
1. What is the capital of the Viseu district in Portugal?

Answer: Viseu

2. What is the main river that flows through Viseu?

Answer: Vouga River

3. What is the most famous landmark in Viseu?

Answer: Sé Catedral de Viseu (Viseu Cathedral)

4. What is Viseu known for?

Answer: Its wine production

5. What is the official language spoken in Viseu?

Answer: Portuguese

6. What is the traditional dish of Viseu?

Answer: Arroz de Pato (Duck Rice

7. What is the climate of Viseu like?

Answer: Mediterranean

8. What is a major festival held in Viseu?

Answer: Festa do Vinho do Dão (Dão Wine Festival) 

9. What is the population of Viseu (approximately)?

Answer: 100,000

10. What is the currency used in Viseu?

Answer: Euro

11. What is the time zone in Viseu?

Answer: GMT+1

12. What is Viseu's relationship with neighboring cities?

Answer: It is well-connected by highways and railways to major cities like Porto and Lisbon.

13. What is something unique about Viseu's architecture?

Answer: Well-preserved medieval buildings 

14. What is a famous person from Viseu?

Answer: José Saramago

15. What are some outdoor activities you can enjoy in Viseu?

Answer: Exploring the vineyards of the Dão wine region, Hiking in the Serra da Estrela mountains

16. What are some challenges facing Viseu?

Answer: All of the above, High unemployment and poverty

17. What are some initiatives working to improve the lives of people in Viseu?

Answer: Urban renewal projects, Job training and educational programs, Sustainable tourism initiatives, All of the above

Type By: Raktima Saikia