Q) What is the difference between rural and urban settlements?

Answer: Rural settlements focus on agriculture and primary activities, while urban settlements specialize in secondary and tertiary activities.

Q) How many types of rural settlements are there in India?

Answer: Four: clustered, semi-clustered, hamleted, and dispersed.

Q) What are some examples of ancient towns in India?

Answer: Varanasi, Prayag, Pataliputra, Madurai

Q) What are some examples of modern towns in India?

Answer: Chandigarh, Bhubaneswar, Gandhinagar, Dispur

Q) What is the level of urbanization in India?

Answer: 31.16%, lower than most developed countries.

Q) What are the different categories of cities and towns based on function?

Answer: Administrative, industrial, transport, trade and commerce, mining, garrison, educational, religious/cultural, and tourist.

Q) Give an example of a religious/cultural town in India.

Answer: Amritsar

Q) What is a specialized city that has become multifunctional?

Answer: Mumbai (initially a trading port, now a major industrial and financial center)

Q) Why are cities and towns important for rural areas?

Answer: They provide goods and services not available in rural areas and serve as markets for agricultural products.

Q) Why are some settlements dispersed?

Answer: Due to the fragmented nature of the terrain and land resources in remote areas.

Q) What are the two main categories of human settlements?

Answer: Rural and urban.

Q) What are the primary activities in rural settlements?

Answer: Agriculture and other primary activities.

Q) What are the primary activities in urban settlements?

Answer: Secondary and tertiary activities.

Q) What are the four types of rural settlements?

Answer: Clustered, semi-clustered, hamleted, and dispersed.

Q) What are the three types of urban settlements based on evolution?

Answer: Ancient, medieval, and modern.

Q) How are cities and rural areas connected?

Answer: Through the exchange of goods and services.

Q) What is the level of urbanization in India?

Answer: 31.16%

Q) How are Indian cities and towns categorized?

Answer: Based on their dominant functions.

Q) What factors can cause cities to change their functions?

Answer: Growth, economic changes, and historical events.

Q) Can cities have more than one function?

Answer: Yes, cities can become multifunctional as they grow and develop.         
