Lesson 1: Tales of Bhola Grandpa

-Manoj Das

Lesson 2: All about a Dog

-A.G Gardiner

Lesson 3: Autumn

-John Clare

Lesson 4: A Day in the Zoo

-Gerald Durrell

Lesson 5: All Summer in a Day

-Ray Bradbury

Lesson 6: Mild the Mist upon the Hill

-Emily Jane Bronte

Lesson 7: Tom Loses a Tooth

-Mark Twain

Lesson 8: His First Flight

-Liam O'Flaherty

Lesson 9: The North Ship

-Philip Larkin

Lesson 10: The Price of Bananas

-Mulk Raj Anand

Lesson 11: A Shipwrecked Sailor

-Daniel Defoe

Lesson 12: Hunting Snake

-Judith Wright

Reading Comprehension