
1. What is the capital of the United States?

Answer: Washington, D.C.

2. What is the national bird of the United States?

Answer: The bald eagle

3. What is the national flower of the United States?

Answer: The rose

4. What is the national motto of the United States?

Answer: In God We Trust


5. What is the national anthem of the United States?

Answer: The Star-Spangled Banner

6. What are the three branches of government in the United States?

Answer: The legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch

7. What are the two major political parties in the United States?

Answer: The Democratic Party and the Republican Party

8. What are the five Great Lakes in the United States?

Answer: Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario

9. What are the three mountain ranges that run through the United States?

Answer: The Rocky Mountains, the Appalachian Mountains, and the Sierra Nevada Mountains

10. What are the four main time zones in the United States?

Answer: Eastern Standard Time, Central Standard Time, Mountain Standard Time, and Pacific Standard Time

Type By Munmi Hazarika