
1. In which province of Argentina is Merlo located?

Answer: San Luis

2. What mountain range is Merlo situated near?

Answer: Comechingones Mountains

3. What is the name of the river that flows through Merlo?

Answer: Rio de los Conchos (River of the Shells)

4. What is Merlo known for as a tourist destination?

Answer: Its microclimate, ideal for year-round outdoor activities.

5. What is the name of the national park located near Merlo?

Answer: Parque Nacional Sierra de las Quijadas (National Park Sierra de las Quijadas)

6. What is a popular outdoor activity enjoyed by many visitors to Merlo?

Answer: Whitewater rafting on the Rio de los Conchos.

7. What traditional Argentine dish is Merlo known for?

Answer: Chivito (goat meat) stew.

8. What is the name of the historic landmark located in Merlo, built in the 18th century?

Answer: Iglesia Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Our Lady of the Rosary Church).

9. What annual event celebrates Merlo's cultural heritage and traditions?

Answer: Fiesta Nacional del Mate (National Mate Festival).

10. What is the name of the local airport serving Merlo?

Answer: Capitán Aviador Edgardo Hugo Fàbre Airport.

Type By: Raktima Saikia