1. Bharata, Natyashastra, tr. Manomohan Ghosh, vol. I, 2nd edn (Calcutta: Granthalaya, 1967) chap. 6: ‘Sentiments’, pp. 100–18.

2. Iravati Karve, ‘Draupadi’, in Yuganta: The End of an Epoch (Hyderabad: Disha, 1991) pp. 79–105.

3. J.A.B. Van Buitenen, ‘Dharma and Moksa’, in Roy W. Perrett, ed., Indian Philosophy, vol. V, Theory of Value: A Collection of Readings (New York: Garland, 2000) pp. 33–40.

4. Vinay Dharwadkar, ‘Orientalism and the Study of Indian Literature’, in Orientalismand the Postcolonial Predicament: Perspectives on South Asia, ed. Carol A. Breckenridge and Peter van der Veer (New Delhi: OUP, 1994) pp. 158–95.

5. Maheswar Neog, Sankaradeva. (New Delhi: NBT, 2005).

6. Maheswar Neog, Early History of the Vaisnava Faith and Movement in Assam: Sankaradeva and His Times (1965; reprint, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1983).

7, Birinchi Kumar Barua, ed, Ankiya Nat (1940), 3rd ed. (Guwahati: Department of Historical and Antiquarian Studies in Assam, 1983).