Al Muharraq

1. What is the population of Al Muharraq?

Answer: Over 200,000 people

2. On which island is Al Muharraq located?

Answer: Al Muharraq Island

3. What is the name of the fort in Al Muharraq?

Answer: Arad Fort

4. What is the name of the international airport in Al Muharraq?

Answer: Bahrain International Airport

5. What is the name of the bridge that connects Al Muharraq to Bahrain Island?

Answer: Shaikh Isa bin Salman Bridge

6. What is the name of the traditional pearling method used in Al Muharraq?

Answer: Gargash

7. What is the name of the traditional wooden dhow boats used in Al Muharraq?

Answer: Dhow

8. What is the name of the traditional music of Al Muharraq?

Answer: Fjiri

9. What is the name of the traditional dance of Al Muharraq?

Answer: Habban

10. What is the name of the traditional food of Al Muharraq?

Answer: Machboos

Type By Munmi Hazarika
