Chapter - 9

The Great Stone Face - I

( দ্য গ্ৰেট ষ্টোন ফেচ - আই )

Working with the text :

( পাঠৰ সৈতে কাম কৰা: )

Answer the following question.

( নিম্নলিখিত প্ৰশ্নটোৰ উত্তৰ দিয়ক। )

1. (i) What was the Great Stone Face? 

( মহান শিলৰ মুখখন কি আছিল? )

Ans. The Great Stone Face was a work of nature, formed on the perpendicular side of a mountain by some immense rocks, which had been thrown together so that, when viewed at a proper distance, they resembled the features of a human face.

(ii) What sis young Ernest wish when he gazed at it?

( ডেকা আৰ্নেষ্টে ইয়ালৈ চাই থাকিলে কি বিচাৰে? )

Ans. Young Ernest wished that the stone face could speak. He wished to love the man dearly whoever resembled that face.

2. What was the story attributed to the Stone Face?

( পাথৰৰ মুখমণ্ডলৰ বাবে কাহিনীটো কি আছিল? )

Ans.  It was believed that in the future, a child will be born near the Stone Face and his face would resemble that of the Stone Face. This child would grow up to be the greatest person of his era and he would be very kind, noble and humble.

3. What gave the people of the valley the idea that the prophecy was about to come true for the first time?

( কিহে উপত্যকাৰ লোকসকলক এই ধাৰণা দিছিল যে ভৱিষ্যতবাণী প্ৰথমবাৰৰ বাবে সঁচা হ'বলৈ ওলাইছে? )

Ans.  It was believed that in the future, a child will be born near the Stone Face and his face would resemble that of the Stone Face. This child would grow up to be the greatest person of his era and he would be very kind, noble and humble.

4. (i) Did Ernest see in Gathergold the likeness of the Stone Face?

( আৰ্নেষ্টে গেডাৰগোল্ডত শিলৰ মুখৰ দৰে দেখিছিলনে? )

Ans. No, Ernest did not see any likeness of the Stone Face in Gathergold

(ii) Who did he confide in and how was he proved right?

( তেওঁ কাক বিশ্বাস কৰিছিল আৰু তেওঁ কেনেকৈ শুদ্ধ প্ৰমাণিত হৈছিল? )

Ans. Ernest believed in his heart that Gathergold was not the person everyone thought he was. Later on Gathergold died and Ernest was proved to be right. Then, the people also said that there was no likeness between Gathergold and Stone Face.

5. (i) What made people believe General Blood-and-Thunder was their man?

( কিহে মানুহক বিশ্বাস কৰালে যে জেনেৰেল ব্লাড এণ্ড থাণ্ডাৰ তেওঁলোকৰ মানুহ আছিল? )

Ans. The people believed General Blood-and-Thunder to be their man because he rose to his current position in defense from a soldier.

(ii) Ernest compared the man's face with the Stone Face. What did he conclude?

( আৰ্নেষ্টে মানুহজনৰ মুখখন ষ্টোন ফেচৰ সৈতে তুলনা কৰিছিল। তেওঁ কি সিদ্ধান্ত লৈছিল? )

Ans. When Ernest compared the man's face with the Stone Face, he concluded that there was no resemblance. If there was such a likeness as the crowd proclaimed, then Ernest could not recognize it.

Question Type By - Kishor Nath

Post Id:DABP002269