Lebur Bon Mangroves (Kuakata) City Quiz 

1. What type of ecosystem are the Lebur Bon Mangroves?

Answer: Saltwater mangrove forest.

2. What is the significance of mangroves in terms of the environment?

Answer: They protect coastlines from erosion, filter saltwater, provide habitat for diverse species, and act as carbon sinks.

3. What is the area covered by the Lebur Bon Mangroves?

Answer: Around 57 hectares (140 acres).

4. Which species of mangrove trees are found in Lebur Bon Mangroves?

Answer: Sundari (Heritiera littoralis), Gewa (Excoecaria agallocha), Keora (Sonneratia apetala), Goran (Ceriops tagal), etc.

5. What is the local name for the Lebur Bon Mangroves?

Answer: Sundarbans (meaning "beautiful forest").

6. What is the significance of the Lebur Bon Mangroves for the local community?

Answer: They provide a source of livelihood through fishing, fuelwood collection, and ecotourism.

7. What are some of the challenges faced by the Lebur Bon Mangroves?

Answer: Cyclone impacts, deforestation, overfishing, and pollution.

8. What conservation efforts are being undertaken to protect the Lebur Bon Mangroves?

Answer: Afforestation programs, community-based conservation initiatives, and protected area designation.

9. What is the main attraction for tourists visiting the Lebur Bon Mangroves?

Answer: Boat tours through the mangroves to observe wildlife and the unique ecosystem.

10. What is the significance of the Lebur Bon Mangroves in terms of biodiversity?

Answer: They provide habitat for various bird species, reptiles, mammals, and fish, including some endangered species.

11. What is the name of the river that flows alongside the Lebur Bon Mangroves?

Answer: The Sundarbans River.

12. What is the best time of year to visit the Lebur Bon Mangroves?

Answer: October to March, during the dry season, when wildlife sightings are more frequent.

13. What are some of the traditional practices followed by the local community to live in harmony with the mangroves?

Answer: Sustainable fishing techniques, mangrove planting initiatives, and cultural practices that respect the natural environment.

14. What are some of the threats posed by climate change to the Lebur Bon Mangroves?

Answer: Sea level rise, increased salinity, and more frequent and intense storms.

15. What role can tourists play in ensuring the sustainable management of the Lebur Bon Mangroves?

Answer: Choosing responsible tourism operators, respecting local customs and regulations, and minimizing their environmental impact.

16. How can local communities benefit from ecotourism in the Lebur Bon Mangroves?

Answer: Increased income generation, job creation, and opportunities for cultural exchange.

17. What are some of the educational programs offered at the Lebur Bon Mangroves?

Answer: Guided nature walks, workshops on mangrove conservation, and awareness programs for students and local communities.

18. What are some of the traditional uses of mangrove plants by the local community?

Answer: Medicine, construction materials, food sources, and handicrafts.

19. What are some of the challenges faced by women in the Lebur Bon Mangrove communities?

Answer: Limited access to education and resources, and cultural barriers to participation in decision-making processes.

20. What are some of the initiatives aimed at empowering women in the Lebur Bon Mangrove communities?

Answer: Microfinance programs, skills training workshops, and leadership development programs.

Type by: Jyotishna Hazarika .