Saint Thomas Middle Island

1. Where is Saint Thomas Middle Island located?

Answer: In the Caribbean Sea, near Saint Thomas, USVI

2. What is the approximate size of Saint Thomas Middle Island?

Answer: 2 square miles

3. What is the estimated population of Saint Thomas Middle Island?

Answer: Less than 500

4. What is Saint Thomas Middle Island known for?

Answer: Its beautiful beaches, lush vegetation, and relaxed atmosphere (Correct!)

5. What is the name of the main town on Saint Thomas Middle Island?

Answer: Frenchtown

6. When was Saint Thomas Middle Island first inhabited?

Answer: In the 19th century by freed slaves

7. What is the main language spoken on Saint Thomas Middle Island?

Answer: English

8. What is a traditional dish commonly enjoyed on Saint Thomas Middle Island?

Answer: Callaloo soup

9. What is a popular activity for tourists visiting Saint Thomas Middle Island?

Answer: Snorkeling and diving in the coral reefs

10. What is a unique animal species found on Saint Thomas Middle Island?

Answer: St. Croix ground dove

Type By Munmi Hazarika