Lesson 7. 

Tom Loses a Tooth

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[1] Read the passage and answer to the question :

Answer in a sentence or two: 1x5=5

Qus. Why did Tom groan?

Qus. What was Sid doing ?

Qus. What will Aunt Polly do with the loose tooth ?

Qus. What ailments did Tom pretend to suffer ?

Qus. Who is Tom's brother?

[2] Read the text and answer to the question :

Write T for true and F for the false statements: 1x5=5

1. Tom was really dying. [ ]

2. Sid went upstairs to call Aunt Polly. [ ]

3. Aunt Polly was a kind hearted lady. [ ]

4. Tom was acting with his toe pain. [ ]

5. Mary was Tom's friend. [ ]

[3] Read the text and answer to the questions:

Fill in the gaps with a word or two from the text: 1x5=5

(1) Aunt Polly told Mary to bring a

(2) Tom will break Aunt Polly's heart with his

(3) The other end of the Silk threat was fastened to the

(4) Tom now smiles in a

(5) The tooth was by the bed post.

Textual Questions


Tick () the correct alternative from given below: 1x5=5

Qus. Sid flew down the stairs to call - (a) the doctor [ ],

(b) Mary [ ], (c) the nurse [ ], (d) Aunt Polly [ ].

Qus . The thread that Mary got Aunt Polly was made of -

(a) cotton [ ], (b) jute [ ], (c) silk [ ], (d) wool [ ].

Qus. Tom felt miserable on the morning of -

(a) Sunday [ ], (b) Monday [ ], (c) Thursday [ ], (d) Saturday [ ].

Qus. If Aunt Polly was to know that Tom had a loose tooth, she would-

(a) call a doctor [ ], (b) bring him some medicines [ ], (c) surely pull it out [ ], (d) tell him to rest [ ].

Qus. Tom drew his sore toe from under the -

(a) sheet [ ], (b) blanket [ ], (c) pillow [ ], (d) mosquito-net [ ].


Answer the following questions within 15 words: 1×4=4

Qus. Why did Tom ask Sid not to stir him ?

Qus. Why did Tom pretend his toe was paining?

Qus. Which one of Tom's tooth had come loose?

Qus. How are Sid and Mary related to Tom ?


Answer the following questions within 25 words: 2x3=6

Qus. How was Tom's loose tooth taken out?

Qus. What did Tom remember hearing from a doctor ?

Qus. How did Aunt Polly react to the news that Tom was dying?

Grammar in use


Do as directed: 1x6=6

Qus. We had a wonderful time last evening. (Exclamatory)

Qus. He loves to play football. (Interrogative)

Qus. Rina tried all her plans. (Negative)

Qus. Shut The door, Robin. (Assertive)

Qus. Rafique was running fast. (Interrogative)

Qus. The boy would never forget the exciting incident. (Affirmative)


Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs: 1x5=5

a. The enemy surrendered without a fight.

b. The child was cured in a month.

c. The Police investigated the case.

d. Puja could understand what her mistake.

e. The old man could not remember his childhood experiences.



Write a newspaper report on a road accident within 100 words use the following hints: [10]

উত্তর পেতে সদস্যপদ প্রয়োজন

1. উত্তরহীন প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর সেখানে দেখা যাবে

2 বিনামূল্যে উত্তর পান থেকে এটি প্রয়োগ করুন 

3. এটি পণ্য কোড (Product Code) ব্যবহার করুন :  DAM000060