Biodiversity and Conservation


1. Multiple choice questions.

 (i) Conservation of biodiversity is important for :

(a) Animals (c) Plants

(b) Animals and plants (d) All organisms

Ans: (d) All organisms.

 (ii) Threatened species are those which :

(a) threaten others

(b) Lion and tiger

(c) are abundant in number

(d) are suffering from the danger of extinction

Ans: (d) are suffering from the danger of extinction.

(iii) National parks and sanctuaries are established for the purpose of :

(a) Recreation (c) Pets

(b) Hunting (d) Conservation

Ans: (d) Conservation.

(iv) Biodiversity is richer in :

(a) Tropical Regions (c) Temperate Regions

(b) Polar Regions (d) Oceans

Ans: (a) Tropical Regions.

(v) In which one of the following countries, the ‘Earth Summit’ was held?

(a) the UK (c) Brazil

(b) Mexico (d) China

Ans:(c) Brazil.

2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.

(i) What is biodiversity?

Ans: Imagine a vibrant tapestry woven with all living things – plants, animals, microbes, the whole lot! That's biodiversity, the incredible variety of life on Earth, from towering trees to buzzing bees, it's the magic that makes our planet thrive!

(ii) What are the different levels of biodiversity?

Ans: Imagine a vibrant tapestry woven with all living things – plants, animals, microbes, the whole lot! That's biodiversity, the incredible variety of life on Earth, from towering trees to buzzing bees, it's the magic that makes our planet thrive!

(iii) What do you understand by ‘hotspots’?

Ans: Think of hotspots as Earth's crown jewels! Areas bursting with unique species (often found nowhere else!), threatened by human activities, yet crucial for global biodiversity. Protecting them safeguards a treasure trove of life for future generations.

(iv) Discuss briefly the importance of animals to human kind.

Ans: Animals play a vital role for humans:

Food & Resources: Milk, meat, eggs, honey - animals nourish us! Wool, leather, feathers - they clothe and shelter us. Imagine no cheese on pizza, no wool for warmth!

Health & Wellbeing: Pets bring joy, therapy animals mend hearts. From medical research to pest control, animals aid our well-being. Imagine no life-saving medicines, no bees pollinating our crops!

Ecosystem Balance: From cleaning water to pollinating plants, animals keep our planet healthy. Imagine polluted rivers, empty fields - a broken ecosystem harms us all!

    Protecting animals, from majestic whales to tiny insects, ensures a thriving planet for us all. Remember, we share this Earth, and their well-being is our own!

(v) What do you understand by ‘exotic species’?

Ans: Imagine a creature out of place, a plant or animal not native to the land it walks. That's an exotic species, a visitor from afar, brought by accident or design, sometimes a guest, sometimes a threat. Respect their journey, understand their role, and remember, every species tells a story of our interconnected world.

3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.

(i) What are the roles played by biodiversity in the shaping of nature?

Ans: Biodiversity is nature's orchestra conductor, playing a vital role in shaping the world around us in many ways:

1. Ecosystem Stability: A diverse ecosystem, like a healthy forest, has numerous species fulfilling different roles like pollination, decomposition, and pest control. This creates a web of interdependencies, making the ecosystem more resilient to disturbances and able to bounce back from challenges.

2. Adaptation and Evolution: As species interact and compete, they adapt and evolve over time, leading to a constant diversification of life. This genetic variation allows ecosystems to adapt to changing environments, ensuring their long-term survival.

3. Nutrient Cycling: Different species play crucial roles in cycling nutrients within an ecosystem. Plants uptake nutrients from the soil, herbivores graze on plants, and decomposers break down dead organisms, returning nutrients to the soil, creating a vital cycle that sustains life.

4. Water and Climate Regulation: Forests, with their diverse flora and fauna, regulate water flow and protect watersheds. They also influence local climate by mitigating temperature extremes and contributing to rainfall patterns.

5. Food Security and Resources: From pollinators ensuring our crops thrive to fish providing dietary protein, biodiversity is the foundation of our food security and provides us with countless resources like medicines, materials, and inspiration.

    So, next time you marvel at a thriving ecosystem, remember the symphony of biodiversity playing in the background, each species contributing its unique melody to shape the incredible tapestry of nature.

(ii) What are the major factors that are responsible for the loss of biodiversity? What steps are needed to prevent them?

Ans: Threats to Biodiversity and Ways to Protect It:


*Habitat Loss: Deforestation, urbanization, and unsustainable agricultural practices destroy vital habitats, pushing species towards extinction.

*Climate Change: Rising temperatures, changing weather patterns, and ocean acidification disrupt ecosystems and threaten vulnerable species.

*Pollution: Water and air pollution poison environments, disrupt food webs, and harm countless organisms.

*Overexploitation: Unsustainable hunting, fishing, and resource extraction deplete populations and disrupt ecosystem balance.

*Invasive Species: Introduced species can outcompete native species, disrupting food webs and altering habitats.


*Habitat Conservation: Protecting ecosystems through national parks, wildlife reserves, and sustainable land management practices.

*Climate Action: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change impacts through renewable energy and sustainable practices.

*Pollution Control: Implementing stricter regulations, promoting cleaner technologies, and raising public awareness on reducing pollution.

*Sustainable Resource Use: Practicing sustainable hunting, fishing, and resource extraction, respecting carrying capacities and ensuring long-term viability.

*Biosecurity Measures: Preventing the introduction of invasive species through stricter regulations and public education.

    By addressing these threats and implementing targeted conservation measures, we can safeguard biodiversity and ensure a healthy planet for future generations. Remember, protecting biodiversity isn't just about preserving species, it's about protecting the very web of life that sustains us all.

Answer By: Himashree Bora.