Suggested Reading
1. Nicholas D. (2001). Castes of Mind: Colonialism and the Making of Modern India. Princeton University Press.
2. Bernard CS. (2000). India: The Social Anthropology of Civilization. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
3. Bhasin MK, Watter H and Danker-Hopfe H. (1994). People of India – An Investigation of Biological variability in Ecological, Ethno-economic and Linguistic Groups. Kamla Raj Enterprises, Delhi
4. Lopez DS. (1995). Religions of India in Practice. Princeton University Press
5. Gupta D. Social Stratification. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
6. Karve I. (1961). Hindu Society: An Interpretation. Poona : Deccan College
7. Guha BS. (1931). The racial attributes of people of India. In: Census of India, 1931, vol I, Part III (BPO, Simla)
8. Trautmann TR (2011). India: Brief history of Civilization. Oxford University Press : Delhi
9. Vidyarthi LP and Rai BK. (1976). The tribal culture of India. Concept Publishing Co, Delhi.
10. Haddon AC. (1929). Races of man. Cambridge University, London.
11. Kapoor A.K. (1992). Genetic Diversity among Himalayan Human Populations. M/S Vinod Publishers, Jammu
12. Majumdar DN. (1901). Races and Culture of India. Asia Publishing House, Bombay
13. Dube SC. (1992). Indian Society. National Book Trust, India : New Delhi.
14. Dumont L. (1980). Homo Hierachicus. University of Chicagon Press.
15. Malhotra K.C. (1978). Morphological Composition of people of India. J. Human Evolution.