
Chapter-4:Spatial Information Technology


1 . Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below :

(i) The spatial data are characterised by the following forms of appearance :

(a) Positional (b) Linear

(c) Areal (d) All the above forms

Answer: (d) All the above forms.

(ii) Which one of the following operations requires analysis module software?

(a) Data storage (b) Data display

(c) Data output (d) Buffering

Answer: (d) Buffering

(iii) Which one of the following is disadvantage of Raster data format ?

(a) Simple data structure

(b) Easy and efficient overlaying

(c) Compatible with remote sensing imagery

(d) Difficult network analysis

Answer: (d) Difficult network analysis.

(iv) Which one of the following is an advantage of Vector data format ?

(a) Complex data structure

(b) Difficult overlay operations

(c) Lack of compatibility with remote sensing data

(d) Compact data structure

Answer: (d) Compact data structure.

(v) Urban change detection is effectively undertaken in GIS core using:

(a) Overlay operations

(b) Proximity analysis

(c) Network analysis

(d) Buffering

Answer: (a) Overlay operations.

2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words :

(i) Differentiate between raster and vector data models.

Answer: *Raster: Grid of cells, approximate features, good for overlays & remote sensing, but large files & network challenges.

*Vector: Points, lines & polygons, precise features, compact files & good for networks, but complex structure & expensive overlays.

Choose raster for large continuous data, vector for precise and sparse data.

(ii) What is an overlay analysis?

Answer: Overlays two (or more!) maps to study interactions and changes. Like layering transparent maps, it reveals patterns and relationships hidden in each layer. Perfect for analyzing land use shifts, flood zones, or animal habitat suitability.

(iii) What are the advantages of GIS over manual methods?

Answer: GIS gives you superpowers! It crunches data faster, tackles vast areas, reveals hidden patterns, and updates in a flash. Say goodbye to paper maps and manual calculations - GIS automates tasks, saving you time and effort. Plus, it offers stunning visuals to communicate your findings clearly and convincingly.

(iv) What are important components of GIS?

Answer: Five key pillars power GIS: the hardware to run it, the software to analyze data, the data itself (think maps!), skilled people to use it, and established methods to guide analysis. Together, they unlock the magic of understanding our spatial world!

(v) What are different ways in which spatial data is built in GIS core?

Answer: Building spatial data in GIS involves:

*Inputting data: Feeding in coordinates, attribute info, and even scanned maps.

*Editing and verification: Ensuring accuracy and cleaning up errors.

*Linking attributes to locations: Connecting data like population to specific areas.

*Spatial analysis: Extracting insights by analyzing relationships and patterns.

*Data output: Sharing your findings through maps, reports, or visualizations.

    It's like building a puzzle – assembling pieces, ensuring they fit, and then revealing the bigger picture of your location-based data.

(vi) What is Spatial Information Technology?

Answer: Spatial Information Technology is like a superhero, capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying data linked to specific locations on Earth. It uses powerful tools like GPS, maps, and software to unlock the secrets of our spatial world, helping us understand where things are, why they're there, and how they change over time. Think of it as a magical lens that reveals hidden patterns and connections!

3. Answer the following questions in about 125 words :

(i) Discuss raster and vector data formats. Give example.

Answer: Raster vs Vector Data Formats: Understanding the Spatial Language

In the realm of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), data comes in two primary flavors: raster and vector. Choosing the right format depends on the nature of your data and the analysis you want to perform. Let's dive into their key differences and see some real-world examples:

Raster Data:

Imagine a grid of tiny squares, each holding a single value representing an attribute like elevation, temperature, or soil type. That's the essence of raster data. Think of it like a pixelated image, where each pixel carries information.


*Simple and efficient data structure, making it ideal for large datasets with continuous values.

*Easy to overlay and analyze multiple raster layers, revealing patterns and relationships.

*Compatible with remote sensing imagery like satellite photos and aerial photographs.


*Difficulty representing complex features with sharp edges and curves, leading to "staircase" effects.

*Can result in large file sizes for high-resolution data.

*Network analysis can be challenging due to the grid-based nature.

Example: A satellite image showing land cover types would be raster data, where each pixel represents a specific type of land (forest, water, urban area, etc.).

*Vector Data:

*Instead of pixels, vector data uses points, lines, and polygons to represent features. Think of it like drawing lines and shapes on a map to define roads, rivers, or building footprints.


*Precise representation of complex features with sharp edges and curves, ideal for maps and detailed analysis.

*Compact file sizes, especially for sparse data with fewer features.

*Well-suited for network analysis due to the explicit representation of connections.


*More complex data structure compared to raster, requiring more processing power.

*Overlay operations can be computationally expensive for complex datasets.

*Less direct compatibility with some types of remote sensing data.

Example: A road network map would be vector data, where each road segment is represented as a line with associated attributes like lane number and speed limit.

Choosing the Right Format:

The best format depends on your specific needs. Here's a quick guide:

*Use raster data for: Large datasets with continuous values, overlays and analysis, remote sensing imagery.

*Use vector data for: Precise representation of complex features, network analysis, small file sizes for sparse data.

    Remember, both formats have their strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes, a combination of both might be the best solution. By understanding their differences, you can choose the right tool for your spatial analysis tasks and unlock the secrets hidden within your data.

(ii) Write an explanatory account of the sequence of activities involved in GIS

related work.

Answer: Unveiling the GIS Journey: A Step-by-Step Adventure

The world of GIS is like a captivating narrative – a sequence of activities where geographical data transforms into insights and understanding. Here's a peek into the typical sequence involved in GIS-related work:

1. Defining the Goal:

Every journey starts with a destination. In GIS, that destination is the question you want to answer or the problem you want to solve. Whether it's analyzing flood risks, optimizing transportation routes, or studying wildlife habitat suitability, having a clear goal guides your entire adventure.

2. Data Acquisition:

Think of data as the fuel for your GIS engine. This can come from various sources: databases, satellite imagery, surveys, maps, even field measurements. Choosing the right data, ensuring its quality and accuracy, is crucial for reliable results.

3. Data Processing and Preparation:

Data rarely arrives polished and ready-to-use. Imagine cleaning dust off an old map – you need to correct errors, standardize formats, and organize it for analysis. This might involve merging datasets, converting formats, and adjusting projections.

4. Spatial Analysis and Modeling:

Now comes the exciting part! This is where you unleash the power of GIS tools to analyze and interpret your data. You can perform overlays to identify patterns, calculate distances and areas, model complex relationships, and create simulations. It's like putting the pieces of a puzzle together to reveal the bigger picture.

5. Visualization and Communication:

Data alone can be confusing. To effectively communicate your findings, you need to translate them into visually compelling stories. Think maps, charts, graphs, and even 3D models – anything that brings your analysis to life and engages your audience.

6. Implementation and Decision-Making:

The ultimate purpose of GIS isn't just creating maps and graphs. It's about putting insights into action! This means sharing your findings with stakeholders, making informed decisions based on your analysis, and potentially implementing solutions to real-world problems.


This is just a general framework, and the specific sequence of activities may vary depending on the project and tools used. But the core idea remains the same: GIS is a powerful tool for transforming geographical data into knowledge and empowering us to make sense of our world. So, the next time you embark on a GIS project, remember – it's not just a technical journey, it's an adventure of discovery!

Answer Type By: Himashree Bora.