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প্ৰাকৃতিক ভূগোল বিজ্ঞান পৰিচয়



Course Name: Geomorphology 

Paper Code: GGY - HC - 1016 


Reading List 

1. Bloom A. L., 2003: Geomorphology: A Systematic Analysis of Late Cenozoic Landforms, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi. 

2. Bridges E. M., 1990: World Geomorphology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 

3. Christopherson, Robert W., (2011), Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, 8 Ed., Macmillan Publishing Company 

4.  Kale  V.  S.  and  Gupta  A.,  2001:  Introduction  to  Geomorphology,  Orient  Longman, Hyderabad. 

5. Knighton A. D., 1984: Fluvial Forms and Processes, Edward Arnold Publishers, London. 

6. Richards K. S., 1982: Rivers: Form and Processes in Alluvial Channels, Methuen, London. 

7. Selby, M.J., (2005), Earth’s Changing Surface, Indian Edition, OUP 

8. Skinner, Brian J. and Stephen C. Porter (2000), The Dynamic Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology, 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons.  

9. Strahler, A. N. and Strahler, A. H., 2008: Modern Physical Geography, John Wiley & Sons, New York. 

10. Thornbury W. D., 1968: Principles of Geomorphology, Wiley. 

11. Steers, J.A., 1988: The Unstable Earth, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi. 

12. Monkhouse, F.J. and Wilkinson, H.R., 1989: Maps and Diagrams, B.I. Publications Ltd., Mumbai. 

13.  Singh  R.  L.  and  Singh  R.  P.  B.,  1999:  Elements  of  Practical  Geography,  Kalyani Publishers. 

14.  Singh,  L.R.,  2013:  Fundamentals  of  Practical  Geography,  Sharda  Pustak  Bhawan, Allahabad. 

15.  Sarkar,  A.,  2015:  Practical  Geography:  A  Systematic  Approach.  Orient  Black  Swan Private Ltd., New Delhi 

16. Misra, R. P. and Ramesh, A., 1989: Fundamentals of Cartography, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.



Course Name: Cartographic Techniques  

Paper Code: GGY - HC - 1026 


Reading List 

1.  Anson  R.  and  Ormelling  F.  J.,  1994:  International  Cartographic  Association:  Basic Cartographic Vol., Pergaman Press. 

2. Gupta K.K. and Tyagi, V. C., 1992: Working with Map, Survey of India, DST, New Delhi. 

3. Misra R.P. and Ramesh, A., 1989: Fundamentals of Cartography, Concept, New Delhi. 

4. Monkhouse F. J. and Wilkinson H. R., 1973: Maps and Diagrams, Methuen, London. 

5. Rhind D. W. and Taylor D. R. F., (eds.), 1989: Cartography: Past, Present and Future, Elsevier, International Cartographic Association. 

6. Robinson A. H., 2009: Elements of Cartography, John Wiley and Sons, New York. 

7.  Singh  R.  L.  and  Singh  R.  P.  B.,  1999:  Elements  of  Practical  Geography,  Kalyani Publishers. 

8.  Sarkar,  A.  (2015)  Practical  Geography:  A  Systematic  Approach.  Orient  Black  Swan Private Ltd., New Delhi 

9.  Singh,  L.R.,  2013:  Fundamentals  of  Practical  Geography,  Sharda  Pustak  Bhawan, Allahabad. 

10. Talukder, S., 2008: Introduction to Map Projections, EBH Publishers (India), Guwahati.



Course Name: Physical Geography

Paper Code: GGY-HG-1016


Reading List: 

1. Conserva H. T., 2004: Illustrated Dictionary of Physical Geography, Author House, USA. 

2. Gabler R. E., Petersen J. F. and Trapasso, L. M., 2007: Essentials of Physical Geography (8th Edition), Thompson, Brooks/Cole, USA. 

3. Garrett N., 2000: Advanced Geography, Oxford University Press. 

4. Goudie, A., 1984: The Nature of the Environment: An Advanced Physical Geography, Basil Blackwell Publishers, Oxford. 

5. Hamblin, W. K., 1995: Earth’s Dynamic System, Prentice-Hall, N.J. 

6. Husain M., 2002: Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Rawat Publications, Jaipur. 

7. Monkhouse, F. J. 2009: Principles of Physical Geography, Platinum Publishers, Kolkata. 

8. Strahler A. N. and Strahler A. H., 2008: Modern Physical Geography, John Wiley & Sons, New York.



Course Name: Geography of Tourism 

Paper Code: GGY - HG - 1026


Reading List  

1.  Bhattacharya,  P.  (2011):  Tourism  in  Assam:  Trend  and  Potentialities,  Bani  mandia, Guwahati 

2.  Dhar,  P.N.  (2006)  International  Tourism:  Emerging  Challenges  and  Future  Prospects. Kanishka, New Delhi. 

3. Hall, M. and Stephen, P. (2006) Geography of Tourism and Recreation – Environment, Place and Space, Routledge, London. 

4. Kamra, K. K. and Chand, M. (2007) Basics of Tourism: Theory, Operation and Practise, Kanishka Publishers, Pune. 

5. Page, S. J. (2011) Tourism Management: An Introduction, Butterworth-Heinemann- USA. Chapter 2. 

6.  Raj,  R.  and  Nigel,  D.  (2007)  Morpeth  Religious.  Tourism  and  Pilgrimage  Festivals Management: An International perspective by, CABI, Cambridge, USA.

7. Tourism Recreation and Research Journal, Center for Tourism Research and Development, Lucknow 

8. Singh Jagbir (2014) “Eco-Tourism” Published by - I.K. International Pvt. Ltd. S-25, Green Park Extension, Uphaar Cinema Market, New Delhi, India. 

9.  Market  Research  Division,  Dept.  of  Tourism,  Govt.  of  India,  India  Tourist  Statistics (available in PDF form), New Delhi 

10. UNWTO: Tourism Barometer (available in their web portal to have a fresh glimpse of global tourism statistics/ other relevant sites may also be consulted)



 প্ৰাকৃতিক ভূগোল বিজ্ঞান

G U B.A 1st Sem Geography Question and Answer 

A 1st Semester Geography Solution


লেখকৰ সুবিধা অনুসৰি কিতাপখনৰ প্ৰশ্ন আৰু উত্তৰ দিয়া হোৱা নাই । যদি প্ৰশ্ন আৰু উত্তৰ লাগে আমাৰ MODEL BOOKS CILCK  কৰক MODEL BOOKS 

প্ৰাকৃতিক ভূগোল বিজ্ঞান





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