India - Size And Location

Chapter 1

1) Which country is the one of the most civilizations in the world ?

Ans: India |

2)  In which field has moved forward displaying remarkable progress ?

Ans: Agriculture, Industry, Technology, and overall economic development |

3) India is a _____ country ? 

Ans: Vast । 

4) Which line divides the country into almost two equal parts ?

Ans: The tropic of cancer ।

5) How much land mass of India has ?

Ans: 3.28 Million square km ।

6) India is the _____ largest country of the world ?

Ans: Seventh ।

7) How much land boundary did  India has ?

Ans: 15,200 km ।

8) What is the total length of the coastline , including Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep ?

Ans: 7,516.6 km ।

9) Sri Lanka separated by _____ ?

Ans: a narrow channel call gulf of manner । 

10) India is a ____ extension of the Asian continent ?

Ans: Southward ।

Type By- Khyatom Kakati