
Chapter 2 

Thinking about the Poem

I. 1. What are the things the wind does in the fist stanza?

(মুঠিৰ স্তৱকত বতাহে কি কি কাম কৰে)

Ans- In the first stanza it says, the wind shatters the window panes, scatters the journals, and knocks the books off the shelf. It also causes rain and tears the pages of books. In the end, the poet has offered suggestions about how we can make friends with the wind.

2. Have you seen anybody winnow grain at home or in a paddy field? What is the word in your language for winnowing? What do people use for winnowing? (Give the words in your language, if you know them.)

(আপুনি ঘৰত বা ধানৰ পথাৰত কাৰোবাক জিকা শস্য দেখিছে নেকি? আপোনাৰ ভাষাত জিকিবলৈ শব্দটো কি? মানুহে জিকিবলৈ কি ব্যৱহাৰ কৰে? (যদি আপুনি সেইবোৰ জানে, আপোনাৰ ভাষাত শব্দবোৰ দিয়ক।)

Ans- Yes, I have seen many women winnowing grain in villages. Pachhorana is the word in my language for winnowing. People use chaaj or winnowing fan for winnowing purpose.

3. What does the poet say the wind god winnows?

(কবিয়ে কি কয় বতাহ দেৱতাই জিকিছে)

Ans- The poet says that the wind god winnows the weak crumbling houses, doors, rafters, wood, bodies, lives and hearts, and crushes them all.

4. What should we do to make friends with the wind? 

(বতাহৰ সৈতে বন্ধুত্ব স্থাপন কৰিবলৈ আমি কি কৰা উচিত)

Ans- To make friends with the wind, the poet asks us to build strong homes, join the doors firmly and practice to make our bodies and hearts stronger.

5. What do the last four lines of the poem mean to you?

(কবিতাটোৰ শেষৰ চাৰিটা শাৰিয়ে আপোনাৰ বাবে কি বুজায়)

Ans- The last four lines convey the message that those who are not determined and lack confidence face defeat. And those who set their targets and make sincere efforts are not disturbed by any obstacle.

6. How does the poet speak to the wind ___ in anger or with humour? You must also have seen or heard of the wind "crumbling lives". What is your response to this? Is it like the poet's? 

(কবিজনে খঙত বা হাস্যৰসৰ সৈতে বতাহৰ সৈতে কেনেকৈ কথা কয়? আপুনি নিশ্চয় বতাহৰ "ভাঙি পৰা জীৱন" দেখিছে বা শুনিছে। ইয়াৰ প্ৰতি আপোনাৰ সঁহাৰি কি? এইটো কবিৰ দৰে নেকি)

Ans- Poets can address the wind in many ways, but it's common to see the wind portrayed with anger when it's destructive. The wind can cause a lot of damage in storms, and poets might reflect that anger when describing its power .

However, the wind isn't always a villain. It can bring rain, cool the land, and carry seeds. So, your response to the wind "crumbling lives" might be different. You might see it as a powerful force of nature, both helpful and destructive, rather than purely angry.

Here's the thing about nature - it's complex! Poets can choose to focus on any aspect they find interesting.

The poem you have just read is originally in the Tamil. Do you know any such poems in your language?

(আপুনি এইমাত্ৰ পঢ়া কবিতাটো মূলতঃ তামিলত আছে। আপুনি আপোনাৰ ভাষাত এনে কোনো কবিতা জানে নেকি)


Question Type by - Maiur Rani Kashyap  

Post ID: DABP001961