Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems

Q) What is the main topic of the passage?

Answer: Environmental pollution and its various forms.

Q) How many types of pollution are discussed?

Answer: Four: air, water, land, and noise.

Q) What are the main sources of water pollution?

Answer: Industrial waste, agricultural runoff, and cultural activities.

Q) What is the primary cause of air pollution?

Answer: Combustion of fossil fuels, mining, and industries.

Q) What is the harmful effect of urban smog?

Answer: Respiratory problems and acid rain.

Q) What is the main source of noise pollution in cities?

Answer: Traffic.

Q) What are the health hazards of solid waste? 

Answer: Diseases, foul air, and breeding grounds for pests.

Q) What is the main reason behind rural-urban migration? 

Answer: Lack of opportunities and poverty in rural areas.

Q) What are the challenges faced by rural migrants in cities? 

Answer: Low wages, informal jobs, and poor living conditions.

Q) What are the two main types of wastelands? 

Answer: Those caused by natural factors and those caused by human activities.

Q) What is an example of a successful watershed management program? 

Answer: The Petlawad block in Jhabua district, India.

Q) What is a common property resource (CPR)? 

Answer: A resource owned and managed by a community.

Q) What is the impact of land degradation on agricultural productivity? 

Answer: Decline in crop yield.

Q) What are the two main processes that lead to land degradation? 

Answer: Natural processes and human activities.

Q) What is the difference between slums and high-income group localities in urban areas? 

Answer: Slum dwellers lack basic amenities and live in overcrowded, unsanitary conditions, while high-income group localities have well-developed infrastructure and services.

Q) What is the connection between poverty and environmental degradation? 

Answer: Poverty can lead to unsustainable land use practices and resource overuse, contributing to environmental degradation.

Q) What is the role of community participation in environmental management? 

Answer: Communities can play a crucial role in protecting and restoring their environment through collective action and resource stewardship.

Q) What is the importance of treating waste as a resource? 

Answer: Reducing waste and utilizing it for energy generation and compost can minimize environmental impact and promote sustainability.

Q) What are some potential solutions to environmental pollution? 

Answer: Investing in renewable energy, sustainable waste management, stricter regulations on industries, and promoting public awareness.

Q) What is the overall message of the passage? 

Answer: Environmental pollution is a serious threat to human health and well-being, but through collective action, sustainable practices, and responsible resource management, we can work towards a cleaner and healthier planet.