
1. In which number region (mkoa) of Tanzania is Kigoma located? 

Answer: 8

2. What is the estimated population of Kigoma town as of 2023? 

Answer: Around 230,000

3. Kigoma borders Lake Tanganyika. What is the approximate length of the lake's shoreline within Kigoma Region? 

Answer: 450 km

4. The Gombe Stream National Park, famous for chimpanzee research, is located in which district of Kigoma? 

Answer: Kigoma North

5. What is the name of the port city located on the shores of Lake Tanganyika in Kigoma? 

Answer: Kigoma

6. Kigoma is known for its historical significance as a port during the slave trade. What was the name of the major slave route that passed through Kigoma? 

Answer: Arab slave trade route

7. What percentage of Tanzania's total freshwater fish comes from Lake Tanganyika, bordering Kigoma? 

Answer: Around 60%

8. Kigoma is a developing city with a growing economy. What is the main economic activity in Kigoma? 

Answer: Fishing

9. Kigoma is known for its diverse culture. Name two of the major ethnic groups residing in Kigoma. 

Answer: Examples: Sukuma, Ha

10. The Mahaleb Mountains National Park, known for its chimpanzee trekking, is located in which neighboring region bordering Kigoma? 

Answer: Kigoma borders both Geeta and Katavi regions, which have Mahaleb Mountains National Park

Type by: Banashree Hazarika