1. Partition of Bengal (1905-1911) and the Swadeshi Movement.


Very Short Answer Question :

1: When was the unification of Bengal?

answer:  On December 12,

2: Who was 'Lal-Bal-Pal'?

answer:  The 'Lal-Bal-Pal' were Lala Lajpad Roy, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal respectively.

3: What was the total population of undivided Bengal?

answer:  54 million.

4: What was the name of the chemical institute established by Acharya Praful Chandra Bora?

answer:  Bengal Chemicals.

5: On what date did the British Government hold a court in Delhi and cancel the partition plan?

answer:  On December 12,

6: Who led the Muslim delegation that secretly held talks with Viceroy Minto at Shimla?

answer:  Aga Khan of Bombay.

7. In which year was the Indian National Congress born?

answer:  In 1885.

8: Who was the chief proponent of the terrorist movement of the Swadeshi Movement in Bengal?

answer:  Bipin Chandra Pal.

9. Who was the President of the Annual Session of the Congress held at Benares in 1905?

answer:  Gopal Krishna Gokhale.

10: The Partition of Bengal took place during the reign of which Viceroy? H.S.L.C

answer:  During the reign of Viceroy Lord Nathaniel Curzon.

11. On which date in 1905 was the Partition of Bengal effected?


12. In which meeting was the effect of the boycott of foreign goods taken up?


13: Who edited the newspaper 'Yugantar' during the foreign movement?


14: When was the National Education Council formed in Bengal?


15: Who was the chief initiator of Bengal Chemicals?


16: Under whose chairmanship did the National Congress session adopt a resolution seeking 'Swaraj' for Indians?


17: Who is the author of the play 'Bandini Bharat'?


18: On what date was the 'Bangbhang' scheme implemented?


19: Who is the composer of the song 'Vande Mataram'?


20: In which year was the Muslim League born?


21. What was the name of Lord Minto's private secretary?


22: Where was the first anti-partition meeting held?


23: What was the name of the first Principal of the National College established in Calcutta?


[Short Answer Questions]

1. Briefly write why the anti-partition movement of Bengal got the name 'Swadeshi Movement'

answer:  From the adoption of the proposal to divide Bengal by the then Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon, on 6 November 1903, to the official publication of the plan for the partition of Bengal on 19 July 1905, many meetings were held in various parts of Bengal. The protest was attended by people of all races and ethnicities. The protesters decided to boycott foreign goods, ie goods imported by the British from England, and accept goods made in the country. Therefore, the movement against the partition of Bengal is called the 'Swadeshi Movement'

2: Discuss the contribution of the Swadeshi Movement to national education. H.S.L.C

answer:  The Swadeshi Movement in India began with the decision of the British Viceroy Lord Curzon to break up Bengal. The movement also led to the boycott of foreign goods and the awareness of the people in favor of the indigenous education system. In 1905, Rabindranath Tagore gave birth to the Bengal National School.-In November 1905, he established a second National School at Rangpur. 5. There is an increasing tendency of indigenous students to leave government schools and join national schools. In 1906, the National Education Council was born. In the same year, the Bengal National College was established. In all, 62 secondary and 3,000 primary national • schools were established during the period of the Swadeshi Movement. The National College was established in Calcutta under the chairmanship of Arvind Ghosh. Bihar Vidyapeeth in Patna, Samarth Vidyalaya in Maharashtra and Gujarat Vidyalaya in Gujarat were established on the model of national schools.

3: How did the national art of Bengal develop during the Swadeshi Movement? H.S.L.C. 2018


4: What anti-movement programs did the British government take to suppress the indigenous movement?


5. Name the three main geographical divisions of Bengal adjoining the province of 'East Bengal and Assam' created by the partition of Bengal.


6. Briefly write down the underlying objectives of the partition of Bengal. H.S.L.C.2020


7: Name three outcomes of the Swadeshi Movement.


8: Name three contributions of the Swadeshi Movement.

Answer: The Swadeshi Movement made a far-reaching contribution to Indian politics, economy and culture. For example

(a) The Swadeshi Movement gave birth to national sentiment in the minds of the people. People began to accept indigenous products. As a result, the British trade began to collapse.

(b) The Swadeshi Movement changed the actions and thinking of Indian leaders. They began to understand that the overall development of India was possible only through a mass struggle.

(c) The Swadeshi Movement fueled the mentality of the people of India for the coming freedom struggle.

Write short notes:

(1) The poet Rabindranath Tagore

(2) Margaret Elizabeth Knoble (sister

(3) Nawab Chalimullah

(4) Ambikagiri Roy Chowdhury.Uch

answer:  (1) Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore: Kabiguru Bengali poet, Sahitya Sil Mato Biman Ki Ak Rabindranath Tagore was a world famous patron of indigenous arts and culture in India ' of the song called For the book 1913 is 1861 in the family. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in His song 'Janagan Man' has been made the National Anthem of India. Rabindranath Tagore died on 7 August

(1) Margaret Elizabeth Noble (sister Nivedita: Margaret Elizabeth Nobel was a humanist scholar. He was born in Ireland. He came to India and subjugated India. He is involved in many public service activities for the welfare of the people. He devoted himself to various constructive activities by opposing the repressive and exploitative policies of the British towards the Indians. She is also known as 'Bhagini Nivedita' While in Calcutta, he was involved in the Youngmen's Hindu Union, Vivekananda Society, Dawn Society, Anushilan Society etc. and encouraged the youth to become self-reliant through indigenous industries. In 1905, Lord Curzon's insulting remarks to the Orientals at the convocation of the University of Calcutta hurt Sister Nivedita. In response, he wrote articles in the Amrit Bazar Patrika and The Statesman to expose Lord Curzon's mentality to the people of India. 

(3) Nawab Shalimullah: Nawab Salimullah was the Nawab of Dhaka. On 30 December 1906, at his invitation, some educated Muslim chiefs of Bengal attended a meeting held at the royal court of Dhaka under the patronage of Nawab Rikrul Mulk. This historic meeting was the birthplace of the All India Muslim League.

(4) Ambikagiri Raichoudhuri: