
Transport and Communication


1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below

  (i) The Trans–Continental Stuart Highway runs between

(a) Darwin and Melbourne

(b) Edmonton and Anchorage

(c) Vancouver and St. John’s City

(d) Chengdu and Lhasa

Answer: (a) Darwin and Melbourne

(ii) Which country has the highest density of railway network?

(a) Brazil (c) Canada

(b) U.S.A (d) Russia


(iii) The Big Trunk Route runs through

(a) The Mediterranean – Indian ocean

(b) The North Atlantic Ocean

(c) The South Atlantic Ocean

(d) The North Pacific Ocean

Answer: (b) The North Atlantic Ocean.

(iv) The Big Inch pipeline transports

(a) Milk (c) Water

(b) Liquid petroleum gas (LGP) (d) Petroleum

Answer: (d) Petroleum.

(v) Which one pair of the following places is linked by Channel Tunnel?

(a) London – Berlin (c) Berlin – Paris

(b) Paris – London (d) Barcelona – Berlin

Answer: (b) Paris – London.

2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.

(i) What are the problems of road transport in mountainous, desert and flood prone regions?

Answer: Mountainous: Steep terrain, landslides, expensive construction. Desert: Shifting sand, heat damage, lack of water. Flood prone: Frequent closures, washed-out roads, bridge risks. All face harsh weather and isolation challenges.

(ii) What is a trans–continental railway?

Answer: A transcontinental railway is a long railroad track that spans an entire continent, connecting distant regions and often crossing diverse landscapes. Imagine a steel ribbon stitching different corners of a continent together, enabling the flow of people, goods, and ideas across vast distances.

    Think of the iconic image of the Trans-Siberian Railway winding through Russia's endless plains, or the Canadian Pacific Railway snaking through mountains and forests. These are just a few examples of these marvels of engineering that revolutionized transportation and shaped the development of continents. 

(iii) What are the advantages of water transport?

Answer: Cost-effective for huge cargo

Highly fuel-efficient and eco-friendly

Massive capacity, even for bulky goods

Accessible remote areas & diverse countries

Weather-resistant, often reliable

Safe mode for many types of cargo.

3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.

(i) Elucidate the statement– “In a well managed transport system, various modes complement each other”.

Answer: Imagine a world where planes seamlessly connect continents, trains bridge vast distances, trucks deliver to doorsteps, and ships navigate oceans. This isn't magic, it's a well-managed transport system where modes work together, not against each other.

*Think specialization: Planes for speed, trains for bulk, ships for oceans, and trucks for local needs. Each shines where it excels, avoiding redundant competition.

*Think connections: Smooth handoffs between modes – luggage effortlessly from plane to train, ports efficiently feeding goods onto land transport. This minimizes delays and frustrations.

*Think accessibility: Every corner reached, not just the major hubs. Planes touch isolated regions, buses navigate narrow streets, and bikes weave through cities. Everyone joins the transportation symphony.

*Think resilience: Unexpected floods? Trains step in. Air travel disruptions? Ships offer alternatives. A diverse system adapts, ensuring movement doesn't grind to a halt.

*Think efficiency: Combining modes, like rail for long distances and electric trucks for last-mile delivery, optimizes fuel use and minimizes environmental impact.

    So, a well-managed transport system isn't just about individual modes, it's about their beautiful interplay. It's a harmonious dance of specialization, interconnection, accessibility, resilience, and efficiency, enabling everyone and everything to move smoothly, sustainably, and seamlessly.

(ii) Which are the major regions of the world having a dense network of airways.

Answer: The world's densest networks of airways weave through three key regions:

1. Eastern USA: Think bustling hubs like New York, Chicago, and Atlanta, connected by a multitude of domestic and international routes. This region holds the lion's share of global air traffic, accounting for roughly 60%.

2. Western Europe: London, Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam – these are just a few major players in a tightly interconnected web. The region's economic strength and dense population fuel a thriving air travel ecosystem.

3. Southeast Asia: From Bangkok and Singapore to Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta, this region experiences rapid economic growth and surging air travel demand. Airlines cater to both regional and long-haul routes, creating a dynamic network.

    So, picture major airports pulsing with activity, planes crisscrossing the skies, and a constant flow of people and goods – that's the image of a dense airway network in action.

(iii) What are the modes by which cyber space will expand the contemporary economic and social space of humans.

Answer: Cyberspace acts as a powerful catalyst for expanding contemporary economic and social space in countless ways, here are just a few key modes:

1. Global Market: E-commerce shatters geographical barriers, connecting buyers and sellers from anywhere. Imagine accessing an Indonesian handicraft from Paris or selling your homemade crafts to the world – global markets at your fingertips.

2. Remote Work & Education: Cyberspace dissolves physical limitations, opening doors to remote work and online education. Professionals can collaborate across continents, and anyone can access top-notch courses regardless of location.

3. Digital Communities & Shared Spaces: Virtual platforms foster new forms of connection and belonging. Online communities gather people with shared interests, regardless of distance, age, or background. Social media creates shared spaces for expression, debate, and collaboration.

4. Information Democratization: Cyberspace empowers individuals with access to vast information resources. Research, learning, and knowledge sharing become readily available, breaking down traditional information hierarchies.

5. Cultural Exchange & Collaboration: Cyberspace transcends borders, amplifying cultural exchange and artistic expression. Musicians, artists, and creative minds can share their work globally, fostering cross-cultural understanding and collaboration.

    Remember, these are just a few glimpses into the expansive world of possibilities. As cyberspace evolves, expect even more innovative ways to connect, collaborate, and thrive in this ever-expanding human space.

Answer Type By: Himashree Bora.