Lesson 3. 


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Textual Questions


Tick (✔) the correct alternative from given below: 1×6=6

Qus. The sparrow sat on the -

(a) cottage rig [ ], (b) house-top [],c) mossy elm-tree [],

(d) casement [].

Qus. All through the day the fitful gust shakes the -

(a) window-pane [],(b) curtains ( ), c) casement [ ], (d) door [ ].

Qus. The poet loves to see the shaking twig dance till the -

(a) coming of dawn [ ], (b) end of night [], c) end of afternoon [ ], (d) shut of eve [ ].

Qus. The pigeons nestled round the -

(a) cage [ ], (b) cote [  ],c) branch [ ], (d) heath [] .

Qus. The cock was crowing upon the -

(a) dunghill [  ],(b) lea [],c) tree tops [ ], (d) mill-sails [ ].

Qus. The grunting pigs -

(a) walk slowly [ ], (b) scamper by [], c) scramble and hurry [  ],c) dive and swim [].


Answer the following questions:1 × 2 = 2

Qus. What happen to leaves of the mossy elm-tree in autumn ?

Qus. What are the things the poet loves to see on November days?

Grammar in use


Change the voice of the following sentences : 1×4=4

Qus. Anil will visit his grandfather's house.

Qus. The President has left his office.

Qus. The project will have been finished by the students.

Qus. Paramita's leave has been sanctioned by the school authority.


Change the voice of the following sentences: 1×4=4

Qus. The boy has read out the letter.

Qus. I shall have bought a cricket bat by tomorrow.

Qus. Sohini's friends had organised a picnic.

Qus. The football team will put up a brave fight.


Change the voice of the following sentences : 1x5=5

Qus. Anjan's mother said, "your father has left for Mumbai."

Qus. He says, "let you be successful in life."

Qus. The girls triumphanthly said, "Hurrah! we have won the match."

Qus. The captain informed, "The tournament was postponed last month."

Qus. I said to him, "will you share your tiffin with me?"

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