Secondary Activities

 Question 1: What is the most important factor influencing industrial location?

Answer: Access to market.

Question 2: Why do industries need to be located near markets?

Answer: To sell their products.

Question 3: What are agglomeration economies?

Answer: Savings that industries can derive from being located near other industries that they have relationships with.

Question 4: What is the difference between small-scale and large-scale industries?

Answer: Small-scale industries are typically less capital-intensive and more flexible than large-scale industries.

Question 5: What are some of the factors that governments can consider when making decisions about industrial policy?

Answer: Access to labor, access to energy, and transportation and communication infrastructure.

Question 6: What is the role of transportation and communication facilities in industrial location?

Answer: Transportation and communication facilities are essential for industries to transport goods and information.

Question 7: What are some of the trade-offs that industries may need to make when choosing a location?

Answer: Industries may need to trade off between factors such as access to market, access to raw materials, and access to labor.

Question 8: What is the impact of government policy on industrial location?

Answer: Government policy can influence industrial location through policies such as subsidies and tax breaks.

Question 9: Why is it important for industries to have good access to markets?

Answer: Industries need to have good access to markets in order to sell their products and generate profits.

Question 10: What are some of the benefits of agglomeration economies?

Answer: Agglomeration economies can reduce production costs, improve efficiency, and increase innovation.

11. What is the smallest manufacturing unit?

Answer: Household industries

12. What are some of the products produced by household industries?

Answer: Foodstuffs, fabrics, mats, containers, tools, furniture, shoes, and figurines

13. What is the difference between small-scale manufacturing and household industries?

Answer: Small-scale manufacturing uses power-driven machines and semi-skilled labor, while household industries typically use simple tools and family labor.

14. What is the main characteristic of large-scale manufacturing?

Answer: Large-scale manufacturing involves mass production, advanced technology, and specialized workers.

15. What are some of the countries that have developed labor-intensive small-scale manufacturing?

Answer: India, China, Indonesia, and Brazil

16. What are some of the raw materials used by mineral-based industries?

Answer: Ferrous metallic minerals (iron and steel), non-ferrous metallic minerals (aluminum, copper), and non-metallic minerals (cement and pottery)

17. What are some of the products produced by chemical-based industries?

Answer: Synthetic fibers, plastics, and other products made from wood and coal

18. What are some of the raw materials used by forest-based industries?

Answer: Timber for furniture, wood, bamboo, and grass for paper, and lac for lac industries

19. What are some of the raw materials used by animal-based industries?

Answer: Leather for leather goods and wool for woolen textiles

20. What are some of the examples of high-tech industries?

Answer: Robotics, computer-aided design (CAD), manufacturing, electronic controls of smelting and refining processes, and the development of new chemical and pharmaceutical products.

Colour By: Himashree Bora.