Class 6 English Answer  Lesson 2 Tom Sawyer
Assam SCERT Board Class 6 English Answer Lesson 2 Tom Sawyer, You can Find here all A to Z Solution in this Lesson. if any query of this lesson then send a message of our student help number 

 Tom Sawyer 

Here is a picture showing a chest of hidden treasure. look at it carefully and say where it is hidden
ইয়াত গুপ্তধন লুকাই থকা চন্দুক এটাৰ ছবি দিয়া আছে। ভলদৰে চোৱা আৰু কত লুকাই আছে কোৱা।

Now let us read a story about a young boy Tom and his friend Huck.
Let's find out what happened to them.(এতিয়া আমি টম্ আৰু তেওঁৰ বন্ধু হাক্কৰ বিষয়ে এটা গল্প পঢ়িম। তেওঁলোকৰ সৈতে কি হ'ল আমি চাঁও আহা।

Tom was fond of adventures. He had always dreamt of finding boxes of hidden treasure in haunted houses. So he made a plan with his friend Huck. On a Saturday evening, the two friends decided to go on a treasure hunt.
    -টমে অভিযান/দুঃসাহসিক কাৰ্য্য় খুব ভাল পাইছিল। সি প্ৰায়েই সপোনত দেখিছিল যে সি জৰাজীৰ্ণ ঘৰত গুপ্তধন পাইছে। গতিকে সি বন্ধু হাক্কৰ সৈতে পৰিকল্পনা কৰিলে। এদিন শনিবাৰে আবেলি দুয়োজন বন্ধুৱে গুপ্তধনৰ সন্ধানত ওলাই যাবলৈ সিদ্ধান্ত ল'লো।

Word Meaning: Found- বিচাৰি পোৱা, Adventures- ৰহস্যময় সন্ধান, always- সদায়, dreamt- সপোন, finding- বিচৰা , hidden- লোকোৱা, treasure- গোপন ধন , haunted- ভয়ানক, plan- পৰিকল্পনা, huck- লৰা জনৰ নাম, decided- সিধান্তলোৱা,

The two boys selected a broken down house in a quit place. It was at a distance, far away from the village. 'I don't want to go to a haunted house. I'm afraid of ghosts,' Huck said to Tom. "Come on, Huck, ghosts don't come before midnight . We won't be there the whole night,' Tom assured his friend.
    ল'ৰা দুজনে নিজান ঠাইত থকা পুৰণি ভগা ঘৰ এটা বাছি পালে। ই এক দুৰণিৰ ঠাই আছিল, গাঁৰখনৰ পৰা দুৰৈত। "মই ভগা ঘৰটোৰ ভিতৰলৈ যাব নিবিচাৰো। সেই ভূতক ভয় কৰোঁ।" হাক্কে ক'লে। ''একো নহয়, হাক্ক, ভূতবোৰ মাজৰাতিৰ আগতে নাহে। আমি ইয়াত গোটেই ৰাতিটো নাথাকো নহয়।" টমে বন্ধুজনক আশ্ৱস্ত কৰিলে। 

Word Meaning:

broken- ভাঙা, quit- শান্ত, distance- দূৰত্ব, far- দূৰৈত, haunted- ভয়লগা, afraid- ভয়কৰা, ghosts- ভূত, midnight- মাজৰাতি, assured- বিশ্বাস দিছিল ,

Tom and Huck entered the house armed with a pickaxe and a spade. They started digging at a particular place inside the house. After digging for some time they were tired and stopped digging. Just at the moment, they heard a voice outside. Shocked, they left their pickaxe and spade, ran up the staircase and hid themselves inside a room on the first floor. Through a hole in the floor of the room they saw two men entering the house. One was a well known thief named Joe. He was tall. The other man was short and lame. The two man noticed the pickaxe and the spade left behind by Tom and Huck, and they started digging at the place the boys had chosen. after some time Joe's spade struck something solid, and soon he dug out a box full of gold coins. The two man cried out in joy.
    হাতত কোদাল আৰু বেল্চা লৈ টম আৰু হাক্ক ঘৰটোত সোমাল।
ঘৰটোৰ ভিতৰৰ এক নিৰ্নিষ্ট ছাইত তেওঁলোকে গাঁও খান্দিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰিলে।কিছুসময় মাটি খন্দাৰ পিছত তেওঁলোকৰ ভাগৰ লাগিল আৰু তোওঁলোক ৰ'ল। সেইখিনি মুহূৰ্তও, তেওঁলোকে বাহিৰত এটা সাত শুনিবলৈ পালে। তেওঁলোক স্তম্ভিত হৈ ৰ'ল, লগত অনা সজুলিবোৰ তাতেই এৰি খট্খটিৰে উপৰ মহলালৈ উঠিগৈ তাতে কোঠা এটাত লুকাই থাকিল। কোঠাটোৰ মজিয়াত থকা এটা বিন্ধাৰে দেখিলে যে ঘৰটোত দুজন মানুহ সোমাইছে। তাৰে এজন জোয়ী নাম্মৰ খুব জনাজাত চোৰ আছিল। সি ওখ আছিল। আন মানুহজন চাপৰ আৰু খোৰা আছিল। টম আৰু হাক্কে এৰি যোৱা কোদাল আৰু বেলচাখন সিহঁতে লক্ষ্য় কৰিলে আৰু ল'ৰা দুজনে বাছি থোৱা ঠাইখিনিত সিহঁতে খান্দিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰিলে। কিছু সময় পিছত জোয়ীৰ বেলচাখনত কিবা এটা কথিন  বস্তু লাগি ধৰিলে। আৰু অতি সোনকালে সি সোনৰ মোহৰেৰে ভৰ্তি বাকত এটা খান্দি উলিয়ালে। আনন্দতে মানুহ দুজন কান্দি উঠিল।
Word Meaning:
entered- ভিতৰসোমোৱা, armed- হাতত , pickaxe- সজুলি, spade- মাটি খান্দা সজুলি, digging- খান্দা, just- এইমাত্ৰ, moment- মূহোত্ৰ, hered- শুনা, voice- মাত, outside- বাহিৰত,  particular- নিদিষ্ট, inside- ভিতৰত, tired- ভাগৰ লগা, shocked- চক খাই যোৱা, staircase- ওপৰলৈ যোৱা খতখটি, themselves- নিজকে নিজে, floor- ওপৰ মহলা,  well- ভাল, thief- চুৰ, tall-ওখ, lame- লেঙুৰা, behined- পাছফালে, place- ঠাই, chosen- নিবাচিত কৰা, after- অলপ পাছত, struck- মাৰা, something- কিছুমান, solid- কঠিন, soon- সোনকালে, dug- খান্দা, cried- লৈযোৱা,

'it's a great discovery. I wonder who buried the box in this house," Joe said to his friend. "forget the men who buried the box. Have you thought of the pickaxe and the spade? Who left them here? I think someone had come here before we arrived. Let's search the house."
    --এইটো এটা মহান আবিস্কাৰ। মই ভাৱি আছো যে কোনে বাৰু এই বাকচটো এই ঘৰটোত পুতি থৈছিল?" যোজীয়ে তাৰ বন্ধুজনক ক'লে। "বাকচটো কোনে পুতিছিল সেইমানুহজনক পাহৰি যোৱা। তুমি ভাৱিছা নে বাৰু কোনে এই কোদাল আৰু বেলচাখন ইয়াত এৰি গৈছিল? মই ভাৱো যে আমি আহি পোৱাৰ আগতে কোনোবা ইয়ালৈ আহিছে। ঘৰটোৰ তালাছি লওঁ আহা।

Word Meaning:
great- মহান, discovery- আবিস্কাৰ, wonder- আচৰিত, buried- পুতিথোৱা, forget- পাহৰিযোৱা, thought- ভাৱা, left- এৰা, think- চিন্তা কৰা, someone- কোনাৱা এজন, before- আগতে, arrived- আহি পাইছিল, search- বিচৰা,

      The man left the pickaxe in the room. I'm sure he's now hiding on the first floor," said Joe to his companion. he started going upstairs with his companion. The two boys felt their blood running cold. Thankfully, the old stairs collapsed and Joe toppled to the ground. The boys began to breathe more easily.
    --"মানুহজনে বেলচাখন কোঠাটোতে এৰি গ'ল। মই নিশ্চত যে তেওঁ এতিয়া প্ৰথম তলাত লুকাই আছে।" জোয়ীয় নিজৰ বন্ধুক ক'লে। সি নিজৰ সংগীজনৰ সৈতে চিৰিৰে উপৰলৈ যাবলৈ ধৰিলে। ল'ৰা দুজনৰ ভয়তে তেজ ঠাণ্ডা হ'বলৈ ধৰিছেল। ভাগ্য়ক্ৰমে পুৰণি খটখটীখন ভাগি খাকিল আৰু জোয়ী হামখুৰি খাই মাটিত পৰিল। ল'ৰা দুজনে স্বস্তিৰ  নিশ্ৱাস এৰিলে।

Word Meaning:
sure- নিশ্চিত, hiding- লোকাই থকা, said- কৈছিল, companion- লগৰীয়াজন, upstairs- ওপৰলৈ যোৱা, blood- , cold-, collapsed- ভাঙি পৰা, toppled- তলত পৰা, began- আৰম্ভহোৱা, breathe- উখাহ লোৱা, more- আৰু, easily- সহজে, 

Wrapping the box with a blanket, Joe lifted it on his shoulder, and the men left the place. On seeing the two men leaving the house, Tom and Huck ran downstairs.

বাকচটো কম্বলএখনেৰে মেৰিয়াই জোৰেৰে কান্ধত তুলি ললে, আৰু মানুহবোৰ ঠাইখিনি এৰি গ'ল। দুয়োজন লোকক ঘৰৰ পৰা ওলাই যোৱা দেখি টম আৰু হাক্ক তললৈ দৌৰি আহিল।

Word Meaning:

wrapping- উৰিলোৱা, blanket- কম্বল, lifted- উপৰত ওঠোৱা, shoulder- কান্ধত, leaving- থকা, downstairs- তললৈ,

     "Thank God! We had a narrow escape!" Huck said to Tom. "See! I told you! Teasures  are indeed buried in haunted houses!" said  Tom. " But where is the Teasures, Tom? We came looking  for it, and missed it. They dug the place with the help of our tools and took away the gold coins!" grumbled Huck. " Don't worry, Huck," said Tom. "Let's go and search for hidden treasure in some other haunted place".
      "ঈশ্বৰক ধন্যবাদ! আমাৰ এটা সংকীৰ্ণ পলায়ন হৈছিল!" হাক্কে টমক ক'লে। "চাওক! মই তোমাক কেছিলোঁ! টিচুৰবোৰ সঁচাকৈয়ে ভুতুড়ে ঘৰত সমাধিস্থ কৰা হৈছে!" টমে কৈছিল। "কিন্তু টম, টিচুৰবোৰ ক'ত আছে? আমি এইটো বিচাৰি আহিছিলো, আৰু ইয়াক হেৰুৱাইছিলো। তেওঁলোকে আমাৰ সঁজুলিৰ সহায়ত ঠাইখন খান্দিছিল আৰু সোণৰ মুদ্ৰাবোৰ কাঢ়ি লৈ গৈছিল!" হুকে বিড়বিড় কৰি ক'লে। "চিন্তা নকৰিব, হাক্ক," টমে ক'লে। "আহক আমি আন কোনো ভুতুড়ে ঠাইত লুকুৱা ধনৰ সন্ধান কৰোঁ"।

Word Meaning:

narrow- , escape-, told- কৈছিল, indeed- আচলতে, missed- মনত পেলোৱা, dug- মাটি খান্দা, tools- সজুলি, took- লয় , away- দূৰ , grumbled- গোচৰ দিয়া, don't worry- চিন্তা নকৰিবা, other- বাকীবোৰ, 

Tom Sawyer Answer

1. Let's find out how much we have understood . choose the correct alternative from the options  to complete each sentence.
আহা আমি কিমান বুজি পালো জানিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰোঁ। প্রতিটি বাক্যটো সম্পূর্ণ কিৰবলৈ তলৰ বিকল্প সমূহৰ পৰা শুদ্ধ বিকল্পটো বাচি বাক্য শাৰী সম্পূন কৰা ।

a) On a Saturday night tom and Huck went out to find 
এদিনাসন শনিবাৰৰ ৰাতি টম আৰু হাক্ক বিচাৰি গৈছিল                                    
i) ghosts ভূত
ii) hidden treasure গোপন ধন
iii) thieves চোৰ
iv) tools সজুলি
Ans: ii) hidden treasure

(b) Tom and huck entered the house armed with a     
টম আৰু হাক্ক ঘৰৰ ভিতৰত সোমাই যাওতে লগত লৈ গৈছিল                             
(i) pickaxe
(ii) spade
(iii) pickaxe and spade
(iv) axe and spade
Ans: (iii) pickaxe and spade

(c) Tom and Huck saw

টম আৰু হাক্কে দেখিছিল
(i) two men entering
(ii) one man entering the house
(iii) joe entering the house
(iv) there thieves entering the house
Ans: (i) two men entering

(d) ''thank god! we had a narrow escape!''who said this to whom ?

ধন্যবাদ ভগবান, আমি কোনোমতে বাচিলোঁ, কোনে কাক কৈছিল
(i) tom said it to huck.
(ii) joe said it to huck.
(iii) huck said it to joe.
(iv) huck said it to tom.
Ans: (i) tom said it to huck.

2. Read the story and answer the following  questions briefly in your own words:
কাহিনীটো পঢ়া আৰু তলৰ প্ৰশ্ন কেইটাৰ উত্তৰ দিয়া নিজৰ ভাষাত।
(a) What did tom always dream of?
     টমে সদাই কি সপোন দেখে
Ans.-Tom always had dreams of finding boxes in the haunted houses that are hidden and full of gold.
    (টমৰ সদায় ভুতৰ ঘৰবোৰত বাকচ বিচাৰি পোৱাৰ সপোন দেখিছিল। যিবোৰ লুকাই আছে আৰু সোণেৰে মোহেৰে ভৰি আছে।)

(b) What plan did tom make with friend Huck?

      টমে হাক্কৰ লগত লগ হৈ কি পৰিকল্পনা বনাইছিল
Ans.-Tom made a plan with Hack  to go for a treasure hunt. 
    -টমে হাক্কৰ সৈতে এটা গুপ্তধন বিচাৰি যোৱাৰ পৰিকল্পনা কৰিছিল।

3.(a) L
et us learn some words and their meanings.
(b) Now rewrite the sentences replacing the  underlined parts with the words you learnt above.      
(i) Tom and Huck selected a house visited by ghosts for their new adventure.
Ans:-Tom And Huck selected a haunted house for their new Adventure.

(ii) tom and Huck started their journey at 12 o, clock at night
Ans Tom And Huck started  this journey at midnight
(iii) the thief was trying to make a hole in the ground.
Ans:- The fhief was trying to dig the ground.

(iv) He saw a set of stairs including posts and rails inside the haunted house.
Ans:-He saw a staircase inside the haunted house.
(v) joe, one of the two men was a person  who steals things.
Ans:-Joe, one of the two men was a thief.

4. arrange the jumbled sentences in the proper order to get the summary of the story ''tom sawyer''.rewrite the sentences in the correct order. begin some of the sentences with then, after that,
next  and finely to show how  the events happen.

(a) they heard a voice outside.
(b) two men entered the house.
(c) tom and huck went out  to find some treasure.
(d) they started  to dig at the place  which tom and huck had chosen.
(e) the two men  left the place taking the box of the gold coins.
(f) Tom and huck hid themselives inside a room on the first floor .
(g) The boys started to dig at a ptace inside the house .
(h) They selected a broke down house
Ans:-.(c) tom and huck went out  to find some treasure.
(h) They selected a broke down house
(g) The boys started to dig at a ptace inside the house .
(a) they heard a voise outside
(f) Tom and huck hid themselives inside a room on the first floor .
(b) two men entered the house.
(d) they started  to dig at the place  which tom and huck had chosen.
(e) the two men  left the place taking the box of the gold coins.

5. (a) work in paris.  Take  turns and ask your partner. to answer question  like the ones given below:

  • what story did you read last month?
  •  What is the name of the story?
  •  Who is the author?
  •  What is the story about?
  • which character in the story you liked most?
  • who was the character in the story you  did not  like 
(b) now, write a paragraph on a story you  have read in your own words. 
Ans :- Last month I read a story about rains. The name of the story in "Dighalthengiya.'' The author of the story in rasaraj Lakshminath Begbaruah.The story is about rain, an old lady, a thief and tigers. In the Story I like  the character of the tiger most. It's funny. There is no character in the story that I din't like. 

6. (a) Read the following sentence . we use  them generally while giving directions to someone. remember, these are called imperative sentence.

  • Go straigth.
  • Walk to the road.
  • Turn to your left.
  • Walk to the north.
  • Open the gate and there you are.
(b) now , use some sentence like the ones you have just learned to help your friend to find the way home from the haunted house.
Ans:-(i) Go straigth.
(ii) Turn to your right.
(iii) Go straigth and turn right again.
(iv) Cross the green forest.
(v) Go by the lotus lake and there you are.

7.  Let s learn some types of  sentence;
We  use sentence to perform certain functions. Depending on the function we have different types of sentences. e.g.
(a) Tom was fond of adventures .
(b) Tom and Huck entered the house .
These two sentence are assertive sentences. They state something or give us some infromation.

Here are two other sentence:
(c) Have you thought of the pickaxe?
(d) Who brought them here?
Sentences (c) and (d) are interrogative sentences. They are used to ask questions?

Here are two other sentences:
(e) Read the story.
(f)switch on the light please.

These sentences are instructions or orders or requests. They are called imperative sentences.
Now look at two other sentences:

(g) What a beutiful picture!
(h) How lovely the picture!
These sentences express storng feelings or emotions. They are 
called exclamatory sentences.

8. Here are a few tools used by farmers .Learn there name
Ans:-(1) pickaxe  (2) axe (3) spade (4) trowel (5) hoe

9. Identify the different types of  sentences and write what they
are called:

(a) Tom and Huck decided to  go on a treasure.
Ans:- Assertive Sentence 
(b) Go and search for hidden treasure, Joe.

Ans:- Imperative Sentence
(c) Who buried the box in this house?
Ans:- Interrogative Sentence
(d) Tom and Huck  ran downstairs.
Ans:- Assertive   Sentence
 (e) Dig the ground.
Ans:- Imperative Sentence
(f) The boys began to breathe more easily.
Ans:-Assertive Sentence 
(g) Let's Search the house.
Ans:-  Imperative Sentence
(h) Oh! It's a great discovery.
Ans:-Exclamatory Sentence 
(i) thank God! We had a narrow escape.!
Ans:-Exclamatory Sentence
(j) the tow men cried out in joy.
Ans:-Assertive Sentence