Resources And Development 

Q) What is the capital of France? 

Answer: Paris.

Q) What is the largest ocean on Earth? 

Answer: Pacific Ocean.

Q) Who painted the Mona Lisa? 

Answer: Leonardo da Vinci.

Q) What is the chemical symbol for water? 

Answer: H₂O.

Q) What year did World War II end? 

Answer: 1945.

Q) What is the tallest mountain in the world?  

Answer: Mount Everest.

Q) What is the square root of 25? 

Answer: 5.

Q) What is the main ingredient in chocolate? 

Answer: Cocoa.

Q) What is the national bird of the United States? 

Answer: Bald eagle.

Q) What is the current year?  

Answer: 2023.

Post ID: DABP008066