Semester: VI 


HIS-HC-6016  : HISTORY OF INDIA VIII (c. 1857 - 1950) 

Lectures : 5; Tutorial : 1 (per week) 



Judith Brown, Gandhi’s rise to Power, 1915-22. 

Paul Brass, The Politics of India Since Independence, OUP, 1990. 

Bipan Chandra, Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India, 1979. 

Bipan Chandra, Rise and Growth of Economic Nationalism in India. 

Mohandas K. Gandhi, An Autobiography or The Story of My 

Experiments with Truth. 

Ranajit Guha, ed., A Subaltern Studies Reader. 

Peter Hardy, Muslims of British India. 

Mushirul Hasan, ed., India’s Partition, Oxford in India Readings. 

D.A. Low, ed., Congress and the Raj. 

John R. McLane, Indian Nationalism and the Early Congress. 

Jawaharlal Nehru, An Autobiography. 

Gyanendra Pandey, The Construction of Communalism in colonial north India. 

Sumit Sarkar, Modern India, 1885-1947. 

Anil Seal, Emergence of Indian Nationalism. 

Ram Lakhan Shukla (ed.), Adhunik Bharat ka Itihas. 

Eleanor Zelliot, From Untouchable to Dalit: Essays on the Ambedkar Movement. 

Judith Brown, Gandhi: (et al) A Prisoner of Hope. 

Bipan Chandra, Communalism in Modern India, 2nd ed., 1987. 

Bipan Chandra, K.N. Panikkar, Mridula Mukherjee, Sucheta Mahajan 

and Aditya Mukherjee, India’s, Struggles for Independence. 

A.R. Desai, Social Background of Indian Nationalism. 

A.R. Desai, Peasant Struggles in India. 

Francine Frankel, India’s Political Economy, 1947-77. 

Ranajit Guha, and G.C. Spivak, eds. Select Subaltern Studies. 

Charles Heimsath, Indian Nationalism and Hindu Social Reform. 

F. Hutchins, Illusion of Permanence. 

F. Hutchins, Spontaneous Revolution. 

V.C. Joshi (ed.), Rammohan Roy and the process of Modernization in India. 

J.Krishnamurti, Women in Colonial India.



HIS-HC-6026: HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE II (c. 1780 -1939) 

Lectures : 5; Tutorial : 1 (per week)



Gerald Brennan: The Spanish Labyrinth: An Account of the Social and Political Background of the Civil War 

C.M. Cipolla: Fontana Economic History of Europe, Volume II the Present (1981). 

I : The Industrial Revolution. 

Norman Davies, Europe. 

J. Evans: The Foundations of a Modern State in 19th Century Europe. 

T.S. Hamerow: Restoration, Revolution and Reaction: Economics 

and Politics in Germany [1815 - 1871]. 

E.J. Hobsbawn : The Age of Revolution. 

Lynn Hunt: Politics, Culture and Class in the French Revolution. 

James Joll, Europe Since 1870. 

David Landes: Promctheus Unbound. 

George Lefebvre, Coming of the French Revolution. 

George Lichtheim: A Short History of Socialism. 

Peter Mathias, First Industrial Revolution. 

Alec Nove: An Economic History of the USSR. 

Andrew Porter, European Imperialism, 18760 -1914 (1994). 

Antbony Wood, History of Europe, 1815 û 1960 (1983). 

Stuart Woolf: History of Italy, 1700 - 1860. 

G. Barraclough, An Introduction to Contemporary History. 

Fernand Braudel, History and the Social Science in M. Aymard and 

H. Mukhia eds. French Studies in History, Vol. I (1989). 

Maurice Dobb: Soviet Economic Development Since 1917. 

M. Perrot and G. Duby [eds.]: A History of Women in the West, Volumes 4 and 5. 

H.J. Hanham; Nineteenth Century Constitution, 1815 û 1914. 

E.J. Hobsbawm, Nations and Nationalism. 

Charles and Barbara Jelavich: Establishment of the Balkan National States, 1840 û 1920. 

James Joll, Origins of the First World war (1989). 

Jaon B. Landes: Women and the Public Sphere in the Age of the French Revolution. 

David lowenthal, The Past is a Foreign Country. 

Colin Licas: The French Revolution and the Making of Modern Political Culture, Volume 2. 

Nicholas Mansergh: The Irish Question, 1840 - 1921. 

K.O. Morgan: Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, Volume 3 [1789 -1983]. 

R.P. Morgan: German Social Democracy and the First International. 

N.V. Riasanovsky: A History of Russia. 

J.M. Robert, Europe 1880 - 1985. 

J.J. Roth (ed.), World War I: A Turning Point in Modern History. 

Albert Soboul: History of the French Revolution (in two volumes). 

Lawrence Stone, History and the Social Sciences in the Twentieth Century, The Past and the Present (1981). 

Dorothy Thompson: Chartists: Popular Politics in the Industrial Revolution. 

E.P. Thompson: Making of the English Working Class. 

Michel Vovelle, fall of the French Monarchy (1984). 

H. Seton Watson: The Russian Empire. 

Raymond Williams: Culture and Society.



Discipline Specific Elective Courses 

(4 Courses) 


HIS –HE-5016:History of Assam Up to c. 1228  

HIS –HE-5026: History of Assam (c. 1228-1826) 

HIS –HE-6016: History of Assam (c. 1826-1947) 

HIS –HE-6026: Assam after Independence



HIS –HE-5016: HISTORY OF ASSAM (UPTO c. 1228) 

Lectures : 5; Tutorial : 1 (per week)



Baruah, S.L. :A Comprehensive History of Assam,MunshiramMonoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,1985 

H. K. Barpujari :The Comprehensive History of Assam Vol. I 

E. A.Gait:A History of Assam 

K. L. Baruah :Early History of Kamrupa 

P. C. Choudhury :The History Civilization of the People of Assam



HIS –HE-5026 :  HISTORY OF ASSAM (c. 1228 –1826) 

Lectures : 5; Tutorial : 1 (per week)



Barpujari, H.K. :The Comprehensive History of Assam, Vol II and III, Publication Board, 


Baruah, S.L. :A Comprehensive istory of Assam, MunshiramMonoharlalPublishers Pvt. Ltd., 

New Delhi, 1985 

Dutta, A.K. :Maniram Dewan and the Contemporary Assamese Society, Jorhat,1991. 

Gait E.A. :A History of Assam, 2ndedition, LBS Publication, Guwahati, 1962. 

Guha, A. :Medieval and Early Colonial Assam, Calcutta, 1991. 

Neog, M., Sankardeva and his Times



HIS –HE-6016 : HISTORY OF ASSAM (c. 1826 – 1947) 

Lectures : 5; Tutorial : 1 (per week)



Barpujari, H. K : (ed) The Comprehensive History of Assam, Vols. IV & V. 

Baruah, Swarnalata :A Comprehensive History of Assam,MunshiramMonoharlalPublishers 

Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1985 

Goswami, Priyam :From Yandabo to Partition, Orient BlackSwan, 2012. 

Barpujari, H. K : (ed) Francis Jenkins Report on the North- East Frontier of India. 

––––––––, : (ed) Political History of Assam, Vol. I. 

________: Assam in the Days of the Company 

Bhuyan, A.C and : (ed) Political History of Assam, Vols. II & III. 

De, S.Bhuyan, A.C : (ed) Nationalist Upsurge in Assam. 

Dutta, Anuradha :Assam in the Freedom Movement. 

Bora .S. :Student Revolution in Assam. 

Chakravarti, B. C :British Relations with the Hill Tribes of Assam. 

Guha, Amalendu :Planters Raj to Swaraj, Freedom Struggle and ElectoralPolitics in Assam. 

Lahiri, R.M :Annexation of Assam





Readings (tentative): 

Baruah, S.L. :A Comprehensive History of Assam,MunshiramMonoharlal Publishers Pvt. 

Ltd., New Delhi,1985 

Baruah, S.L. (ed) :Status of Women in Assam with Special Reference to Non-tribal Societies 

Deka, Meeta :Women’s Agency and Social Change : Assam and Beyond, Sage Publications, 2013 

Goswami, P.C., Economic Development of Assam 

Hussain, Monirul, The Assam Movement: Class, Ideology  and Identity, 1993 

Medhi,  S.  B  :Transport  System  and  Economic  Development  in  Assam,  Publication  Board, 




Generic Elective Courses 

(4 Courses) 


HIS –HG-1016: History of India (from Earliest Times up to c. 1206) 

HIS –HG-2016: History of India (c.1206 - 1757) 

HIS –HG-3016: History of India from (c.1757 - 1947) 

HIS –HG-4016: Social and Economic History of Assam





Lecture : 5; Tutorial : 1 (per week)



Jha, D.N. :Early India, New Delhi, 2006 

--------- :Ancient India, Monohar, New Delhi, 2001 

Majumdar, R.C. :Ancient India, Banaras, 1952 

RomilaThapar :Early India, Vol. I, Penguin, Delhi, 1996 

Shastry, K.A. Nilakanta :History of South India 

Singh, Upinder :A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India,Pearson, 2009 

Habib&Thakur : The Vedic Age (Peoples History of India), Vol. III, Tulika Books, New 

Delhi, 2003 

Majumdar, Raychoudhary&Dutta :An Advanced History of India (RelevantChapters) 

Sharma ,R. S : Perspectives in Social & Economic History of Early India, MunshiramManoharlal,Delhi,1983. 

––––––, :India’s Ancient Past, OUP, Delhi 2006



HIS –HG-2016  : HISTORY OF INDIA (c.1206 to 1757) 

Lecture : 5; Tutorial : 1 (per week) 


Text Books: 

Chandra, Satish :Medieval India from Sultanat to the Mughals, Vols. I, II 

Tripathy, R. P. :Rise and fall of the Mughal Empire 

Majumdar, R.C. (ed) :The History and Culture of the Indian People, Vols. VI 

Asraf, K.M :Life and Conditions of the People of Hindusthan 

Chitnis, K.N. :Socio- Economic History of Medieval India 

Habib, Irfan :Agrarian System of Mughal Empire 

Habib, M &Nizami :Comprehensive History of India, Vol.V 

Mehta, J.L. :Advanced Study in History of Medieval India, Vol. I & II 

Nizami, K.A. :Studies in Medieval Indian History and Culture 

Rashid, A :Society and Culture in Medieval India 

Rizvi, S.A.A. :The Wonder that was India, Part-II 

: A History of Sufism in India



HIS –HG-3016 :HISTORY OF INDIA (c. 1757 to 1947) 

Lectures : 5; Tutorial : 1 (per week)



Bandyopadhya, Sekhar: From Plassey to Partition: A History of Modern India, Orient Longman Ltd. Hyderabad, 2004. 

Chandra, B, Mukherjee, M et al :India’s Struggle for Independence, Penguin Books, New Delhi, 2003. 

Chandra, B, :History of Modern India ̧ Orient BlackSwan, 2010 

Grover B.L and Grover, S :A New Look at Modern Indian History, S. Chand & Company, 

New Delhi, 2004. 

Sarkar, Sumit :Modern India, Macmillan 

Spear, P :History of Modern India, Penguin Books, New Delhi, 1993. 

Chandra, B :The Rise and Growth of Economic Nationalism in India, Peoples Publication 

House, New Delhi, 1990. 

Desai, A. R :Social Background of Indian Nationalism, Popular Publication, New Delhi, 1990. 

Fisher, Micheal :The Politics of the British Annexation of India, 1757 – 1857, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1999. 

Gopal, S :The British Policy in India, 1858-1905, McMillan, New Delhi, 1992. 

Grewal, J. S :The Sikhs of the Punjab, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 1999. 

Gordon, Stuart :The Marathas, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 1999. 

Jones, K.W :Socio-Religious Reform Movements in British India, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 1999.




Lectures : 5; Tutorial : 1 (per week)



Barpujari, H.K.: (ed) :The Comprehensive History of Assam, Vol. I, III, IV & V. 

Barua B.K. :A Cultural History of Assam 

Baruah, S.L. :A Comprehensive History of Assam,MunshiramMonoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,1985 

Gogoi Nath, Jahnabi :Agrarian System of Medieval Assam, New Delhi-2002 

Guha, Amalendu :Planters Raj to Swaraj: Freedom Struggle and ElectoralPolitics in Assam 1826-1947 

Choudhury, P.C. :History of Civilization of the People of Assam to theTwelfth Century A.D. 

Gait, E.A. :A History of Assam. 

Guha, Amalendu :Medieval and Early Colonial Assam. 

Medhi,  S.  B  :Transport  System  and  Economic  Development  in  Assam,  Publication  Board, Assam. 

Mahanta, P.K., Asomiya Madhyabritya Srenir Itihas Nath, D :Religion and Society in North East India, DVS, Guwahati, 2011 

Rhodes, N. and Bose, S.K. :The Coinage of Assam, Vol. I, Pre-Ahom Period, Vol.11, Ahom Period 

Saikia, Rajen :Social and Economic History of Assam (1853- 1921). 

Sarma, S.N. :Socio Economic and Cultural History of Medieval Assam, Guwahati, 1989 

Sharma, Monorama :Social and Economic Change in Assam: Middle Class Hegemony



Skill Enhancement Elective Courses 

(2 Courses) 


HIS –SE-3014: Historical Tourism in North East India 

HIS –SE-4014: Oral Culture and Oral History



HIS –SE-3014: Historical Tourism in North East India  

Lecture : 03; Tutorial : 01 (per week)


Readings : 

Bezboruah, M :Tourism in North East India 

Bora, S., & Bora, M.C., :The Story of Tourism : An Enchanting Journey through India’s North – East, UBSPD, Delhi, 2004. 

: Paryatanar Ruprekha: Uttar Purbanchalar Itihas Aru Sanskritir Patabhumi 

Bhatia, A. K. :International Tourism – Fundamentals and Practices, New Delhi, 1997 : Tourism in India 

Nath, R.M. : The Background of Assamese Culture, Guwahati, 1978 

Sarma, P. : Architecture of Assam, Delhi - 1988 

Ahmed, Kamaluddin:The Art and Architecture of Assam, Spectrum Publication, Guwahati, 1994. 

Bhattacharya, P. :Tourism in Assam, BaniMandir, Guwahati,2004 

Neog, M. :Pavitra Asom,LBS, Guwahati 

: Asamiya Sanskritir Ruprekha, Guwahati - 1970 

Boruah, P. :Chitra-Bichitra Asom, Guwahati,2003 

Taher&Ahmed : Geography of North East India, Mani Manik Prakash, Guwahati, 2010. 

Gogoi, Atanu :Paryatan Aru Uttar Purbanchal, Bani Mandir, Guwahati, 2006



HIS –SE-4014: Oral Culture and Oral History  

Lecture : 03; Tutorial : 01 (per week)



Thompson, Paul R., Voice of the Past : Oral History, OUP, Great Britain,  1978 

Ritchie, Donald A.:Doing Oral History: A Practical Guide, OUP,New York, 2003. 

Perks, Robert and Thomson, Alistair (eds.) Oral History Reader, Routledge, 1998. 

Valerie Raleigh Yow, Recording Oral History, Altamira Press, USA, 2005. 

Vansina,  Jan,  Oral Tradition. A Study in Historical Methodology (Translated from the French by H. M. Wright). London: Routledge&Kegan Paul. 1965 

Vansina, Jan, Oral Tradition as History,   Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. 1985 

Butalia, Urvashi, The Other Side of Silence: Voices from the Partition of India, Penguin. 2017. 

Humphries: The Handbook of Oral History. 

H. Roberts. Ed. Doing Feminist Research, Routledge&KeganPaul,London,1981 

John Miles Foley, Oral Formulaic-Theory: An Introduction &Annotated Bibliography, New York & London: Garland, 1985 

Das, Veena,(ed.), Mirrors of Violence: Communities, Riots & Survivors in South Asia, Delhi,OUP,1990 

Prasad, M. Mahadeva, Ideology of the Hindi Film: A Historical Construction, Delhi, OUP, 1998. 




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GU BA 6th Semester History Book 



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