Globalization and Social Change

Q) What is the main argument of the passage?

Answer: The passage argues that globalization is not a new phenomenon, but rather a continuation of existing global connections with some distinctive features driven by technological advancements and political context.

Q) How does the passage define globalization?

Answer: Globalization is defined as the growing interdependence between different people, regions, and countries facilitated by social and economic relationships stretching worldwide.

Q) What are the three main dimensions of globalization discussed?

Answer: Economic, political, and cultural dimensions.

Q) How does the passage differentiate between "global interconnection" and "globalization"?

Answer: Global interconnection simply refers to any connection between different parts of the world, while globalization implies a specific set of changes in the capitalist system driven by technology, communication, and political factors.

Q) What evidence does the passage provide for India's historical global connections?

Answer: The Silk Route, colonialism, migration patterns, and independent India's global outlook are cited as examples.

Q) What are some potential benefits of globalization mentioned in the passage?

Answer: New opportunities and a better world.

Q) What are some potential drawbacks of globalization mentioned in the passage?

Answer: Worsening conditions for marginalized groups and benefits primarily for the privileged.

Q) What is the role of information and communication technology in globalization?

Answer: It is a driving force, intensifying the speed and scope of interaction between people worldwide.

Q) What is the political context that has encouraged globalization?

Answer: A global capitalist system with free trade and open borders.

Q) How does the passage suggest studying globalization sociologically?

Answer: By using the sociological imagination to connect the individual and society, micro and macro, local and global, through the lens of global interconnectedness.

Q) What is the main topic of the passage?

Answer: The passage discusses the various aspects of globalization, including its economic, political, and cultural dimensions, in the context of India.

Q) What is the difference between liberalization and globalization?

Answer: Liberalization refers to India's specific economic policy changes since 1991, opening the economy to the global market. Globalization is the broader process of increasing interconnectedness between countries, driven by economic policies like liberalization.

Q) What role do transnational corporations (TNCs) play in globalization?

Answer: TNCs, like Coca-Cola or Nike, operate in multiple countries and are major drivers of economic globalization by producing and selling goods globally.

Q) How has the "electronic economy" impacted globalization?

Answer: Instantaneous electronic fund transfers and the rise of stock markets have created a global financial network, further integrating economies.

Q) What is the "weightless economy" or "knowledge economy"?

Answer: This refers to an economy based on information and knowledge, where services like software development or event management dominate.

Q) How has communication technology impacted globalization?

Answer: Advances like satellite technology and the internet have "compressed" time and space, allowing for instant communication and global interconnectedness.

Q) What is meant by "digital divide" in the context of India?

Answer: It refers to the unequal access to technology and communication infrastructure, creating disparities in how people experience globalization.

Q) How has globalization impacted the global division of labor?

Answer: A new division has emerged, with routine manufacturing shifting to developing countries like India, creating both opportunities and vulnerabilities for labor.

Q) What are some political changes associated with globalization?

Answer: The collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of neo-liberal economic policies are seen as major political forces driving globalization.

Q) How does globalization affect culture?

Answer: It can lead to homogenization, but also "glocalization," where global influences blend with local traditions. Examples include McDonald's vegetarian options in India or Bhangra pop music.