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements ,MA: Cambridge University Press, pp. 41‐61.

• Pichardo Nelson A. 1997. “New Social Movements: A Critical Review”, Annual Review of Sociology, 23, pp. 411‐430

• now, David. A, Burke Rochford, Jr and Steven K. Worden; Robert D.Benford.,1986. “Frame Alignment Processes, Micromobilization, andMovement Participation”, American Sociological Review, 51(4), pp. 464‐481

Unit 3. Ideology, Participation and Mobilization: Case Studies [Weeks 9‐14]

• Omvedt, Gail. 2005. “Farmer’s Movements and the Debate on Poverty and Economic Reforms in India”. In Raka Ray and Fainsod Katzenstein, eds, Social Movements in India Poverty, Power and Politics. London: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, pp. 179‐202.

• Hardtman, Eva‐Maria. 2009. “Dalit Activities in Lucknow: Buddhism and Party Politics in Local Practice”. In Eva‐Maria, Hardtman, The Dalit Movement in India: Local Practices, Global Connections. Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 124‐158.

• Dwivedi, Ranjit. 2010. Parks, People and Protest: The Mediating Role of Environmental Action Groups”. In T. K. Oommen, ed., Social Movements: Concerns of Equity and Security. Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 297‐316.

• McCormick, Sabrina. 2007. Democratizing Science Movements: A New Framework for Mobilization and Contestation. Social Studies of Science, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 609‐623.

• Lalitha, K. and Susie Tharu. 1989. We Were Making History: Life Stories of Women in Telangana People’s Struggle. Delhi: Kali for Women, pp.19-32.

Unit 4. Contemporary Social Movements

No readings and examinations on this section. The section will be based on visual programmes and interactive sessions at the teacher’s discretion, centered on the topics explored in section 1, 2 and 3.


Paper: SOC-HE-6036  Semester: Six     Credits: 6     Marks: 100 marks

Course objective:

• The course primarily aims at tracing the traditions in Indian Sociology through formal teaching in the subject which started in Bombay university way back in 1914. 

• The course is important keeping in view of the debate over “Sociology in India” and 

“Sociology of India” in terms of whether it has been influenced by western philosophy, is there a need of indigenization etc.

Course outcome:

• This paper will provide students with perspectives of key Indian sociologists.

• The paper will enable students to engage their understanding with issues of tradition and modernity, caste, tribe and gender in context to India and Indian Sociologists .


Unit 1. G. S. Ghurye

a. Caste and Race

b. City and Civilization 

Unit 2. Radhakamal Mukerjee

a. Personality, Society, Values 

b. Social Ecology 

Unit 3. D P Mukerji 

a. Tradition and Modernity 

b. Middle Class 

Unit 4. Verrier Elwin 

a. Tribes in India 

Unit 5. M.N. Srinivas 

a. Social Change 

Unit 6. Irawati Karve

a. Gender and Kinship 

Unit 7. Leela Dube 

b. Caste and Gender 


Unit 1. G.S. Ghurye (Weeks 1-2)

* Upadhya, Carol 2010, „The Idea of an Indian Society: G.S. Ghurye and the Making of Indian Sociology‟ in Patricia Uberoi, Satish Despande and Nandini Sundar (ed) Anthropology in the East: Founders of Indian Sociology and Anthropology New Delhi: Permanent Black 

* Ghurye, G.S. 1969, Caste and Race in India, Delhi: Popular Prakashan Pp 114-140,404-460 (82 pages) 

* Ghurye, G.S. 1962, Cities and Civilization, Delhi: Popular Prakashan.

Unit 2. Radhakamal Mukerjee (Weeks 3-4) 

Mukerjee, Radhakamal 1950, The Social Structure of Values, London: George Allen and Unwin Chp 2,3, 5, 6 & 9 

• Mukerjee, Radhakamal 1932, (reproduced in1994) ‘An Ecological Approach to Sociology’ in Ramchandra Guha (ed) Social Ecology Delhi: OUP 

• Mukerjee, Radhakamal 1932, The concepts of balance and organization in Social Ecology Sociology and Social Research 16 (July-August 1932) 503- 516 

• Venugopal, C.N. 1988, Ideology and Society in India: Sociological Essays, New Delhi: Criterion Publications Chp 7 

Unit 3. D.P. Mukerji (Weeks 5-6) 

• Madan, T.N. 2010, „Search for Synthesis: The Sociology of D.P Mukerji‟ in Patricia Uberoi, Satish Despande and Nandini Sundar (ed) Anthropology in the East: Founders of Indian Sociology and Anthropology, New Delhi: Permanent Black 

• Mukerji D.P. (1958 second edition 2002), Diversities: Essays in Economics, Sociology and Other Social Problems, Delhi: Manak Publications Pg. 177-225, 261-276 

• Chakraborty, D 2010, D P Mukerji and the Middle Class in India, Sociological Bulletin 59(2), May-August 235-255 

Unit 4. Verrier Elwin (Week 7-8) 

• Guha, Ramchandra 2010, „Between Anthropology and Literature: The Ethnographies of Verrier Elwin‟ in Patricia Uberoi, Satish Despande and Nandini Sundar (eds) Anthropology in the East: Founders of Indian Sociology and Anthropology, New Delhi: Permanent Black 

• Elwin, Verrier 1955, The Religion of an Indian Tribe, Bombay: OUP Chp 11, 15, 16, 17 

• Munshi, Indra 2004, „Verrier Elwin and Tribal Development‟ in T.B. Subba and Sujit Som (eds) Between Ethnography and Fiction: Verrier Elwin and the Tribal Question in India, New Delhi: Orient Longman 

Unit 5. M.N. Srinivas (Week 9-10 )

• Srinivas, M.N. 1996, Indian Anthropologists and the study of Indian Society EPW 31(11) 656-657 

• Srinivas, M.N. 1971, Social Change in Modern India University of California Press Berkeley Chp 4-5 

• Srinivas, M. N.1992, On Living in a Revolution and Other Essays, Delhi: OUP Chp 1,2,3,5&7 

Unit 6. Irawati Karve (Week 11-12) 

• Sundar, Nandini 2010 „In the Cause of Anthropology: The Life and Work of IrawatiKarve‟ in Patricia Uberoi, Satish Despande and Nandini Sundar (ed) Anthropology in the East: Founders of Indian Sociology and Anthropology Permanent Black New Delhi 

• Karve, Irawati 1965, Kinship Organization in India, Bombay and New York: Asia Publishing House 

Unit 7. Leela Dube (Week 13-14) 

• Dube, Leela 1967, Caste, Class and Power: Eastern Anthropologist Lucknow 20(2) 215-225 

• Dube, Leela 2001, Anthropological Explorations in Gender: Intersecting Fields, New Delhi: Sage Chp 3,5,6.


Paper: SOC-HE-6046     Semester: Six     Credits: 6     Marks: 100marks

Students are required to conduct field work based on a particular topic in consultation with and guidance of a respective supervisor (teacher) and to write the Dissertation which will be evaluated by an external examiner.

The viva is to be conducted in the presence of an external examiner and the faculty at the end of the Sixth/ Final Semester.