Country city quiz 

1. Which city is both the capital and most populous city of Canada?

Answer:  Ottawa .

2. What Australian city was specifically built to be the nation's capital?

Answer: Canberra  .

3. Which German city houses the iconic Brandenburg Gate?

Answer: Berlin

4. In what Brazilian city can you find the futuristic architectural marvel, the Cathedral of Brasilia?

Answer: Brasilia .

5. This Japanese city is home to the Imperial Palace and is considered the cultural center of the country.

Answer: Tokyo .

6.  This tower, nicknamed "La dame de fer," is a symbol of love and French engineering.

Answer: Paris .

7.  The Great Wall of China snakes through which country, a testament to ancient human ambition?

Answer: China .

8. A maze of waterways and gondolas defines this Italian city, often called the "City of Canals."

Answer: Venice .

9. The nickname "Big Apple" belongs to this American metropolis, a melting pot of cultures and dreams.

Answer: New York City

10. Christ the Redeemer, a statue overlooking Rio de Janeiro, is a symbol of this country's faith and beauty.

Answer: Brazil .

Type by: Jyotishna Hazarika .